Submission Guidelines
Ordinarily, research proposals are submitted either in response to a general call for proposals issued by a funding agency or when research is directly commissioned from a specific researcher or research group because of their expertise. In most cases, when a foundation issues a call for proposals open to The Hebrew University researchers, it will be distributed via mailing list of the Authority for Research and Development.
If you are interested in submitting a research proposal, it is advisable to check whether:
You are eligible to apply under the Hebrew University’s rules;
You are eligible to apply under foundation guidelines (e.g., age limit, required external partner, etc.);
You are capable of conducting the research within the required scope and deadlines;
The foundation requires supplementary funding;
Once you have decided to submit a proposal, read the application instructions carefully, particularly regarding how to apply, how to construct the proposal and its requested budget. It is strongly advised to consult the desk of the Authority for for Research and Development which deals with that foundation. At all stages in preparing the application, feel free to consult the desk.
Before submitting a proposal to the foundation, please send it to the relevant desk at the Authority for Research and Development to ascertain that it meets the guidelines specified (e.g., scope of proposal, additional required documents, etc.), and that the requested budget conforms to the foundation terms.
All proposals submitted by University researchers – including applications via another institution in Israel or abroad – must be registered in the Authority’s Research System (which replaced the paper forms).
Employing staff in research project
As part of a proposal submission process you are usually asked to attach a budget plan for the project. Depending on the foundation's regulations, there are allowed and disallowed costs. One major part of a usual budget plan deals with employing personnel in the project. This can be done in two ways: by paying salary or giving a scholarship. Salary rates can be given by your faculty/school's accountant. Scholarship rates are determined by the financial division of the university. If you submit to an international fund, please consult the relevant desk at the Authority for R&D.
Tips for applying for a research grant
It is recommended to consult colleagues from your department or institute as to whether they ever applied to the specific funding agency. Also useful is to consult the relevant desk at the Authority for Research and Development and ask to see any previous proposals that were approved by the foundation (of course, only with the researcher’s permission). You can learn about some of the criteria and requisites of the reviewers by studying successful proposals and how the project was presented.