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  Which universities are best at creating student-employer connections? Which claim the most impressive alumni outcomes, or the strongest reputation among employers? TheQS Graduate Employability Rankings 2017 celebrates 300 leading institutions in this field, based on five key aspects of graduate employability.

  Canada is one of the world’s most popular destinations for international students, offering a diverse variety of experiences and opportunities in a country known for its vast expanses, multicultural cities and natural beauty. If you want to study in Canada, the good news is that tuition fees are generally less expensive than in other major Anglophone destinations (the US, UK and Australia), although they are still quite high in comparison to other countries.

  The recently published QS Graduate Employability Rankings 2017 features 15 Canadian universities. The ranking celebrates universities leading the way on employability, using amethodology which assesses employment rate, alumni outcomes, employer partnerships and other factors. Read on for an overview of the best Canadian universities for employability, including information on particularly successful alumni.




Global Ranking Canada Ranking University Location 
19 1 University of Toronto  Canada
22 2 University of Waterloo  Canada
28 3 McGill University  Canada
41 4 University of British Columbia  Canada
81-90 5 University of Calgary  Canada
91-100 6 University of Alberta  Canada
101-150 7 McMaster University  Canada
101-150 8 Queen's University at Kingston Canada
101-150 9 Université de Montréal   Canada
151-200 10 The University of Western Ontario  Canada
201+ 11 Carleton University Canada
201+ 12 Concordia University  Canada
201+ 13 University of Guelph  Canada
201+ 14 University of Victoria Canada
201+ 15 York University  Canada
全球排名 加拿大排名 大学名称 所在国家
第19位 第1位 多伦多大学 加拿大
第22位 第2位 滑铁卢大学 加拿大
第28位 第3位 麦吉尔大学 加拿大
第41位 第4位 英属哥伦比亚大学 加拿大
第81-90位 第5位 卡尔加里大学 加拿大
第91-100位 第6位 阿尔伯塔大学 加拿大
第101-150位 第7位 麦克马斯特大学 加拿大
第101-150位 第8位 金斯顿女王大学 加拿大
第101-150位 第9位 蒙特利尔大学 加拿大
第151-200位 第10位 西安大略大学 加拿大
第201+位 第11位 卡尔顿大学 加拿大
第201+位 第12位 康考迪亚大学 加拿大
第201+位 第13位 圭尔夫大学 加拿大
第201+位 第14位 维多利亚大学 加拿大
第201+位 第15位 约克大学 加拿大

  1. University of Toronto

  Ranked 19th in the world for graduate employability, the University of Toronto receives the highest rank amongst Canadian universities in the ‘alumni outcomes’ indicator. It has four Canadian prime ministers among its alumni, as well as prominent figures such as Margaret Atwood, Donald Sutherland and Lorne Michaels. The university offers a range of programs and initiatives to further students’ career prospects, such as entrepreneurship courses, co-op programs, and professional experience year programs.




  2. University of Waterloo

  The University of Waterloo ranks 22nd globally for graduate employability and achieves 1st place in the entire table for the ‘partnerships with employers’ indicator, an assessment of both research collaborations and employment-related partnerships. Famous for its co-op programs which allow students to integrate their studies with work experience, the university describes itself as an ‘entrepreneurial ecosystem’ and was recently named Canada’s most innovative university for the 25th consecutive year.



  滑铁卢大学是U15集团成员之一,U15集团是加拿大研究密集型大学联盟,特别是凭借其Co-operative education(合作实习教育)课程而闻名。滑铁卢大学设有文学院、理学院、工程学院、数学院、环境学院、应用健康科学学院,还有北美唯一一所数学院,这也是全世界最大的数学和计算机的教育及研究中心。

  3. McGill University

  Ranked 28th in the world for graduate employability, McGill University is another strong university for alumni outcomes – with 139 Rhodes Scholars and 12 Nobel Laureates amongst its alumni (both more than any other Canadian university), as well as the late Leonard Cohen, three Canadian prime ministers including incumbent Justin Trudeau, and president of Médecins Sans Frontières Joanne Liu. McGill is the highest-ranked Canadian university in the ‘employer reputation’ indicator, reflecting its standing as one of the most internationally prestigious Canadian universities.


