How to apply as an International Student
To be considered for admission at Massey University, International Students must complete and return an Application Form and provide the necessary supporting documents to the International Office.
All applications will be acknowledged and assessed for eligibility. We do not charge an application fee. Successful applicants will be sent an Offer of Place, including details of the enrolment procedures and information about how to apply for university-managed accommodation.
Application process for international students国际学生申请流程 |
Step one 步骤一 |
Choose a programme 选择专业,决定自己想学梅西大学的哪个专业 |
Step two 步骤二 |
Check the entry requirements 确认入学申请条件 确认自己满足所选专业的基本学业成绩要求和英语成绩要求,如果你不满足所选专业要求,可以返回步骤一选择其它专业 |
Step three 步骤三 |
Complete the international student application form Your application will be acknowledged by email and you will be given a Massey University student identification number. 完成国际学生申请表 双面都需填写,并在表上签字确认,将原表连同申请材料邮寄到梅西大学 申请将通过邮件确认,你将得到一个梅西大学的学生身份号码 |
Step four 步骤四 |
Application assessment and receiving an Offer of Place 申请评估,接收录取 学校将对申请进行学术评估,核实是否满足所选专业的条件要求 PhD candidates: applications are considered by the Doctoral Research Committee at a monthly meeting. 博士学位申请:申请由博士研究委员会在每月的例会中评定 If you meet the academic and English language entry criteria, you will be issued with an Offer of Place to study at Massey. You will receive a copy by email and a hard copy in the post. PhD candidates will additionally be advised of their supervisor's name and contact details. 如果你满足学业成绩要求和英语成绩要求,将收到梅西大学录取通知,一份邮件通知,一份邮政纸质通知书。博士学位申请者还会得知导师姓名与详细联系方式。 Along with the Offer of Place you will receive a copy of the general terms and conditions for International students, information about the campus you are intending to study at, a link to the accommodation application form, and an application form for a student ID card. 除了通知书外,你还会收到国际学生在校条件与要求、校园信息、住宿申请表链接以及学生证申请表 You will also be sent an enrolment form in a separate email so that you can enrol in your approved programme and chosen papers 同时你还会单独收到一份入学注册邮件,因此你可以注册入学所选专业 |
Step five 步骤五 |
Accepting your Offer of Place and payment of fees 接受录取,缴纳费用 如果你接受录取和学习条款,则需要在截止日期之前返回录取接受信息。可通过邮寄、传真或者邮件方式返回信息,同时需缴纳总的费用
Step Six 步骤六 |
Applying for accommodation and a student ID card 申请住宿和学生证 现在可以申请校园住宿,并提交学生证申请表,并附上护照照片一样尺寸的照片 |
Step Seven 步骤七 |
Receiving a Confirmation of Place 收到入学确认通知 被梅西大学录取后,你将收到入学通知书,其中包括了学费信息。你可以用通知书通过新西兰移民签证中心申请学生签证. |
Step Eight 步骤八 |
Enrolment 入学 将入学注册表返回给国际招生处,这样可在到达梅西大学之前注册所选专业 |
Step Nine 步骤九 |
Arrival in New Zealand During orientation you will have the opportunity to adjust your enrolment, and to learn about studying at Massey and living in New Zealand. 到达新西兰 准备好去往新西兰的机票,确保能够及时到达梅西大学指定的校区,赶上梅西大学的国际学生迎新 在迎新期间,你还有机会可以调整注册情况,了解梅西大学的生活与学习情况 |