一、 MSF 培养方向
不同于其他MSF的项目,UT-Austin 的金融学硕士项目对招收的学生没有专业限制,非商科学生以及商科中非金融本科的学生都能申请,培养的是金融业界人才,特别是那些对分析能力要求较高的职位。该项目不要求学生有工作经验,这对应届生来说是一个好消息。
二、 MSF 课程设置
该项目时长较短,仅为10个月。但学生需要在这10个月三学期内修读36学分。所学的课程包括:Financial Management, Valuation, Financial Accounting, Statistics for Financial Applications, Derivatives, Fixed Income Securities and Markets, Advanced Valuation and Financial Modeling等。
三、 MSF 的申请要求
四、 MSF 文书要求
UT-Austin 的MSF所需要提交的文书包括Personal Essays, CV, 以及三封推荐信。下面重点说一下Personal Essays. 它包括:Statement of Purpose 以及两篇optional essays.
1. Statement of Purpose
How have your personal, academic and professional experiences led you to pursue the MSF degree at this time? Please discuss both your short- and long-term career goals, including your vision of your post-graduation employment, and describe how the Texas MSF will help you meet those goals.
2. Optional Essays
If your standardized test scores are low or if you have not had coursework that demonstrates quantitative and analytic proficiency, please tell us how you plan to prepare yourself for the quantitative rigor of the MSF curriculum.
Please provide any additional information to the Admissions Committee that will be beneficial to the committee in considering your application. Please include information that you believe is important and/or will address any areas of concern the Committee might have.
这部分的可选文书可以用来给招生官加深申请者的印象。特别是第一篇essay, 适用于那些GPA/GRE/GMAT 等成绩不大理想抑或未修读过任何相关数学课程无法从这些方面展示数学能力的学生,让他们能从其他方面解释自己的数学能力,告诉招生官你是有能力完成MSF中数学课程的学习。