The Supreme Court'sdecisions on physician-assisted suicide carry important implications for howmedicine seeks to relieve dying patients of pain and suffering。
Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right tophysician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principleof "double effect", a centuries-old moral principle holding that anaction having two effects—a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen—is permissibleif the actor intends only the good effect。
Doctors have used that principle in recent years to justify usinghigh doses of morphine to control terminally ill patients' pain, even thoughincreasing dosages will eventually kill the patient。
Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends thatthe principle will shield doctors who "until now have very, very stronglyinsisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediation to controltheir pain if that might hasten death."
George Annas, chair of the health law department at BostonUniversity, maintains that, as long as a doctor prescribes a drug for alegitimate medical purpose, the doctor has done nothing illegal even if thepatient uses the drug to hasten death. "It's like surgery, "he says."We don't call those deaths homicides because the doctors didn't intend tokill their patients, although they risked their death. If you're a physician,you can risk your patient's suicide as long as you don't intend theirsuicide."
On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge thatthe assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patientsfor whom modem medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying。
Just three weeks before the Court's ruling on physician-assistedsuicide, the National Academy of Science (NAS) released a two-volume report,Approaching Death: Improving Care at the End of Life. It identifies theundertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of "ineffectual and forced medicalprocedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period of dying" as thetwin problems of end-of-life care。
The profession is taking steps to require young doctors to train inhospices, to test knowledge of aggressive pain management therapies, to developa Medicare billing code for hospital-based care, and to develop new standardsfor assessing and treating pain at the end of life。
Annas says lawyers can play a key role in insisting that thesewell-meaning medical initiatives translate into better care. “Largenumbers of physicians seem unconcerned with the pain their patients areneedlessly and predictably suffering, ”to the extent thatit constitutes “systematic patient abuse。” He says medicallicensing boards “must make it clear ... that painful deaths are presumptively onesthat are incompetently managed and should result in license suspension。”
36. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that
[A]doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients'pain。
[B]it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end theirlives。
[C]the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide。
[D]patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide。
37. Which of the following statements its true according to thetext?
[A]Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients' death。
[B]Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients in painlessrecovery。
[C]The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication canbe prescribed。
[D]A doctor's medication is no longer justified by his intentions。
38. According to the NAS's report, one of the problems inend-of-life care is
[A]prolonged medical procedures。
[B]inadequate treatment of pain。
[C]systematic drug abuse。
[D]insufficient hospital care。
39. Which of the following best defines the word “aggressive"(line 3, paragraph 7)?
40. George Annas would probably agree that doctors should bepunished if they
[A]manage their patients incompetently。
[B]give patients more medicine than needed。
[C]reduce drug dosages for their patients。
[D]prolong the needless suffering of the patients。
36. From the first three paragraphs, we learn that 从前三段我们得知
[A] doctors used to increase drug dosages to control their patients’ pain。
[B] it is still illegal for doctors to help the dying end theirlives。
[C] the Supreme Court strongly opposes physician-assisted suicide。
[D] patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide。
【答案】 B
【考点】 事实细节题。
【分析】 本题针对第一到第三段的所有内容进行了测试,选项[A]的相关信息可以定位到第三段,但是文中说“近几年医生才用这个原则为自己的行为辩护”。文中无法得出“过去常常”的说法。选项[B]可以定位到第二段,文中提到“宪法没有赋予这样的权利”。所以可以说,本答案是正确的。选项[C]可以定位到第二段,但是法院是支持这样的做法的。至于[D],显然是错的。
