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学校名称: 德国德累斯顿工业大学 Technische Universität Dresden

所在位置:德国,TU Dresden,Akademisches Auslandsamt,01062 Dresden



  德累斯顿工业大学是德国一所著名的大学,也是德国最大的工业大学之一,学校有超过120门学位课程,有优质的教育。按教育水平划分,德累斯顿工业大学的申请可分为大学第一学位(first university degree)申请、大学另一学位(another university degree)申请和博士学位申请。大学第一学位包括学士学位、毕业文凭和国家考试(Staats examen),另一学位主要指硕士学位。下面出国留学网为大家整理并翻译德累斯顿工业大学各阶段的留学申请,一起来看看吧。

  一、Requirements for courses that lead to a first university degree


  1.Which university entrance qualification (HZB) do I need for a course that will lead to a first university degree?


  (1). University entrance qualification (HZB) for applicants with German nationality

  The general higher education entrance qualification (Abitur) allows you to study any degree course.

  The subject-related higher education entrance qualification allows you to study certain degree courses. Possible disciplines of study are usually shown on the certificate.

  Applicants who have already successfully completed a degree in Germany are allowed to study any degree course.

  Holders of certain qualifications for professional advanced education (e.g. master craftsman qualification) are allowed to study all undergraduate courses after consultation with TU Dresden.

  Those with a vocational qualification with a completed apprenticeship and at least three years professional experience can take an entrance examination at TU Dresden. Upon successful completion and after consultation, they are allowed to study at TU Dresden only in the course for which they applied.

  Those with a vocational qualification (must have a training qualification) have the university entrance qualification after studying for 2 semesters at a state or state-approved university.

  Attention: The advanced technical college certificate (also known as the Fachabitur) is not a subject-related higher education entrance qualification and therefore does not allow you to study at an academic institution in the Free State of Saxony. In Saxony the advanced technical college certificate only allows you to study at a university of applied sciences.





  对于持有特定高级职业教育资格证书(比如 master craftsman qualification)的学生,在和德累斯顿工业大学协商之后,可以学习所有本科课程。




  (2). University entrance qualification (HZB) for applicants with foreign nationality

  Proof of university entrance qualifications is made with a secondary school leaving certificate (with university entrance examination or already completed periods of study where applicable). The certificate must be equivalent to the German ‘Abitur’ according to the evaluation guidelines of the Central Office of International Education.

  Higher education that has already been completed in Germany entitles further study.




  2.Which other course-related requirements have to be met (e.g. professional activity, aptitude test)?

  To be admitted to study in higher education, proof of practical training or work may be requested if the course requires it. In artistic or linguistics-related courses or subjects, proof of a successfully passed aptitude test may be required. Requirements and specific application deadlines are usually found in the respective study regulations and from the related eligibility requirements regulations. You will find which requirements apply to the relevant course in the Study Information System (SINS).



  3.Which additional requirements must be met in NC courses?

  For NC courses, a specific selection process/ranking is necessary for admission. Intake capacities can be determined by the Saxon Admission Numbers Regulation each year for courses or subjects with high levels of applicants. These courses are referred to as numerus clausus (NC) courses. The allocation of available places is made in accordance with the Saxon Allocation Procedure Regulation. In some courses, the faculty can set more selection criteria beyond its own selection regulations.



  4.When does knowledge of German have to be proven?

  If you did not acquire your university entrance qualification at a German institution, proof of your German knowledge will be required (also applies to applicants with German citizenship), unless you are applying for a master’s course that is taught in English. Other conditions also apply to students within the ERASMUS exchange programme.

  Sufficient knowledge of German can usually be proven with the following examinations or certificates:

  German language examination for university admission (DSH) with an overall score of at least DSH 2

  “German as a foreign language for applicants” test (TestDaF) with an overall score of at least TestDaF 4 in all parts of the exam

  A pass in the German examination within the framework of the assessment test (FSP)

  “German language diploma from the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the German Federal States - level II” (DSD level 2/level C1)

  A C2 grade in the Goethe Institute’s test at home or abroad

  “Small German Language Diploma” or “Big German Language Diploma” awarded by the Goethe Institute on behalf of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. This was replaced with Goethe - Certificate C2 (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom) in 01.01.2012. Certificates issued until 31.12.2011 are only valid for DSH Test.

  Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule








  (5)歌德学院考试成绩在C2 以上。可以在德国参加考试,也可以在国外参加考试;


  (7)Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule证书。

  5.Additional information for applications with a foreign university entrance qualification


  Admission for studying at TU Dresden for applicants with a foreign university qualification/educational qualification is given in accordance with the assessment guidelines of the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the German Federal States (KMK).

  This means that if you have a foreign university entrance qualification (also applies to the International Baccalaureate (IB) obtained at an international school in Germany), you must have your certificate approved for application purposes in Germany and have an average grade calculated. The Work and Service Office for International Applicants carries out this task for TU Dresden (uni assist). All German or international applicants with a foreign qualification must initially apply via uni assist. Your certificates will be checked and evaluated by uni assist in connection with your application. If the certificate is sufficient for university admission and your documents are complete, your application data will be forwarded to TU Dresden. A second application using the TU Dresden application portal is therefore unnecessary.

  You will find the most important information about the respective country-specific requirements in theDAAD admission database, which was compiled based on the KMK’s assessment guidelines. Another information option is the Anabin database from the Central Office of International Education (ZAB). This database is also based on the KMK assessment guidelines. Here you will find detailed information about country-specific requirements and further information about the assessment of universities and degrees.

  Please note: uni assist check your documents with regard to the respective application at TU Dresden. You will not receive an official notice of recognition that can be used for other application purposes. In that case you will have to contact an accreditation office.

  Applicants for Medicine or Dentistry who have previously studied said subjects and want to apply for enrolment in a higher semester, do not have to apply via uni assist. They apply directly via TU Dresden’s portal selma. Recognition of previous courses for credit from foreign institutions is done by the respective Landesprüfungsamt (LPA). For more information, please contact the Medical Faculty of TU Dresden directly.


  这意味着,如果你持有国外大学入学证书(持有在德国国际学校获得的国际文凭也可以),你的证书必须得到申请批准,平均成绩必须经过计算,才能申请入学。国际申请人工作服务办公室代德累斯顿工业大学实施这项任务。所有德国学生和国际申请人,必须首先通过uni assist申请。在申请中提交的证书,由uni assist审核和评估。如果你的证书符合大学入学要求,如果你的文件完整,你的申请将被转寄给德累斯顿工业大学。对于第二轮申请,需要在德累斯顿工业大学的申请入口进行。

  可以在DAAD 的招生数据库中找到关于各个国家要求的最重要的信息,该数据库根据德国联邦州的评估指南建立。另外,也可以在Anabin数据库找资源,该数据库由国际教育中心办公室提供。该数据库也基于德国联邦州的评估指南。通过这个数据库,你可以找到特定国家的要求信息,以及关于大学评估和学位评估的进一步信息。

  请注意:uni assist根据德累斯顿工业大学的各个申请来审核文件。你不会收到可以用于其他申请目的的官方认可通知。在那种情况下,你将需要和认证办公室联系。

  对于已经学过上述课程、并且有意申请注册高级学期医学专业或牙医专业的申请人,不需要通过uni assist申请。这类申请人可以直接通过德累斯顿工业大学的申请入口申请。对于在国外机构获得的课程学分,其认可由各个 Landesprüfungsamt 来完成。详情请直接咨询德累斯顿工业大学医学院。

  6.Under which circumstances can admission be refused in spite of an existing university entrance qualification?

  Please note that admission can be refused even in the event of a sufficient university entrance qualification or with a letter of admission to an NC course if there are grounds for refusal in accordance with the Saxon University Freedom Act (SächsHSFG):

  An applicant can be refused admission to a course if he/she

  does not meet the entry requirement to study according to Section 17,

  if the course is subject to restricted admission and the applicant is not admitted,

  does not prove that he/she has health insurance or is exempt from the health insurance obligation,

  does not prove that he/she has met the statutory obligations in connection with admission with regards to paying fees or contributions,

  is already enrolled at another German university and a parallel degree is not appropriate for the study objective,

  has not passed the required examination for completion of the selected course of study,

  has not produced the performance record in the selected course of study or a course with the same specialised orientation as prescribed in the examination regulations,

  has already passed the course’s final examination.