  麦吉尔大学在2017年QS毕业生就业率排名中位列全球第28,麦吉尔大学在杰出校友这一方面也是实力非常强劲的一所大学,在其校友中共有139位罗兹学者获得者和12位诺贝尔奖获得者(这两个奖项的获得者都比任何其他加拿大大学多)中,此外还有晚期的伦纳德·科恩(33岁之前是作家和诗人,33岁回到美国改行唱歌,58岁以后在加州的一个修道院里参习禅道),还有三位加拿大总理包括现任的总理贾斯廷· 杜鲁多,以及无国界医生组织主席廖满嫦医生。麦吉尔大学在“雇主声誉”这一项评分指标上是加拿大排名最高的大学,这也反映了其作为国际最著名的加拿大大学之一的地位。


  4. University of British Columbia

  The University of British Columbia is ranked 41st for graduate employability in 2017, and achieves its strongest score for the ‘employer reputation’ indicator. The university offers a number of resources and support to help students achieve their career goals, including theEntrepreneurship@UBC venture accelerator. Its alumni community includes three former Canadian prime ministers (including Kim Campbell, the country’s first female prime minister), Canadian artist Jeff Wall, actress Evangeline Lilly and astronaut Bjarni Tryggvason.




  5. University of Calgary

  Next on our list of the best Canadian universities for employability is the University of Calgary, ranked in the 81-90 range. Featuring in the global top 50 for the ‘partnerships with employers’ indicator, the university offers a range of co-op programs and internships and has a 95% graduate employment rate. Its location in Calgary, the leading Canadian city in the oil and gas industry, means it maintains ties to the petroleum and geoscience industry through the Department of Geosciences and the Schulich School of Engineering.




  6. University of Alberta

  Ranked in the 91-100 range for graduate employability, the University of Alberta places within the top 100 for its partnerships with employers and graduate employment rate, with 85% of graduates of the class of 2015’s BCom program employed three months after graduating (and 90% of those from co-op programs). 71 of the university’s former students have won Rhodes Scholarships, while a range of graduates have gained prominence in government, business and public service roles.




  7. Queen's University

  Queen’s University is also featured in the 101-150 band for graduate employability in 2017, with 92% of undergraduates employed six months after graduation. The university’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science offers opportunities to apply to paid internships within companies across North America, allowing them to gain practical experience and industry contacts. Closer to home, by their fourth year 38% of undergraduate students have completed a practicum, internship, field experience, co-op or clinical assignment in and around Kingston.




  8. Université de Montréal

  The francophone Université de Montréal is also ranked in the 101-150 band of the graduate employability ranking. One of the largest universities in the country, it has an extensive alumni network, and many graduates have gained prominence in fields such as business, physics and other scientific fields, politics, arts and law, including 17th Canadian prime minister Pierre Trudeau. The Université de Montréal has Quebec’s largest sponsored research income and is affiliated with 37 health institutions.




  9. McMaster University

  Also ranked 101-150 is McMaster University, consistently rated as one of Canada’s top research universities. The university operates a number of co-op programs, including the Engineering Co-op and Career Services (ECCS), a joint venture between the university’s engineering faculty and society to connect students with employers. McMaster’s alumni include Roberta Bondar (the first Canadian woman in space), John Candy, Eugene Levy and many successful business and political leaders.




  10. Western University

  Concluding our look at 10 of the best Canadian universities for graduate employability is Western University, ranked in the 151-200 range in 2017. Previously known as the University of Western Ontario, the university’s Student Success Centre offers career counselling, job postings, career fairs, workshops and more to help students embarking on their graduate job hunt. The university’s alumni are making significant contributions in areas such as business, medicine, politics, engineering, music and athletics.




