标准型的MBA Essay开头涵盖了以下几方面内容:人物,事件,时间,地点,原因和形式。这种写法很像新闻写作中的六个W,它使读者对于文章即将涉及哪些内容有一个清晰的印象。其中最标准的就是概括性的开头,而最普通的概括性开头往往就是重复一遍问题: "While I have had many opportunities to serve in the capacity of a leader in both my personal and professional lives, there are two occasions that I feel clearly demonstrate my managerial potential." "There are two individuals who have deeply shaped my professional thinking." "My most important cross-cultural experience is related to the fifteen months I spent in Thailand as a teacher of Economics and Business in a Cambodian refugee camp."
这种开头意在使读者大吃一惊,从而引发Essay阅读者他们的阅读兴趣。如:"Recently, I was trapped on a ledge more than 300 feet above the ground when an unexpected snow storm hit while I was rock climbing." "During my senior year in college, my father was diagnosed with terminal skin cancer."
动作型开头则一开始就把MBA ESSAY的读者带入某一行为之中,它尤其适合需要节省空间的短文章以及用故事作为开头的叙述型/描述型文章。如:"I carried the puck up the left wing and couldn't find a team-mate as I reached the offensive zone."