加入各种学生社团(Join a club)
Early in a new academic year, colleges organize fairs where student organizations recruit members. You might join a dance club like the step team pictured below, try out for an athletic team, or link up with clubs where students paint, sing, or even sail (it helps if your school is close to water).
欢迎校友返校Welcome back yesterday’s students
Most schools have a homecoming celebration. That’s when alumni return to their college to reconnect with their college friends and recall their time on campus. It can be a great time to current students to meet and network with alumni. A football game is often a key homecoming event, and there often are dances, parades, and many other opportunities for students to bond and show their school spirit.
参加兄弟会或姐妹联谊会Pledge a fraternity or sorority
Fraternities (for men) and sororities (for women) are social organizations, many of whose members live together in a fraternity or sorority house. Rush, or recruiting season, is in the fall, and includes many social events. Students join to make friends but also to cultivate career connections or perform community service.
迎接父母来访Host Mom and Dad
Most schools schedule time in the fall for students to invite their families to visit. That’s the time to have your parents sit in on a class or show off your new friends to younger brothers and sisters.
锻炼身体Get in shape
Let’s face it — college classes can be difficult, and stressful. Hitting the gym is a great way to relieve that stress, and many U.S. colleges have top notch student gyms.
Sometimes physical activity isn’t enough. Most American campuses offer counseling services for when you need to talk through a problem.
影片完美的声音(Pitch Perfect) 放映以后,各地掀起了组建无伴奏合唱团的热潮。学生们可以放开嗓子试试自己的歌喉。如果会某一样乐器,也可以加入学校的管弦乐团或仪仗乐队。
The Pitch Perfect movies have sparked interest in a cappella singing groups. Consider trying out, or joining the school orchestra or marching band if you play a musical instrument.
观看演唱会Take in a concert
你如果喜欢音乐,但不会演唱或演奏,也可以观看演唱会。著名歌星 加奈儿梦奈(Janelle Monae)、迪普洛(Diplo) 、史努比狗狗(Snoop Dogg)和布莱德派斯里(Brad Paisley)等人都曾经到校园演出,有时免费,有时为学生提供低价票。
So you like music but are not a performer? Stars like Janelle Monae, Diplo, Snoop Dogg and Brad Paisley have all performed on campuses for free or with reduced-price student tickets.