1 Cambridge
2 Bath
3 St Andrews
4 Edinburgh
5 Nottingham
6 Birmingham
7 Bristol
8 University College London
9 Oxford
10 Warwick
11 Imperial College
12 London School of Economics
13 Liverpool
14 Newcastle
15 York
16 East Anglia
17 Exeter
18 Heriot-Watt
19 City
20 Dundee
21 Manchester
22 Sussex
23 Lancaster
24 Brunel
25 Leeds
25 Glasgow
27 Coventry
28 Abertay Dundee
29 Reading
30 Durham
31 Queens, Belfast
32 Royal Holloway
32 Strathclyde
32 Napier
35 Loughborough
36 Keele
37 Surrey
38 Salford
39 Stirling
40 Cardiff
41 Aberdeen
42 Leicester
43 Hull
44 Portsmouth
45 King's College London
46 Oxford Brookes
47 Brighton
48 Aberystwyth
49 Kent
50 Swansea
51 Sheffield
52 Southampton
53 Glasgow Caledonian
54 Nottingham Trent
54 Queen Mary
56 Sheffield Hallam
57 Ulster
58 Bangor
59 Hertfordshire
60 Kingston
61 Goldsmiths College
62 West of England
63 Paisley
64 Essex
65 Northumbria
66 Derby
67 De Montfort
67 Staffordshire
69 Greenwich
70 Plymouth
71 Glamorgan
72 Liverpool Hope
73 Westminster
74 Liverpool John Moores
75 Aston
76 Northampton UC
77 Manchester Metropolitan
78 Wolverhampton
79 Bolton Institute
80 Middlesex
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