以及医学研究等等。同时,西安大略大学也在为实现“加拿大一流的大学宿舍”而努力。大学全日、半日制注册学生26000多名,在全加大学综合排名中位居前列,其中毅维商学院为全加首屈一指的商 学院,更被誉为“加拿大的哈佛”。大学有全日制教师1400名,学生与教师的比例为18:1。大学的13所学院及3所附属学院提供各种证书,文凭,学士、硕士、博士学位课程,每年毕业生7000多名。校园地域广阔,设施齐备。
西安大略大学校园占地466公顷,坐落在加拿大风景秀美的著名城市伦敦,位于安大略省西南部 的加拿大第一大都市多伦多和著名的美国汽车城底特律之间,北美中西部五大湖工业区中心。伦敦市是加拿大工业、学术中心,人口34万。冬季平均气温摄氏零下6度,夏季平均气温摄氏26度。该市距加拿大多伦多和底特律均为2个小时车程。
★ Founded 1878
★ Located in London Ontario-Canada's 10th largest city with a population 340,000
★ Campus size-155 hectares
★ Full-time faculty and staff-3200
★ Alumni-210,000 worldwide
★ Libraries-6,plus an Archives and Research Colections Centre
★ Libraries Collection-8 million items(4th largest in Canada)
★ Residences-8 with 4150 spaces on main campus alone
★ Research projects underway-3400 worth $180+million in annual funding
★ Student clubs and associations-160+
★ Intramural sports program-largest in Canada
★ Varsity athletic teams-36
★ Average entering grade from high school 85%
★ Rhodes Schoolars-4 in the last 7 years
★ Teaching awards-19
★ 3M national award winners-1st in Ontario,2nd in Canada
★ Exchange and Study Abroad Programs-on six continents
★ Located in London Ontario-Canada's 10th largest city with a population 340,000
★ Campus size-155 hectares
★ Full-time faculty and staff-3200
★ Alumni-210,000 worldwide
★ Libraries-6,plus an Archives and Research Colections Centre
★ Libraries Collection-8 million items(4th largest in Canada)
★ Residences-8 with 4150 spaces on main campus alone
★ Research projects underway-3400 worth $180+million in annual funding
★ Student clubs and associations-160+
★ Intramural sports program-largest in Canada
★ Varsity athletic teams-36
★ Average entering grade from high school 85%
★ Rhodes Schoolars-4 in the last 7 years
★ Teaching awards-19
★ 3M national award winners-1st in Ontario,2nd in Canada
★ Exchange and Study Abroad Programs-on six continents