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2012-01-15 22:33


【 liuxue86.com - 留学申请条件 】

Queen Ethelburga’s College is the UK’s top number 1, co-educational  boarding School in the North for academic results and the 7th most academically successful co-educational day and boarding school in the UK 
With its most recent A-Level results breaking all school records Queen Ethelburga’s has continued its  exceptional tradition of academic excellence. QE has an overall pass rate of 100% across its two Senior schools. The College achieved an average UCAS points score of 491 with 93% of grades being A* to B, whilst Faculty students achieved 455 points and a 78% A*  to B pass rate. QE continues to firmly position itself within the top tier of private schools in the UK. 
伊莎伯格女皇学院优秀的办学传统在近几年达到了一个新的高度,A级(A-Level)考试通过率连续打破该校记录。两个高中部的总体通过率达到100%;UCAS平均成绩达491分,93%学生的成绩为A* 到 B之间;同时职业专科学生达到455分,学生A* 到 B之间的通过率为78%。该校始终位于全英顶级私立学校之列。
The UK’s Daily Telegraph and The Times both rank QE College as the top most academically successful day and boarding school in the North for A*/ A grades at A Level and equivalent results. College students achieved the equivalent of over 4A Grades at A Level. 
《每日电讯报》和《泰晤士报》均将该校评为英国北方考试成绩最优秀的学校之一。该校学生A*/ A之间的A级考试成绩优异,相当于取得4A的成绩水平。
The Faculty of Queen Ethelburga’s is ranked by Daily Telegraph and The Times as the third most academically successful co-educational day and boarding school in the North for A*/ A grades at A Level and equivalent results. An unrivalled choice of academic and vocational courses - even with non-selective entry at Year 10, and a minimum requirement of 4 C grades at GCSE to join the Sixth Form, on average, Faculty Sixth Form students still achieve the equivalent of virtually 4 A Grades at A-Level in UCAS points. 
因其学生优异的A*/ A之间A级考试成绩及与此相当的成绩水平,伊莎伯格女皇职业专科学院被每日电讯报》和《泰晤士报》列为英国北方考试成绩最优秀学校第三名。该校具有无与伦比的学术和职业课程选择——即使10周岁以下非选择性入学,虽然最低只需在中等教育普通证书(GCSE)考试中获得4 C成绩即可升入六年级,该校六年级学生的大学预科分数仍然达到相当于4A的A级考试成绩水平。
To top all of this QE academic results for both the College and Faculty are on course to be even better in 2013 thus meaning they will be even higher in the ranking league tables with the College possibly being one of the top five most academically successful co-educational day and boarding schools in the UK. 
What is it that makes this school’s academic performance so phenomenal?  QE has a first class reputation for superb results and care and there is a choice of 25 different A-Levels and vocational BTECs. They have four Schools on the one campus taking international boarders from aged 6 years up to 18 years.
Their study programmes are tailor-made to the individual needs of each student and they have small classes, good discipline and motivation which brings confidence, success and first class career prospects.
QE has happy, self-assured students and they all have access to a vast array of extra-curricular activities. 
QE has invested £65,000,000 in new resources and facilities during the last 8 years so all courses are taught in new, purpose built departments. Plus they have courses to suit students with a wide range of abilities and their friendly and supportive atmosphere helps students to excel. 
QE is accredited by; ISC, ISA, BSA, BHS, British Council, ECS and QISAN. Their living accommodation for their international students is the best in UK and Europe. No-one else even comes close. All bedrooms have telephone, 32 inch plasma TV & DVD player with PS3, (on timer), mini-kitchen, fridge, internet, air-conditioning, private shower and toilet. 
该校获得下列机构认证:ISC,ISA,BSA,英国文化委员会,ECS BHS和QISAN。
QE has been preparing students for entry into top universities for over 100 years. More than 98% of students gain entry to the most prestigious tertiary establishments including Oxford and Cambridge, so the school must be doing something right. Out of the 143 Year 13 students at the school 109 have received offers to the country’s most prestigious universities within the Russell/1994 Group and City universities.
