来日之前 |
信息收集&留学咨询等 |
办理赴日手续 |
在日期间 |
来日 |
日语教育※1 |
日本留学考试※2 |
本科入学者学力选拔考试※3 |
开始本科学士课程 |
回国 |
※1 来日时已具备足够的日语能力。希望报读英语授课的学士课程(工学部地球工学科国际课程)时,不需要日语能力。
※2 日本留学考试是日本学生支援机构(JASSO)实施的考试,旨在评估希望报读日本大学(本科)等的留学生是否具备日本大学等所需的日语能力和基础学力。
※3 希望报读英语授课的学士课程(工学部地球工学科国际课程)时,入学评审将在来日之前实施。
Privately financed international students who learn Japanese, take EJU*4, then enter undergraduate programs in Japanese universities
Before Coming to Japan | Information Gathering & Consultation |
Immigration Procedures | |
During Stay in Japan | Arrival in Japan |
Japanese Language Education *1 | |
EJU *2 | |
Selection by University *3 | |
Undergraduate Program Begins | |
Returning to Home Country |
*1 Those who have sufficient proficiency in Japanese upon arrival in Japan or who plan to enroll in the English-taught degree program provided by the Faculty of Engineering(Undergraduate International Course Program of Global Engineering) are not required to take Japanese language education after their arrival.
*2 Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students by the Japan Student Services Organization (JASSO).
*3 Those who plan to enroll in the English-taught degree program provided by the Faculty of Engineering(Undergraduate International Course Program of Global Engineering) complete selection processes before their arrival in Japan.