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2017-03-24 17:59


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  《采薇》是一首写一位长期守卫边疆的戍边战士回家途中的情景的回忆。 薇:野豌豆,泛指可以充饥的野菜。“采薇”一词,还见于伯夷、叔齐隐居山野,义不侍周的故事。司马迁《史记卷六十一 伯夷列传》:“武王已平殷乱,天下宗周,而伯夷、叔齐耻之,义不食周粟,陷于首阳山,采薇而食之” 此诗最后一章,优美动听,脍炙人口:“昔我往矣,杨柳依依;今我来思,雨雪霏霏。行道迟迟,载渴载饥;我心伤悲,莫知我哀。”

































  译文一(James Legge 译)

  Let us gather the thorn-ferns, let us gather the thorn-ferns; The thorn-ferns are now springing up.When shall we return ? When shall we return ?It will be late in the [next] year.Wife and husband will be separated,Because of the Xian-yun.We shall have no leisure to rest,Because of the Xian-yun.Let us gather the thorn-ferns, let us gather the thorn-ferns; The thorn-ferns are now tender.When shall we return? When shall we return?Our hearts are sorrowful; Our hearts are sad and sorrowful; We shall hunger, we shall thirst.While our service on guard is not finished,We can send no one home to enquire about our families.Let us gather the thorn-ferns, let us gather the thorn-ferns;The thorn-ferns are now hard.When shall we return? When shall we return?The year will be in the tenth month.But the king's business must not be slackly performed;We shall have no leisure to rest.Our sorrowing hearts are in great distress;But we shall not return from our expedition.What is that so gorgeous?It is the flowers of the cherry tree.What carriage is that?It is the carriage of our general.His war carriage is yoked;The four steeds are strong.Dare we remain inactive?In one month we shall have three victories.The four steeds are yoked,The four steeds, eager and strong; –The confidence of the general,The protection of the men.The four steeds move regularly, like wings ; –There are the bow with its ivory ends, and the seal-skin quiver.Shall we not daily warn one another?The business of the Xian-yun is very urgent.At first, when we set out,The willows were fresh and green;Now, when we shall be returning,The snow will be falling in clouds.Long and tedious will be our marching;We shall hunger ; we shall thirst.Our hearts are wounded with grief,And no one knows our sadness.

  译文二(Ezra Pound 译)

  SONG OF THE BOWMAN OF SHUHere we are, picking the first fern-shootsAnd saying: When shall we get back to our country?Here we are because we have the Ken-nin for our foemen,We have no comfort because of these Mongols.We grub the soft fern-shoots,When anyone says "Return," the others are full of sorrow.Sorrowful minds, sorrow is strong, we are hungry and thirsty.Our defense is not yet made sure, no one can let his friend return.We grub the old fern-stalks.We say: Will we be let to go back in October?There is no ease in royal affairs, we have no comfort.Our sorrow is bitter, but we would not return to our country.What flower has come into blossom?Whose chariot? The General's.Horses, his horses even, are tired. They were strong.We have no rest, three battles a month.By heaven, his horses are tired.The generals are on them, the soldiers are by them.The horses are well trained, the generals have ivory arrows andquivers ornamented with fish-skin.The enemy is swift, we must be careful.When we set out, the willows were drooping with spring,We come back in the snow,We go slowly, we are hungry and thirsty,Our mind is full of sorrow, who will know of our grief?




  采薇Song of Gathering Ferns采薇采薇, 薇亦作止;曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。靡mi室靡家, 玁yan狁yun之故;不遑huang启居 玁狁之故。 I am gathering ferns in the field, And the ferns are growing green.Who can tell me the date to return? This year has already come to the end. We left home for war against foreigners;We have no leisure because of Yan-yuns,Nor peace because of their offence.We live far from my wife and parents.采薇采薇,薇亦柔止;曰归曰归,心亦忧止。忧心烈烈,载饥载渴;我戍未定,靡使归聘。I am gathering ferns in the field, And the ferns are growing tender.Who can tell me the date to go home? My heart is full of sorrow and pain. My soul is so sad, my body so tired;We often suffer from hunger and thirst.Our service in borders isn't finished,We are not allowed to get home yet. 采薇采薇,薇亦刚止;曰归曰归,岁亦阳止。王事靡盬gu,不遑启处;忧心孔疚,我行不来。I am gathering ferns in the field, And the ferns are growing strong.Who can tell me the date to go home? This New year has been coming now. The national affairs are always busy;We have no time to rest during service.My heart is full of sorrows and pains,For the date to return comes not yet. 彼尔维何,维常之华;彼路斯何,君子之车。戎车既驾,四牡mu业业;岂敢定居,一月三捷。What are those that bloom?It is the flowers of cherry trees.What is on the road there?It is the carriage of our general.Our chariots are ready to fight;The four steeds strong for each .Every one must be brave in battlesTo win victory after victory always.驾彼四牡,四牡骙kui骙;君子所依,小人所腓fei。四牡翼翼,象弭mi鱼服;岂不日戒,玁狁孔棘。The four steeds drive chariots on,Every steed is eager and strong; –That is confidence of our general,That is secure of the men's life.The four steeds move in good order; –Ivory bows and seal-skin quiverare ready.Shall we not always warn against The troubles of the foreingers.昔我往矣,杨柳依依;今我来思,雨雪霏霏。行道迟迟,载渴载饥;我心伤悲,莫知我哀。 I'm on the way home now at lastThe snow is falling in flakes;When I left home, as I remember, Willows were green and fresh then;My way will be long and tedious;I've to suffer from thirst and hunger .My heart is filled with sorrows,And no one can know my sadness.