  An applicant can be refused admission particularly if he/she

  does not comply with the rules of procedure valid for admission,

  is under legal supervision in accordance with the regulations of the German Civil Code,

  cannot enrol for certain semesters,

  does not have proof of the required language skills,

  suffers from an illness that could seriously endanger the health of other students or compromise the course; a public health certificate may be required for verification purposes,

  has been legally sentenced to imprisonment for at least one year for an intentionally committed offence, if the sentence is still subject to indefinite information and/or if studies are in danger of being jeopardised or interrupted depending on the type of offence.



















  二、Requirements for courses that lead to another university degree


  1.Which first degree to enter a profession does an applicant need to possess to pursue another degree?

  You can find out which first university degree is required for further study in the applicable study regulations for that course, which can be found on the course pages of the Study Information System (SINS)

  If the first university degree is not yet complete by the end of the respective application period (this can also be the deadline for participating in the eligibility procedure) you can still apply in accordance with the TU Dresden Admission Regulations if 80% of the required credit points have been acquired based on completed module examinations or the final dissertation or test which can be proven by a certificate from the home university (examination office).

  If the degree has still not been attained by the start of the 1st semester, admission will be restricted to the end of the first semester on the condition of proving you have attained the first degree by then. This rule only applies to students at German universities.





  2.Which other requirements (e.g. aptitude tests) may be stipulated?

  Other specialised admission requirements may have been set in the course’s study regulation in addition to a certain university degree, which could range from proof of certain foreign language skills and prescribed pre-study internships through to proof that you have successfully passed an aptitude test at the university. You can find out which special requirements specifically apply to each course on each course’s page in the Study Information System (SINS).



  3.Which additional requirements must be met for NC courses?

  For NC courses, there must be a specific selection process for admission.

  For courses with high demand, new place capacities may have been specified annually in accordance with the Saxon Admission Numbers Regulations. Allocation of the available places is usually made according to the bachelor’s degree final grade in accordance with Master’s Allocation Regulations at TU Dresden. In some courses, other selection regulations may apply in addition to the eligibility regulations, in which more allocation criteria are set in addition to the bachelor’s grade.




  4.When does knowledge of German have to be proven?

  If you did not acquire your university entrance qualification at a German institution, proof of your German knowledge will be required (also applies to applicants with German citizenship), unless you are applying for a master’s course that is taught in English. (Other conditions also apply to students within the ERASMUS exchange programme.

  Sufficient knowledge of German can usually be proven with the following examinations or certificates:

  German language examination for university admission (DSH) with an overall score of at least DSH 2

  “German as a foreign language for applicants” test (TestDaF) with an overall score of at least TestDaF 4 in all parts of the exam

  A pass in the German examination within the framework of the assessment test (FSP)

  “German language diploma from the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the German Federal States - level II” (DSD level 2/level C1)

  A C2 grade in the Goethe Institute’s test at home or abroad

  “Small German Language Diploma” or “Big German Language Diploma” awarded by the Goethe Institute on behalf of Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich. This was replaced with Goethe - Certificate C2 (Großes Deutsches Sprachdiplom) in 01.01.2012. Certificates issued until 31.12.2011 are only valid for DSH Test.

  Telc C1 Hochschule








  (5)歌德学院考试成绩在C2 以上。可以在德国参加考试,也可以在国外参加考试;


  (7)Telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule证书。

  5.Additional information for applications with a foreign university entrance qualification

  Admission for studying at TU Dresden for applicants with a foreign university qualification/educational qualification is given in accordance with the assessment guidelines of the Conference of the Ministers of Education and Cultural Affairs of the German Federal States (KMK).

  This means that if you have a foreign university entrance qualification (also applies to the International Baccalaureate (IB) obtained at an international school in Germany), you must have your certificate approved for application purposes in Germany and have an average grade calculated. The Work and Service Office for International Applicants carries out this task for TU Dresden (uni assist). All German or international applicants with a foreign qualification must initially apply via uni assist. Your certificates will be checked and evaluated by uni assist in connection with your application. If the certificate is sufficient for university admission and your documents are complete, your application data will be forwarded to TU Dresden. A second application using the TU Dresden application portal is therefore unnecessary.

  You will find the most important information about the respective country-specific requirements in theDAAD admission database, which was compiled based on the KMK’s assessment guidelines. Another information option is the Anabin database from the Central Office of International Education (ZAB). This database is also based on the KMK assessment guidelines. Here you will find detailed information about country-specific requirements and further information about the assessment of universities and degrees.