37. Which of the following statements is true according to thetext?
[A] Doctors will be held guilty if they risk their patients’ death。
[B] Modern medicine has assisted terminally ill patients inpainless recovery。
[C] The Court ruled that high-dosage pain-relieving medication canbe prescribed。
[D] A doctor's medication is no longer justified by his intentions。
【答案】 C
【考点】 事实细节题。
【分析】 由于本题属于事实细节判断题,所以只有对每一个选项都进行辨析。选项[A]可以定位到第五段“Annas”的话。话中提到“只要医生不是想杀死病人,那么他们的死亡就不能被称为谋杀”。因此可以判定[A]不正确。[B]说病危者的无痛康复,在文中没有提到康复问题。[C]可以从第二段中找到,高等法院认为只要医生是出于好意,则可以去做。因此可以得出[C]是正确的。[D]错误是因为事实上,医生的意图在对于行为是否合法上面是非常重要的。
38. According to the NAS’s report, one of theproblems in end-of-life care is
[A]prolonged medical procedures. 延长了的医疗过程。
[B]inadequate treatment of pain. 对病痛处理不力。
[C]systematic drug abuse. 一贯的药物滥用。
[D]insufficient hospital care. 医院护理不力。
【答案】 B
【考点】 事实细节题。
【分析】 本题可以定位到第七段的第二句话中的“the undertreatment of pain”以及“the aggressiveuse of‘ineffectual and forced medical procedures that may prolong and evendishonor the period of dying’”。一个是“对病人的疼痛治疗不力”。另外一个是“强行使用无效的治疗方法延长生命,使得病人的晚期失去尊严”。因此,这里的答案应该是[C]。
39. Which of the following best defines the word“aggressive”(Line 3, Paragraph7)?
[A]Bold. 大胆的。
[B]Harmful. 有害的。
[C]Careless. 粗心的。
[D]Desperate. 绝望的。
【答案】 A
【考点】 词义题。
【分析】 这个单词的所在句“Itidentifies the undertreatment of pain and the aggressive use of‘ineffectualand forced medical procedures that may prolong and even dishonor the period ofdying’as the twin problems of end-of-life care。”中,说的是对病痛处理不力和大胆使用“无效而强制性的医疗程序,这些程序可能会延长死亡期,甚至会让死亡期难堪”。对这种医疗程序的使用必须是“aggressive”的,是一般的方法不会用的。所以这个单词的意思就是“bold”。
40. George Annas would probably agree that doctors should bepunished if they
[A]manage their patients incompetently. 不胜任地治疗病人。
[B]give patients more medicine than needed. 给病人的药物超量。
[C]reduce drug dosages for their patients. 为病人减药。
[D]prolong the needless suffering of the patients。延长病人不必要的痛苦。
【答案】 D
【考点】 事实细节题。
【分析】 本题的答题依据是文章的最后一段。在这一段中,“Annas”对大量的医生置病人的痛苦于不顾,无端地延长病人不必要的痛苦这种行为提出了批评,认为这种行为构成了“虐待病人”,并认为这样的医生应该予以吊销行医执照。因此可以判断[D]选项是正确的。
1. Although it ruled that there is no constitutional right tophysician-assisted suicide, the Court in effect supported the medical principleof “double effect”, a centuries-old moral principle holding that an action having twoeffects—a good one that is intended and a harmful one that is foreseen—ispermissible if the actor intends only the good effect。
【结构分析】本句的基本结构是“although”引导的状语从句后面加一个主句。“although”从句中有一个“that”引导的宾语从句。本句的主句是“the court supported the medical principle of‘doubleeffect’”,后面是一个对“double effect”进行说明的同位语。
2. Nancy Dubler, director of Montefiore Medical Center, contends thatthe principle will shield doctors who“until now have very,very strongly insisted that they could not give patients sufficient mediationto control their pain if that might hasten death。”
【结构分析】本句主语是“Nancy Dubler”,后面有一个修饰它的同位语,谓语是“contends”,后面有一个宾语从句,其中从句的宾语又有一个“who”引导的定语从句,而且从句中有一个“if”引导的假设状语从句。
3. On another level, many in the medical community acknowledge thatthe assisted-suicide debate has been fueled in part by the despair of patientsfor whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying。
【结构分析】该句的主句是“many acknowledge ”,后面的宾语从句中又有一个定语从句“for whom modern medicine has prolonged the physical agony of dying”来修饰前面的“patients”。
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