不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:马里兰大学巴尔的摩分校 University of Maryland, Baltimore
Human Centered Computing
Applied Sociology
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:纽约大学 New York University
Teaching English Speakers of OtherLanguages(TESOL)
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:北卡州立大学 North Carolina State University
Arts and Design
Landscape Architecture
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:麻省大学波士顿 University of Massachusetts Boston
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:爱荷华州立大学 Iowa State University
Electrical Engineering (TOEFL 79+)
Master of Engineering in SystemsEngineering (GRE not required)
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:乔治梅森大学 George Mason University
Civil Engineering
Computer Forensics
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:圣荷西州立大学 San Jose State University
Software Engineering (GRE Not Required)
MS in Aerospace Engineering (GRE NotRequired)
Mechanical Engineering (GRE Not Required buRecommended)
不需要GRE的美国大学硕士专业一览表:华盛顿大学圣路易斯 Washington University in St. Louis
Biomedical Engineering
Computer Science & Engineering
Electrical & Systems Engineering
Energy Environmental & ChemicalEngineering
Mechanical Engineering & MaterialsScience