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2014-02-25 10:26


【 liuxue86.com - 植树节 】


  Sun Yat-sen's life attaches great importance to afforestation. In 1893, he was "on the Li Shu" political literature on, "China wishes to strong, and must urgently agriculture through science, pay attention to arboriculture." His speech in Canton in 1924, "Three People's Principles" when repeatedly stressed: "We research to prevent floods and drought in the basic methods are to be planted trees, to build a large-scale national forest." In 1925, March 12, Sun Yat-sen died in 1928, to commemorate the third anniversary of the death of Sun Yat-sen, held tree-planting ceremony. After the March 12 as Arbor Day. February 23, 1979,The sixth meeting of the Third National People's Congress in the form of law to determine our country's March 12 as Arbor Day. March 12 each year as Arbor Day to commemorate the significance of Sun Yat-sen.


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  孙中山先生一生十分重视植树造林。1893年,他《上李鸿章书》的政治文献就提出"中国欲强,必须急兴农学,讲究树艺"。1924年他在广州演讲《三民主义》时反复强调:"我们研究到防止水灾和旱灾的根本方法都是要造林植树,要造全国大规模的森林"。1925年,3月12日,孙中山先生逝世,1928年,为纪念孙中山逝世三周年,举行植树式。以后将3月12日定为植树节。 1979年2月23日,第三届全国人大常委会第六次会议以法律的形式确定我国的3月12日为植树节。 每年3月12日作为植树节还有纪念孙中山先生的意义。

  As we remember the great democratic revolutionary pioneer Sun Yat-sen, we are also deeply cherish the memory of a great proletarian revolutionary, Comrade Deng Xiaoping. He is a universal obligation to advocate and leader in tree-planting campaign. In 1981, China suffered serious floods in some places, specifically on forestry issues, Comrade Deng Xiaoping made an important speech. He pointed out: the recent floods related to forestry, involving excessive logging of forests; seems to prefer to import a little, but also a little less cut. Comrade Xiaoping said that China's forestry to go up, do not take some effective measures to not work. He proposed, can each have a few trees every year, species,example, three or five trees should be planted bag package of live, multi-person rewarded or refuse to fulfill this obligation are being punished. In the implementation of the State Council "to carry out a nationwide voluntary tree-planting campaign on the resolution" of the first year, Comrade Deng Xiaoping told staff: "Arbor Day is coming, our family planted three trees each at least, they must be wrapped packages of live planted." Arbor Day On that day, he led the family to the West Beijing next Zhu Zhu Yuquan Hill kinds of pine and cypress. Later, not only in Beijing and throughout China, Comrade Deng Xiaoping has left the shadow tree planting. Tree Planting Day each year, he set an example, persist in 11 spring and autumn, until he was 85 years old, East and West, very few such people. 1992, Deng Xiaoping comrades came to Shenzhen to visit, in Shenzhen Fairy Lake Botanical Garden, planted a banyan tree. (Sorry, had to climb over a kid EASY, but no place to Fu, to climb on) Comrade Deng Xiaoping pointed out: "afforestation, greening the motherland is the building of socialism, the great cause of the benefit of future generations, we must adhere to 20 years, adhere to 100 years, persist in 1000, to pass from generation to generation forever. "


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