萨里大学(University of Surrey)英国一所老牌的一流公立大学,学校在英国几个权威的大学排名中都位列前十名。萨里大学在2016 《完全大学指南》英国大学排名中名列第8位 ,并一度被泰晤士报和星期日泰晤士报分别评为年度大学。除了提供优质的教育,萨里大学也为留学生提供丰厚的奖学金。那么,萨里大学研究生奖学金有哪些呢?怎么申请?请看出国留学网的介绍。
Postgraduate scholarships
1.Surrey MBA Scholarships
We offer a range of scholarships of up to 50 per cent to talented applicants applying to study the Surrey MBA.
(1)International Leader Scholarship
The International Leader Scholarship is open to all UK and international applicants who bring both outstanding experience and diversity to the class.
The Scholarship is open to candidates joining either the Full-time or Executive MBA programmes.
(2)Women in Business Scholarship
Our Women in Business Scholarship is open to female candidates who can demonstrate their contribution to business and evidence a drive to support other female candidates in future.
The Scholarship is open to candidates joining either the Full-time or Executive MBA programmes.
(3)Chevening Scholarships
Surrey Business School is committed to supporting and developing those with the ability and talent to become international future leaders in both the private and public sector.
In partnership with Chevening, the UK government’s global scholarship programme funded by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, we are able to offer a number of unique awards specifically supporting the Full-time MBA programme.
2.Surrey International Scholarship for Excellence
(1)Scholarship description
For all (with the exception of MBA) postgraduate taught courses starting in September 2017 within the Surrey Business School and the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management we are offering all applicants who hold a 2:1 honours degree or equivalent the opportunity to be awarded between £2,000 and £4,000 through the Surrey International Scholarship for Excellence Scheme.
(2)Application process
There is no formal application for this scholarship. All eligible offer holders that comply with the above mentioned criteria will be considered, and all qualifying offer holders will be notified by email. To secure the offer, applicants must accept their offer to study within the permitted timeframe and confirm their wish to study by paying the required deposit in advance of the deadline.
(3)How the scholarship programme works
The Surrey International Scholarship for Excellence is aimed at high-calibre International students from the following countries:
Africa:Ghana, Kenya,Uganda,Tanzania,Nigeria.Middle East: Egypt,Turkey,Lebanon,Jordan.South Asia:Bangladesh,Pakistan, India.South East Asia:Vietnam,Malaysia,Indonesia,Thailand.
Awards are available for international applicants to all eligible postgraduate taught courses starting in September 2017 within the Surrey Business School and the School of Hospitality and Tourism Management
(4)Who is eligible?
Offer holders who fulfil the above criteria and who achieve either a 2:1 or a first-class honours degree or equivalent are eligible. For programmes requiring a 2:1 we will give £4,000 for offer holders achieving a first-class honours (or equivalent) and £2,000 for those achieving a 2:1 with honours (or equivalent) • For programmes requiring a 2:2 we offer a scholarship of £2,000 for all offer holders achieving a 2:1 with honours (or equivalent)
(5)How to apply
There is no formal application for this scholarship. All eligible offer holders that comply with the criteria will be considered and all qualifying offer holders will be notified by email. Full terms and conditions are available on the website. The award will be paid in the form of a tuition fee discount. Final decisions on the eligibility of applicants and allocation of scholarships will be made by the University of Surrey’s International Student Recruitment Office.
3.Surrey International Scholarship for Engineering and Physical Sciences
These university-funded scholarships are worth £2,000 - £4,000 for 2017 entry onto the MSc programmes within the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences departments.
Offer holders for these programmes who are overseas feepayers and achieve either a 2:1 or a 1st class honours degree, or equivalent, are eligible. Those paying UK/EU fees are not eligible.
To be eligible, applicants must hold an offer to study an MSc programme offered within the following departments in the Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Surrey:
Chemical and Process Engineering,Chemistry,Civil and Environmental Engineering,Computer Science,Electrical and Electronic Engineering,Environment and Sustainability,Mathematics,Mechanical Engineering Sciences,Physics.