2017 Graduate Employability Rankings TOP50
Rank University Location
1 Stanford University  United States
2 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)   United States
3 Tsinghua University  China
4 The University of Sydney  Australia
5 University of Cambridge  United Kingdom
6 Ecole Polytechnique  France
7 Columbia University  United States
8 University of Oxford  United Kingdom
9 University of California, Berkeley (UCB) ) United States
10 Princeton University  United States
11 The University of Melbourne  Australia
11 Peking University  China
13 Cornell University  United States
14 Fudan University  China
15 University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)   United States
16 ETH Zurich - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology  Switzerland
17 University of Chicago  United States
18 The University of Hong Kong  Hong Kong
19 University of Toronto  Canada
20 KIT, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology  Germany
20 Imperial College London  United Kingdom
21 National University of Singapore (NUS)  Singapore
22 University of Waterloo  Canada
23 University of Pennsylvania  United States
24 UCL (University College London)  United Kingdom
25 Brown University  United States
26 Waseda University  Japan
26 Northwestern University  United States
27 University of Michigan  United States
28 McGill University  Canada
29 The University of Tokyo  Japan
30 Technische Universität Darmstadt Germany
30 Duke University  United States
32 The Australian National University  Australia
33 Shanghai Jiao Tong University  China
34 California Institute of Technology (Caltech)   United States
35 The University of Manchester  United Kingdom
36 Zhejiang University  China
37 Politecnico di Milano  Italy
37 University of Navarra Spain
38 New York University (NYU)  United States
39 University of Bristol  United Kingdom
40 Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey Mexico
40 Chalmers University of Technology  Sweden
41 University of British Columbia  Canada
42 Monash University Australia
42 Technical University of Munich  Germany
44 RWTH Aachen University  Germany
45 Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (UC)   Chile
47 Delft University of Technology  Netherlands
2017年世界大学就业率排名 TOP50
全球排名 大学名称 所在国家
1 斯坦福大学 美国
2 麻省理工学院 美国
3 清华大学 中国
4 悉尼大学 澳大利亚
5 剑桥大学 英国
6 巴黎综合理工学院 法国
7 哥伦比亚大学 美国
8 牛津大学 英国
9 加州大学伯克利分校 美国
10 普林斯顿大学 美国
11 墨尔本大学 澳大利亚
11 北京大学 中国
13 康奈尔大学 美国
14 复旦大学 中国
15 加州大学洛杉矶分校 美国
16 苏黎世联邦理工学院 瑞士
17 芝加哥大学 美国
18 香港大学 中国香港
19 多伦多大学 加拿大
20 卡尔斯鲁厄理工学院 德国
20 伦敦帝国理工学院 英国
21 新加坡国立大学 新加坡
22 滑铁卢大学 加拿大
23 宾夕法尼亚大学 美国
24 伦敦大学学院 英国
25 布朗大学 美国
26 早稻田大学 日本
26 西北大学 美国
27 密歇根大学 美国
28 麦吉尔大学 加拿大
29 东京大学 日本
30 达姆施塔特工业大学 德国
30 杜克大学 美国
32 澳大利亚国立大学 澳大利亚
33 上海交通大学 中国
34 加州理工学院 美国
35 曼彻斯特大学 英国
36 浙江大学 中国
37 米兰理工大学 意大利
37 纳瓦拉大学 西班牙
38 纽约大学 美国
39 布里斯托大学 英国
40 墨西哥蒙特雷科技大学 墨西哥
40 查尔姆斯理工大学 瑞典
41 英属哥伦比亚大学 加拿大
42 莫纳什大学 澳大利亚
42 慕尼黑工业大学 德国
44 亚琛工业大学 德国
45 智利天主教大学 智利
47 代尔夫特理工大学 荷兰


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