The origins of Christmas stockings
There is a Kind-hearted decline aristocracy, living very difficultly. Three daughters were being married, he didn't have money to buy dower. Happy Christmas Eve, three girls early in the Kangshang to sleep curled up, leaving the father in sigh deeply. Santa Claus decided to help them. He is in the house of their chimney cast a lot of gold, fall into the girls next to the stove in the baking stockings. From then on, they lived a happy and happy life...... Christmas stockings were created.
According to "the Bible" records, from the east of the saints in the birth of Jesus gift, this is Santa Claus for children to give gifts custom. British children on Christmas Eve put stockings on the fireplace, believe in Santa Claus at night from the big chimney down, bring them to full socks gift. French children put shoes at the door, let the child to put the gift on the shoes.
1. 你的眼神让我陶醉,你的身姿让我犯罪,你的气度让我夜不能寐,可惜不能把你追随,只好道声保重眼含泪:再过几天到圣诞,你又要拖着那个老头去受累。
2. 圣诞节特产:本品采用“天然思念”酿造,“真情流露”制造,“关爱祝福”打造,“真情久久”创造,无污染,纯绿色,不含防腐剂,保质永久,真是出家旅行,过节赠友,必备良品,现赠于你,祝圣诞节快乐!liuxue86.com
3. 一点情,两点爱,三点吉祥,四点财。五点好运,六点福,七点顺心,八点喜。九点如意,十点乐,十一点思念,十二点钟声敲响祝福无限一切全归你。圣诞快乐!
4. 岁月匆匆,挡不住光阴的脚步;路途遥遥,隔不断守望的心灵,又是一个圣诞佳节,虽然天寒地冻,冷冻住对你的思念祝福。圣诞快乐!
5. 又没有惹你!脸涨红个啥?眼珠子瞪得跟小圆豆似的!知道你做事忒认真,不许别人侵犯你的隐私,完事了还唱歌。那就不打搅你了,祝你“生蛋”快乐!
6. 圣诞节:小心驯鹿,把你撞到,小心烟筒,掉下老人,小心床头,意外惊喜,小心祝福,铺天盖地,还要小心我,已经偷偷钻进你心里,洒下幸福种子,开出快乐花朵,结出吉祥硕果,收获友情金黄!祝你圣诞快乐!
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