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学校名称: 美国凯斯西储大学(克利夫兰) Case Western Reserve University (Cleveland)

所在位置:美国,10900 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44106 (216) 368-2000







  Majors and Minors

Department Code Subject Degree Available as Gen Ed Requirements
ACC Accounting BS Major or Minor WSOM
EAR Aerospace Engineering BSE Major CSE
AMS American Studies BA Major* or Minor CAS
ANT Anthropology BA Major or Minor CAS
APM Applied Mathematics BS Major CAS
ARE Art Education BS Major CAS
ARH Art History BA Major or Minor CAS
ARS Art Studio --- Minor ---
AIN Artificial Intelligence --- Minor ---
ASI Asian Studies BA Major or Minor CAS
AST Astronomy BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
BAF Banking and Finance --- Minor ---
BCH Biochemistry BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
BIO Biology BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
EBI Biomedical Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
BUS Business Management BS Major or Minor WSOM
CHB Chemical Biology BA Major CAS
ECE Chemical Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
CHE Chemistry BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
CHS Childhood Studies --- Minor ---
CHI Chinese --- Minor ---
ECI Civil Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
CLS Classics BA Major or Minor CAS
COG Cognitive Science BA Major or Minor CAS
COS Communication Sciences BA Major or Minor CAS
ECM Computer Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
CGM Computer Gaming --- Minor ---
CMP Computer Science BA Major or Minor CAS
CMP Computer Science BS Major or Minor CSE
CRW Creative Writing --- Minor ---
DAN Dance BA Major or Minor CAS
DAM Dean’s Approved Major BA Individually Designed Major CAS
DAM Dean's Approved Major BS Individually Designed Major WSOM
DAM Dean’s Approved Minor --- Individually Designed Minor ---
DSC Applied Data Science --- Minor ---
ECO Economics BA Major or Minor CAS
EAP Electrical Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
ELN Electronics --- Minor (for BA only) ---
EGR Engineering – Undesignated BSE Major CSE
EPH Engineering Physics BSE Major CSE
EGL English BA Major or Minor CAS
ENT Entrepreneurial Studies --- Minor ---
GNV Environmental Geology BA Major CAS
EST Environmental Studies BA Major* or Minor CAS
ETC Ethics --- Minor ---
ETS Ethnic Studies --- Minor ---
EVB Evolutionary Biology BA Major* or Minor CAS
FLM Film --- Minor ---
FIN Finance BS Major WSOM
FRC French BA Major or Minor CAS
FFS French and Francophone Studies BA Major or Minor CAS
GEO Geological Sciences BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
GEM German BA Major or Minor CAS
GES German Studies BA Major or Minor CAS
GER Gerontological Studies BA Major* or Minor CAS
HCO Health Communication --- Minor ---
HST History BA Major or Minor A&S
HSP History & Philosophy of Science BA Major or Minor CAS
IST International Studies BA Major CAS
ITL Italian --- Minor ---
JPN Japanese --- Minor ---
JPS Japanese Studies BA Major CAS
JDS Judaic Studies --- Minor ---
LDR Leadership --- Minor ---
MKR Marketing BS Major or Minor WSOM
EMS Materials Science and Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
MAT Mathematics BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
MAP Mathematics and Physics BS Major CAS
EMC Mechanical Engineering BSE Major CSE
MDM Mechanical Design and Manufacturing --- Minor ---
MUS Music BA Major or Minor CAS
MUE Music Education BS Major CAS
NAT Natural Sciences BA Major* or Minor CAS
NUR Nursing BSN Major FPB
NTR Nutrition BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
NBM Nutritional Biochemistry and Metabolism BA or BS Major CAS
PHI Philosophy BA Major or Minor CAS
PHY Physics BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
POS Political Science BA Major or Minor CAS
POL Polymer Science and Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
PAR Pre-Architecture BA Major* or Minor CAS
PSY Psychology BA Major or Minor CAS
PPY Public Policy --- Minor ---
RLG Religious Studies BA Major or Minor CAS
RUS Russian --- Minor ---
SJS Social Justice --- Minor ---
SWK Social Work --- Minor ---
SOC Sociology BA Major or Minor CAS
SPA Spanish BA Major or Minor CAS
SPM Sports Medicine --- Minor ---
STA Statistics BA or BS Major or Minor CAS
ESY Systems and Control Engineering BSE Major or Minor CSE
SYB Systems Biology BS Major CAS
EDT Teacher Education BA Major* CAS
THR Theater BA Major or Minor CAS
WMN Women’s and Gender Studies BA Major or Minor CAS
WLT World Literature BA Major or Minor CAS

Available only as 2nd major for a BA; may be sole major for a BA student who also completes a BS.


  All students must complete the requirements of a major field of study. A major ordinarily includes a program of ten or more courses.


  A minor concentration requires no fewer than 15 semester hours and normally requires no more than 18 semester hours. With the exception of minors offered by the Case School of Engineering, students must earn a minimum cumulative average of 2.000 for all courses taken to satisfy minor requirements and for which grades are averaged. Transfer students who wish to complete a minor must complete at Case Western Reserve University at least half the requirements for the minor.

  Minors are not required. Students have the option of completing a minor in a discipline other than the major. The successful completion of a minor will be indicated on a student's transcript.

  General Education Requirements

  For each degree/major a student must complete, in addition to the SAGES and Physical Education requirements (described in the section General Degree Requirements), the general education and other requirements for that degree/major (described in the sections of this chapter for the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) BA degree, the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) BS degrees, the Case School of Engineering (CSE) BS in Engineering degree, the Case School of Engineering (CSE) BS in Computer Science degree, the Weatherhead School of Management (WSOM), and theFrancis Payne Bolton School of Nursing (FBP)).


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