Mary Kimble-Smith was an ordinary 12-year-old girl; ordinary, that is, in every way _36_one .She suddenly started to walk in her sleep. No one knew why this happened. The best guess _37_ to be that it represents _38_: the sleep-walker is worried. This feeling normally remains under control during _39_ hours, but at night, when the mind is in a _40_ passive mode, it _41_ to the surface and shows itself in the _42_ of physical movement.
At first, her family _43_ help from just about every doctor they could find. But _44_ of them were able to suggest a means _45_ which she could be cured. Then her parents were frightened, and they tried to wake her up. _46_, the general advice is that we _47_ not wake a sleepwalker. _48_ follows the idea that sleepwalker derives from some deep anxiety. To wake a person and bring them to a _49_ realization that they are not where they thought they were could _50_ the feelings of anxiety and perhaps _51_ reinforce(强化)the habit.
Most sleepwalkers at last stop _52_ any warning--- they _53_ do it again. In Mary’s case _54_ , she started sleep-walking soon after her twelfth birthday and was still doing it the day _55_ she died in 1989, at the age of 93.
36. A. beside B. besides C. except D. including
37. A. appears B. seems C. looks D. proves
38. A. excitement B. anger C. fear D. anxiety
39. A. sleeping B. playing C. working D. waking
40. A. more B. less C. most D. very
41. A. falls B. rises C. reduces D. raises
42. A. type B. kind C. form D. sort
43. A. looked B. sought C. searched D. obtained
44. A. not all B. all C. some D. none
45. A. in B. by C. for D. on
46. A. In fact B. However C. Meanwhile D. Besides
47. A. would B. might C. should D. could
48. A. What B. That C. It D. This
49. A. sudden B. slow C. through D. complete
50. A. increase B. develop C. form D. produce
51. A. still B. ever C. rather D. even
52. A. against B. without C. beyond D. upon
53. A. never B. sometimes C. often D. seldom
54. A. also B. anyway C. still D. though
55. A. after B. when C. before D. since
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