GPA: overall: 3.6, major: 3.83
Major: Math, Biology
Research experience: one year experience as RA in public health, one summer experience in applied math and neuroscience, almost 2 year experience in biostat
recommendation: one/two from school professor (depends on school requirement), one/two from the faculty who I work with
paper: one is under review, one is drafting, but I am not the main author
申请学校:UW(biostat), Umich(Biostat),unc(biostat), Upitt(stat), BU(Biostat), UT health center(Houston) (Biostat)
admi: UT(funding still deciding)
withdraw: Unc ,BU
rej: UW(伤心,但是拒了我以后,我少了很多纠结,因为Umich就是我的next choice。因为在北卡读的本科,如果有其他的option,就不想在北卡继续呆了,想换个地方挑战下自己)
选校:我这次主攻生统,因为自己背景更match biostat。申了几个排名很前的。但是也申请了几个排名很一般,当保底。保底一般都是看地理位置啊,申请难度一类的。如果一定是要上学的,那么还是需要有保底的。