We like to pride ourselves on having so many “world-class” universities – punching far above our global weight. But we also like to be “little Englanders”, fearful of being swamped by immigrants and desperate to rush for the European exit.
The truth is we can’t have it both ways. Either we are internationalists, or we are xenophobes. It is no good arguing these are different people – enlightened liberals on the one hand, and the rightwing mob on the other. The same British (well, English) people who have displayed a hungry appetite for higher education are turning against Europe and even flirting with Ukip.
The most immediate challenge for universities is the chilling visa regime introduced by the coalition government but quietly and cowardly supported by Labour. It is a challenge because, even ignoring our “world-class” universities, UK higher education is among the most international in the world.
Our colleges and universities have more than 400,000 non-UK students, getting on for one in five of the total. These students contribute billions to higher education directly through their fees, and billions more to the economy through their spending (and, it is always argued, billions more in terms of future business and geopolitical influence).
But non-UK students – both from elsewhere in the EU and further afield – contribute even more to the academic vitality of our universities. Their presence sustains subjects that might otherwise wither, notably in science and engineering. They make up a large proportion of postgraduate students. In some areas a majority of PhD students are foreign-born.
It would be interesting to know how much of the world-beating research was undertaken by and how many of the highly cited publications were produced by people born outside the UK. If we had to depend solely on homegrown talent, our universities would certainly be much diminished on the world stage.