一百多年以来,该校培养了无数学生进入顶尖大学。超过98%的学生进入包括牛津和剑桥在内的最有声望的高等院校,这些足以证明该校办学的成功。目前在校的143名13年级学生,其中109名已经收到了包括罗素/ 1994组和牛津大学城的全英最富盛名的大学入学通知。
It’s not just local students either, international students were outstandingly successful. Many of QE’s  international students gained straight As and A*s and are going on to study highly competitive university courses including Mechanical Engineering, Mathematics and Statistics for Finance, Chemistry,  Psychology, and Dentistry. These include two Chinese pupils who did outstandingly well. John Lau has gained a place at Magdelene College, Cambridge to study Engineering after earning A* grades in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry, and Vincent Huo, will be attending Imperial College to study Mechanical Engineering after receiving 3 A* grades at.
该校的国际生与当地学生同样出色。许多国际学生获得A和 A*,并正在继续学习竞争激烈的大学课程,包括机械工程、金融数学与统计、化学、心理学、牙科。其中两位中国学生学业特别优异。约翰刘,取得数学、高等数学、物理和化学共四门课程的A*成绩,现已在剑桥Magdelene学院学习工程后;文森特·霍,取得3个A level考试的A*成绩,即将在帝国理工学院学习机械工程。
To begin to understand the advantages QE provides, it’s important to take a look at the foundations of a traditional British education. British education has a deep-rooted history with a reputation attributed to its legacy of excellence in academia. United Kingdom universities remain some of the most prestigious and competitive in the world with their success stemming from the values of tradition, heritage and excellence.
With UK independent schools being widely recognised as among the best in the world, overseas parents looking to place their child in the British education system often ask, “Which school is right for my child?” 
QE’s Principal, Steven Jandrell offers this advice to all parents, “Look for a school which values a child’s individuality and seeks to support talents, strengths and abilities. Particularly for our pupils from overseas, it’s fundamental for the school to offer an international mix of students, broad curriculum, top-quality facilities and a caring and nurturing pastoral programme.”  One of the most positive aspects of school life is the ability to provide children and young adults with individual attention, something that QE focuses on. Jandrell expands on this, discussing the role that experienced and devoted house parents and counsellors play in supporting students throughout their school lives, to adjust to a different culture and language.”
伊莎伯格女皇学院校长Steven Jandrell 给所有的父母提供了这个建议,“找一所学校,一所重视孩子的个性并需求为孩子的才能、特长和能力提供支持的学校。尤其是对于海外学生,学校最为首要的是为他们提供不同国籍学生的混合、广域的课程、顶级的设施和一个充满关爱的寄宿家庭方案。”学校生活中最积极的方面是可以为儿童和青年人提供个体关注,而这些正是伊莎伯格女皇学院所关注的。校长先生对此做了扩展,讨论了经验丰富并乐于奉献的寄宿家庭父母即孩子的辅导员在帮助学生在校期间如何适应不同的文化和语言方面所起的作用。
“It’s important that children are listened to, appreciated and encouraged in both their  academic and extracurricular lives, even more so for international students who may have to adjust to a different culture and language.”
For international students, living in England, absorbing the language, culture and etiquette through daily interaction with their English peers is the best way to prepare for an international career. QE’s success in international recruitment is evident with students coming from over 54 different countries and representing 40% of the school population. 
Nestled in the picturesque and scenic surroundings of Yorkshire in the North of England, the historical buildings and school grounds of QE provide ample space for sports arenas, concert halls and an equestrian facility, considered to be the best in Europe. The rural countryside of Yorkshire is some of the most beautiful in England, close to York city centre and only a short commute to several of Britain’s most modern and progressive urban centres including the thriving cities of Leeds and Manchester (the largest international airport outside of London). QE is easy to get to by road, rail or air.
At QE the education system allows students to study in a way that suits them, plays to their strengths and improves their weaknesses whilst remaining focused on academic accomplishment. It goes without saying that the best schools have solid links and relationships to top universities with careers tutors who are adept at assisting students in creating effective university applications. Assisting students in getting into their university of choice is all part and parcel of the QE education package.
