Master of Public Administration
GPA: 最低3.0
GRE: a minimum of 153 in the verbal section and 144 in the quantitative section on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).For 2015-16, the average GPA (interquartile range) was between 3.19 – 3.69. For the GRE, the composite score (interquartile range) was between 302 –
321;TOEFL: No lower than a total score of 100 on the Internet-based test, with no less than 20 on each of the four test components.
Public Policy (MPP)
GPA: 最低3.0
GRE: a minimum of 153 in the verbal section and 147 in the quantitative section on the Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
For 2015-16, the median GPA was a 3.34, and the median GRE composite score was 313.
TOEFL: No lower than a total score of 100 on the Internet-based test, with no less than 20 on each of the four test components.
1. 芝加哥大学,哥大,康奈尔 MPA offer
X同学 UCLA本科 GPA 3.9 GRE 330
2. 雪城大学 MPA offer
Y同学 北交大 GPA 3.8 GRE 315 IBT 93