比较结构是考研翻译中非常重要的考点之一,比较结构包括以下两种类型:①当要表达的事物之间在某一方面一样时,可用 as…as…(后接形容词或副词,as much / many…as…(后接名词或动词)结构,no less...than (=not any less...than...)...,no more...than (=not any more...than...)...。②表达事物之间差别的结构可采用 more (…than) 或 less (…than),后可接形容词、副词、动词或名词。但要注意的是 more…than 还可译作"与其说……,不如说……" 实际上,英语的比较结构比较复杂,翻译时应注意英汉两种语言在表达上的差异。处理时应先识别比较结构,然后判断比较对象。
There is more agreement on the kinds of behavior referred to by the term than there is on how to interpret or classify them.
For the women of my generation who were urged to keep juggling through the 80's, downshifting in the mid-90s is not so much a search for he mythical good life-growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one-as a personal recognition of your limitations.结构分析:
这句话的平行结构是两个名词短语:a search for he mythical good life-growing your own organic vegetables, and risking turning into one和a personal recognition of your limitations. 本句主干由not so much…as…固定搭配连接构成的一个长句,其准确的翻译应为"与其……不如……",而这种翻译成中文之后通常让人产生理解上的障碍。这种搭配出现在客观试题的阅读文章中,通常可以直接把它理解成"不是……而是……"。
The ideal listener stays both inside and outside the music at the moment it is played and enjoys it almost as much as the composer does at the moment he composes.
The ideal listener... enjoys it almost as much as the composer at the moment he composes 中does 代替enjoys,表示对音乐的"欣赏"。这里as much as 同样表示同等程度。

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