For students seeking to gain places in the best universities, it’s imperative that they maintain and pursue extra-curricular activities alongside excellent academic results. Head of College Dan Machin is consistent in his advice to students who wish to gain entry to the top tier of tertiary institutions, “Universities increasingly seek to accept individuals who have hobbies and passions outside of the classroom, as well as great focus on their academic subjects, and schools that integrate this into their teaching curriculum produce the most successful university candidates.”
对于想要进入最好大学的学生而言,他们必须在课外活动和学业成绩两方面都表现优异。学院的负责人Dan Machin在给想进入顶级高等院校学习的学生的建议中坚持认为,“鉴于大学日益寻求接受那些学业成绩优秀同时又有课堂以外个人爱好和激情的学生,因此只有将这些都整合到其教学课程中的学校才可能培养出最成功的大学预科生。”
But before a student can embark on a successful university degree and subsequent career, they need to start succeeding at school. With a comprehensive curriculum focused on academic excellence from Nursery to Sixth Form, Queen Ethelburga’s embodies all of the aforementioned advantages of British education. 
The staggering £65 million recently invested in new facilities and resources includes a £1 million fitness suite, £2 million activity centre and café, £6 million sports centre, £3 million equestrian centre, £6 million upgrades to boarding  facilities, a drama theatre, heated indoor swimming pool, university-style lecture theatre, language centre and state-of-the-art science laboratories. The effects are evident; the calibre of students is exceptional and it is no surprise why many parents of students who study at Queen Ethelburga’s include Diplomats, Politicians, Lawyers, Doctors, National Leaders, United Nations Staff, Senior Government, Military Staff and even Royalty.
该校近年投入了6500万英镑巨额资金用于更新设施和资源,包括100万英镑的健身套件, 200万英镑的活动中心和咖啡馆,600万英镑的体育中心,300万英镑的马术中心,还有600万英镑用于升级寄宿设施、一个戏剧剧场、室内恒温泳池、大学风格的阅览室、语言中心和最先进的科学实验室。投资效果显著,学生素质超强。那些曾经在该校学习过的学生家长所取得的成就很好的诠释了这一切,他们中有外交官、政治家、律师、医生、国家领导人、联合国工作人员、高级政界人士、军事人员以及皇室成员。
Through the combination of exceptional facilities, an excellent curriculum, passionate teaching staff and a set of core values that are focused on students’ well-being, success and personal growth - it’s clear why QE students are intelligent, well-rounded and successful. QE shapes students to develop a motivated, ambitious attitude that stays with them through their university life and onto successful careers.
As Principal Steven Jandrell explains, “Without a doubt our success has been down to the fact that we offer a wide range of courses so that all students can find something at which they excel.” With passionate teaching staff, an outstanding curriculum, and a culture of academic excellence, why would you choose anywhere other than Queen Ethelburga’s for your child?
校长Steven Jandrell 先生解释说,“毫无疑问,我们的成功证明了一个事实,那就是为学生提供广泛的课程是帮助所有学生都脱颖而出的最好方式。”这里有充满激情的师资队伍,优秀的课程以及成绩卓也的学习氛围。这就是著名的伊莎伯格女皇学院,您难道还在为您的孩子选择在哪学习犹豫不决吗?
Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate is represented in mainland China and Hong Kong by over 300 Educational Agents.
Queen Ethelburga’s also has three of their own full time Admissions staff resident in China;
Christopher McClarty 
Email: CM@QE.org  
Mobile: 132 6968 8553 
Resident in Beijing covering all of North China居住在北京,负责所有华北地区
Kevin Li  
Email: KL@QE.org 
Mobile: 133 7003 3566 
Resident in Shanghai covering all of Central China 居住在上海,负责所有华中地区
Anthony Blignaut 
Email: AB@QE.org 
Mobile: 186 8155 2801 
Resident in Shenzhen covering all of South China 深圳,华南
Or you can contact them direct: 该校本部联系方式
 Queen Ethelburga’s Collegiate Thorpe Underwood,  York. YO26 9SS  England.
Tel:   +44 1423 33 33 30
Fax: + 44 1423 33 14 4
Email: info@QE.org
Website: www.QE.org 

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