Full eligibility criteria
To be eligible for this scholarship you must:
- Be an offer holder for programmes in one of the above departments.
- Achieve either a 2:1 or a 1st class honours degree or equivalent
Scholarships are valued at £4,000 for offer holders achieving a 1st class honours (or equivalent) and £2,000 for those achieving a 2:1 with honours (or equivalent)
Apply for their chosen programme within the permitted timeframe and confirm their wish to study by paying the required deposit in advance of the deadline
- Be an overseas fee paying student (this scholarship is not available for students eligible for home/EU fees)
- Be self-funded (you must be paying for your studies independently rather than being sponsored or in receipt of another scholarship, whether that be an external scholarship or any other university-funded scholarship)
- Meet all the conditions of your offer.
How to apply
There is no formal application for this scholarship. All eligible offer holders that comply with the above mentioned criteria will be considered, and all qualifying offer holders will be notified by email.
The award will be paid in the form of a tuition fee discount. For programmes of more than one year, the award is payable for the first year of study only.
Final decisions on the eligibility of applicants and allocation of scholarships will be made by the University of Surrey’s International Student Recruitment Office.
4.Editex Thesis Write-up Scholarship
(1)Scholarship description
The Editex Thesis Write-up Scholarship provides financial assistance for one postgraduate student per year for a period of 12 weeks, to free them from other forms of employment and assist them to concentrate solely on the task of writing their thesis.
The scholarship is available to postgraduate students of UK universities which have the Editex scholarship listed in their scholarship pages.
For students who do not hold another scholarship, the Editex Thesis Write-up Scholarship pays a stipend of £333.33 per fortnight for six fortnights (£2,000 in total).
For students who do hold another scholarship, the Editex Thesis Write-up Scholarship pays a stipend of: £200 per fortnight for six fortnights (£1,200 in total)
Editex论文写作奖学金向提供有 Editex 奖学金的英国大学的研究生开放。
对于没有拿到其他奖学金的学生,Editex论文写作奖学金每两周为其支付333.33 英镑奖学金,期限为12周,总共2000英镑。
对于拿到其他奖学金的学生,Editex论文写作奖学金每两周为其支付200 英镑奖学金,期限为12周,总共1200英镑。
Students must be enrolled full time in a research degree (Masters or PhD).
Part-time students are eligible to apply for the scholarship only in circumstances where the applicant is able to demonstrate heavy carer commitments or a medical condition that precludes them from studying full time.
Students may be either internal or external students. Both international and domestic students are eligible to apply. (Any stipend award for international students will be subject to confirmation of a full fee scholarship for the corresponding period.)
Students who hold another scholarship may apply, but will receive the lower amount as outlined above.
The student must not engage in any forms of paid employment for the duration of the scholarship (unless Editex is notified of any special circumstances that would prohibit this at the time of application).
The student must work on writing their thesis full time (a minimum of 35 hours per week) for the duration of the scholarship (i.e. they must have completed the research stage). Employees of Editex and their family members are not eligible for the scholarship.
e.学生除非在申请的时候有特殊情况,并得到 Editex的同意,否则在奖学金期限内不能参加任何形式的带薪工作;
f.在奖学金期限内,学生必须完全投入论文写作,每周写论文的时间不能少于35个小时。也就是说,学生必须已经完成研究阶段。 Editex 的员工及其家属不符合该奖学金的资格。
(3)Application process
Applications will open on 1 July and close on 30 November each year
The scholarship will be awarded prior to 31 December
The successful applicant can specify a start date for the scholarship that is any time within the following 12 months.
The application form must be completed online. Applications cannot be accepted by email or post. Editex will assess each application based on the academic merit of the research being undertaken and the financial situation of the student.
The successful applicant will be chosen at the sole discretion of Editex.
只有 Editex有权对申请成功的学生进行选择。