The University of Stirling has 7 Academic Schools:
School of Applied Social Science
School of Arts and Humanities
School of Education
School of Natural Sciences
School of Nursing, Midwifery and Health
School of Sport
Stirling Management School
Additionally, the recently launched Stirling Graduate School provides a virtual hub for the University’s postgraduate community.
Research strengths
Stirling leads and delivers research excellence in five key areas: health and wellbeing, culture and society, environment and communities, enterprise and economy and sport.
The University has a track record in externally-funded, quality research attracting grants and awards from a wide range of funders and also has a growing portfolio of enterprise activity and consultancy work.
Stirling’s energetic academic community conducts leading research relevant to society's needs, making vital contributions to life in Scotland, the wider UK and beyond. Research excellence underpins all that Stirling does.
In the most recent Research Assessment Exercise, 10 percent of Stirling’s research was judged to be ‘world leading’ and a further three quarters to be ‘internationally excellent’ and ‘internationally recognised’.
In four areas – Sport, Nursing and Midwifery, Education, and Film and Media - Stirling is top of the research league in Scotland; in Social Policy and Social Work and Philosophy, Stirling came a strong second; and also performed extremely well in Aquaculture and Economics.
The growing strength and breadth of Stirling’s interdisciplinary research is the platform on which it is developing and enhancing its knowledge creation capacity. The University is committed to being research-led, generating new knowledge and ideas, sustaining intellectual energy and making a significant contribution to the knowledge-based economy in Scotland and the UK.
Stirling works with employers to deliver high quality courses that produce intellectually able and highly sought after graduates. Our alumni can be found world wide in positions of responsibility from heads of government to High Court judges.
Stirling is proud of its long-standing links with business and industry, which enable the University to contribute to economic development and investment both nationally and internationally. The research which develops from these collaborations informs teaching, preparing students for careers by using real life examples and applications. Many courses have professional accreditation.
Stirling’s central location and size allow it to respond to the rapidly changing needs of industry and society. Cross-discipline teaching and courses ensure graduates are able to adapt and grow in a dynamic environment.
Developing students into highly employable individuals is a priority for the University. Stirling offers continual support with academic study and life skills to enable and encourage students to excel in their chosen career.
Stirling graduates are in great demand and the University’s Career Development Centre plays an active role in developing students’ career plans throughout their time at Stirling and beyond.
International partnerships
The University of Stirling has a wide range of well-established partnerships worldwide and is pro-active in developing new partnerships in its key subject areas.
Stirling builds mutually beneficial co-operative agreements, which enhance the quality of research and teaching of the University and its partners, by actively encouraging the development of meaningful engagement with overseas institutions, thus broadening the excellence in teaching and research it has sustained for several decades.
Agreements exist with universities from all major continents, covering over 30 countries, including Oman, USA, China, India, Singapore, Vietnam and throughout Europe.
Stirling delivers a number of programmes with international partners, targeting both students and professionals and offering extensive study options - from full-time to distance learning and short courses to suit the developmental goals of individuals. Stirling works with key national agencies and governments in a number of countries to deliver contracts to build capacity and aid skills development.
Student exchanges form a major component of the University’s international collaborative work. Students are offered opportunities to spend part of their degree course overseas and students from partner institutions are welcome to come to Stirling for a semester or longer.