1.悉尼大学(The University of Sydney)
2.科廷科技大学(Curtin University of Technology)
3.格里菲斯大学(Griffith University)
4.麦考瑞大学(Macquarie University)
5.墨尔本大学(The University of Melbourne)
6.莫纳什大学(Monash University)
7.昆士兰大学(The University of Queensland)
8.昆士兰科技大学(Queensland University of Technology)
9.斯威本科技大学(Swinburne University of Technology)
10.新英格兰大学(The University of New England)
11.新南威尔士大学 (The University of New South Wales)
12.悉尼科技大学(University of Technology Sydney)
13.西澳大学(The University of Western Australia)
14.卧龙岗大学(University of Wollongong)