  Song of Gathering Ferns

  I am gathering ferns in the field, And the ferns are growing green.Who can tell me the date to return? This year has already come to the end. We left home for war against foreigners;We have no leisure because of Yan-yuns,Nor peace because of their offence.We live far from my wife and parents.I am gathering ferns in the field, And the ferns are growing tender.Who can tell me the date to go home? My heart is full of sorrow and pain. My soul is so sad, my body so tired;We often suffer from hunger and thirst.Our service in borders isn't finished,We are not allowed to get home yet. I am gathering ferns in the field, And the ferns are growing strong.Who can tell me the date to go home? This New year has been coming now. The national affairs are always busy;We have no time to rest during service.My heart is full of sorrows and pains,For the date to return comes not yet. What are those that bloom?It is the flowers of cherry trees.What is on the road there?It is the carriage of our general.Our chariots are ready to fight;The four steeds strong for each .Every one must be brave in battlesTo win victory after victory always.The four steeds drive chariots on,Every steed is eager and strong; –That is confidence of our general,That is secure of the men's life.The four steeds move in good order; –Ivory bows and seal-skin quiverare ready.Shall we not always warn against The troubles of the foreingers.I'm on the way home now at length.The snow is falling in flakes;When I left home, as I remember,Willows green seemed to be grievous;My way will be long and tedious;I've to suffer from thirst and hunger.My heart is filled with sorrows,And no one can know my sadness.






  At first, when we set out,

  The willows were fresh and green;

  Now, when we shall be returning,

  The snow will be falling in clouds.

  Long and tedious will be our marching,

  We shall hunger; we shall thirst.

  Our hearts are wounded with grief.

  And no one knows our sadness.


  At first, when we started on our track,

  The willows green were growing,

  And now, when we think of the journey back,

  It is raining fast and snowing.

  And tendious and slow the march will be,

  And food and drink will fail us.

  Ah, hard bear is the misery!

  None knows what grief asails us.


  Willows were green when we set out,

  It's blowin’an’snowin’as we go down this road,

  muddy and slow,hungry and thirsty and blue a doubt

  no one feels half of what we know.


  Long ago, when we started,

  The willows spread their shade.

  Now that we turn back

  The snowflakes fly.

  The march before us is long,

  We are thirsty and hungry,

  Our hearts are striken with sorrow,

  But no one listens to our plaint.

  译文五(Burton Watson 译)

  Long ago we set out when willows were rich and green.

  Now we come back through thickly falling snow.slow,

  slow our march,we were thirsty, we are hungry,

  our hearts worn with sorrow,

  No one knows our woe.


  When I set out so long ago,

  Fresh and green was the willow.

  When now homeward I go,T

  here is a heavy snow.

  The homeward march is slow;

  My hunger and thirst grow.

  My heart is filled with sorrow;

  Who on earth will ever know!

  The homeward march is slow;

  My hunger and thirst grow.


  When I left here,

  Willows shed tear.

  I come back now,

  Snow bends the bough.

  Long, long the way;

  Hard, hard the day,

  Hunger and thirst

  Both press me worst.

  My grief o'erflows.

  Who knows!who knows!


  Gathering Ferns

  My native willows green and gay

  Did wave me farewell in the past;

  Now that I'm on my home-bound way,

  The sleet is falling thick and fast.

  Stricken with both hunger and thirst,

  I'm staggering at a pace slow;

  And worst of all, my heart does burst

  With such sorrow as none could know!


  I'm on the way home now at length.

  The snow is falling in flakes;

  When I left home, as I remember,

  Willows green seemed to be grievous;

  My way will be long and tedious;

  I've to suffer from thirst and hunger.

  My heart is filled with sadness,

  And no one can know my sorrows.

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