  Please note: uni assist check your documents with regard to the respective application at TU Dresden. You will not receive an official notice of recognition that can be used for other application purposes. In that case you will have to contact an accreditation office.



  这意味着,如果你持有国外大学入学证书(持有在德国国际学校获得的国际文凭也可以),你的证书必须得到申请批准,平均成绩必须经过计算,才能申请入学。国际申请人工作服务办公室代德累斯顿工业大学实施这项任务。所有德国学生和国际申请人,必须首先通过uni assist申请。在申请中提交的证书,由uni assist审核和评估。如果你的证书符合大学入学要求,如果你的文件完整,你的申请将被转寄给德累斯顿工业大学。对于第二轮申请,需要在德累斯顿工业大学的申请入口进行。

  可以在DAAD 的招生数据库中找到关于各个国家要求的最重要的信息,该数据库根据德国联邦州的评估指南建立。另外,也可以在Anabin数据库找资源,该数据库由国际教育中心办公室提供。该数据库也基于德国联邦州的评估指南。通过这个数据库,你可以找到特定国家的要求信息,以及关于大学评估和学位评估的进一步信息。

  请注意:uni assist根据德累斯顿工业大学的各个申请来审核文件。你不会收到可以用于其他申请目的的官方认可通知。在那种情况下,你将需要和认证办公室联系。

  6.Under which circumstances can admission be refused in spite of fulfilling existing requirements?

  In accordance with Saxon Higher Education Act, applicants that have already been enrolled at another German university must particularly take note of the grounds for refusal for admission. Grounds for refusal are particularly:

  The applicant has not produced the performance record in the selected course of study or a course with the same specialised orientation as prescribed in the examination regulations.

  The applicant has not passed the required examination for completion of the selected course of study. This can also be a relevant examination from another course.





  三、Requirements for PhD Studies


  1.Which requirements must be met for admission to a PhD?

  The requirement for being accepted as a PhD student is usually a good to very good degree in the relevant subject that corresponds to a German academic degree.

  It is possible to be admitted as a PhD student with a bachelor’s degree under certain conditions.



  2.Which linguistic requirements are there?

  The dissertation can usually be written in German or English. For PhD students with foreign citizenship this means that knowledge of German is not necessarily essential, although it is necessary for everyday life. The existence of sufficient knowledge of English will be checked by the respective supervisor. An official language certificate is not usually required.

  If the dissertation is written in German, appropriate German skills must be proved in accordance with Admission Regulations.




  3.Which documents must be submitted for applications with a foreign degree?

  The following documents must be submitted for the degree examination:


  A copy of the original university entrance qualification certificate

  Officially certified copies and translations (in German or English) of all degree certificates

  Copy and translation of subject overview with grades of the highest level of degree.

  After being accepted as a PhD student by a faculty, the following must also be submitted for the optional enrolment:

  Letter of confirmation from the faculty regarding acceptance as a PhD student

  Proof of German skills - only required if the PhD studies are taking place in German (DSH2, ZOP).

  Please keep in mind the additionally required specific documents for individual faculties











  四、Application Deadlines

  In order to start a degree programme at TU Dresden, an application within a certain deadline is necessary. As a general rule, the application is submitted online via the application portal.

  The relevant deadlines for your chosen degree programme are available through the Study Information System (SINS), on the page of each degree programme in the “application modalities” section. Please note that there are different deadlines for the start of degree programmes in the winter semester and in the summer semester. Only a limited amount of degree programmes permit to start the first semester of the degree in the summer semester. On the start page of the SINS via the “search” option you are able to obtain information about which degree programmes start in which semester.

  There are also differences in the deadlines for German and international applicants.

  Finally, you should check in the SINS whether your desired degree programme has limited admission (NC – numerus clausus) or if certain preliminary academic aptitude tests are required. Depending on these factors different deadlines might apply.

  The application for a doctoral studies programme is possible within the following period of time for a start in the winter semester: 1st June until 15th September

  For a start in the summer semester: 1st December until 15th March



  选定学位课程的相关截止日期在学习信息系统上有,在学位课程网页的application modalities栏目中有。请注意,冬季学期学位课程和夏季学期学位课程开课的截止日期不同。只有少数学位课程的开始学期是在夏季学期。在学习信息系统网页,通过搜索选项,可以搜索学位课程开课学期方面的信息。











  想了解更多留学申请条件网的资讯,请访问: 留学申请条件






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