庆北国立大学建校于1946年(简称KNU),1951年发展成为一所国立综合大学,是韩国第二大国立大学。是韩国现任总统朴槿惠的父亲——朴正熙的母校。在韩国享有“汉江以南最高综合学府”的美誉。学校历届毕生活跃在韩国的政界、商界、教育界、医学界、知识界。庆北大学在国内外均享有影响,世界500强名校里被列为地区重点国立大学。2005年亚太高校百强排名,是唯一进入百强的两所国立大学之一。下面是出国留学网 www.liuxue86.com 为大家整理的庆北大学本科生各专业学费,供大家参考。
Tuition 学费
Undergraduate 本科生
(currency: KRW)
College | Department/Major | Matriculation Fee |
Tuitiion | Total |
Humanities | The other departments | 169,000 | 1,8005,000 | 1,974,000 |
Archaeology & Anthropology | 169,000 | 1,852,500 | 2,021,500 | |
Social Sciences | All departments | 169,000 | 1,843,000 | 2,012,000 |
Natural Sciences | The other departments | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
Veterinary Medicine | 169,000 | 2,375,000 | 2,544,000 | |
Economics and Business Administration | All departments | 169,000 | 1,777,000 | 1,946,000 |
Public Administration | All departments | 169,000 | 1,777,000 | 1,946,000 |
Engineering | All departments | 169,000 | 2,362,000 | 2,531,000 |
IT Engineering | All departments | 169,000 | 2,362,000 | 2,531,000 |
Agriculture and Life Sciences | The other departments | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
Agricultural Economics | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 | |
Music and Visual Arts | Music/Korean Traditional Music | 169,000 | 2,442,000 | 2,611,000 |
Fine Arts | 169,000 | 2,537,000 | 2,706,000 | |
Teachers' | Humanities & Social Sciences | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 |
Natural Sciences & Physical Education | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 | |
Nursing | Nursing | 169,000 | 2,269,000 | 2,438,000 |
Veterinary Medicine | Veterinary Medicine | 2,692,500 | 2,692,500 | |
Human Ecology | All departments | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
Pharmacy | Pharmacy | 169,000 | 2,530,000 | 2,699,000 |
Undeclared Major | Humanities & Social Sciences | 169,000 | 1,833,500 | 2,002,500 |
Natural Sciences | 169,000 | 2,322,500 | 2,491,500 | |
Global Leaders | All departments | 169,000 | 1,833,500 | 2,002,500 |
Ecology and Environmental Science | The other departments | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
생태환경관광학부 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 | |
생태환경관광학부 | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 | |
Leisure Sports | 169,000 | 2,442,000 | 2,611,000 | |
Science and Technology | All departments | 169,000 | 2,362,000 | 2,531,000 |
Health and Welfare | Health & Welfare | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 |
(单位: 韩元)
学院 | 系/专业 | 入学费 | 学费 | 合计 |
人文 | 其他系 | 169,000 | 1,8005,000 | 1,974,000 |
考古&人类系 | 169,000 | 1,852,500 | 2,021,500 | |
社会科学 | 各系 | 169,000 | 1,843,000 | 2,012,000 |
自然科学 | 其他系 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
兽医 | 169,000 | 2,375,000 | 2,544,000 | |
经济与工商管理 | 各系 | 169,000 | 1,777,000 | 1,946,000 |
公共行政 | 各系 | 169,000 | 1,777,000 | 1,946,000 |
工程 | 各系 | 169,000 | 2,362,000 | 2,531,000 |
IT工程 | 各系 | 169,000 | 2,362,000 | 2,531,000 |
农业和生命科学 | 其他系 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
农业经济 | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 | |
艺术 | 音乐/韩国传统音乐 | 169,000 | 2,442,000 | 2,611,000 |
美术 | 169,000 | 2,537,000 | 2,706,000 | |
师范 | 人文&社会科学 | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 |
自然科学&体能教学 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 | |
护理 | 护理 | 169,000 | 2,269,000 | 2,438,000 |
兽医 | 兽医 | 2,692,500 | 2,692,500 | |
人类生态 | 各系 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
药学 | 药学 | 169,000 | 2,530,000 | 2,699,000 |
未明确专业 | 人文&社会科学 | 169,000 | 1,833,500 | 2,002,500 |
自然科学 | 169,000 | 2,322,500 | 2,491,500 | |
全球领袖 | 各系 | 169,000 | 1,833,500 | 2,002,500 |
生态与环境科学 | 其他系 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 |
旅游与生态环境 | 169,000 | 2,207,500 | 2,376,500 | |
旅游与生态环境 | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 | |
休闲体育 | 169,000 | 2,442,000 | 2,611,000 | |
科学技术 | 各系 | 169,000 | 2,362,000 | 2,531,000 |
健康与福利 | 健康与福利 | 169,000 | 1,805,000 | 1,974,000 |
想了解更多庆北大学或韩国留学资讯,请访问出国留学网 www.liuxue86.com