英国布莱德福德大学(University of Bradford)建于1860年,迄今已有100多年历史。布莱德福德大学位于英国西约克郡布拉德福德市,环境优美,有古老的建筑、先进的教学设备和一流的教学水平。除了优质的教育,去布莱德福德大学学习,还可以申请数额丰厚的奖学金。那么,布莱德福德大学本科都有哪些奖学金可以申请呢?和出国留学网来看看吧。
The University of Bradford offers a wide range of financial help to assist you on your university journey, and invests over £4m annually in the Access Agreement and other scholarships to support students from all backgrounds.
Every year we award numerous non-repayable scholarships to UK, EU and international students on the basis of academic excellence, personal circumstances or economic hardship. Some of our scholarships are also linked to studies in a specific subject area. You can apply for more than one type of scholarship but you can usually only be granted one award. NHS-funded students are not eligible for University of Bradford scholarships.
China, Hong Kong and Taiwan Scholarships
About the scholarship
We have 10 full-fee and 25 half-fee scholarships available for students living in China, Hong Kong or Taiwan.
Eligibility criteria
To apply for this scholarship you must have already received an offer from the University of Bradford to begin your studies in September 2017. You must enclose a copy of your offer letter with your scholarship application form.
You are only eligible to apply if you are domiciled in China (mainland), Hong Kong or Taiwan.
All applicants applying for any UG or PG taught programmes except for MBA are eligible to apply (this does not include any PG research programmes).
Your application will be considered based on your academic performance, language skills, work experience and your personal statement.
Applicable courses
All full-time courses based at the University of Bradford (excluding MBA, distance learning and external).
Eligible countries:China,Hong Kong,Taiwan.
Payment amount & frequency
Full fee scholarships - 10 available
Half-fee scholarships - 25 available
Closing date: 30 June 2017.
University of Bradford Sports Scholarship Scheme
About the scholarship
University of Bradford Sport is offering scholarships to assist with the development of its student athletes. The offer is available to all new students attending the University of Bradford, and is open to all nationalities. Three tiered packages are available (Gold, Silver and Bronze) and are assessed based on an individual’s sporting and academic history.
Successful applicants will receive:
Tuition fee assistance (dependent upon package offered)
Sport Science access (strength and conditioning; physiotherapy; performance analysis)
Career and academic support
Sports massage access
Free sports membership and athletic union fee waiver
Discounted sports kit packages (dependent upon package offered)
The scholarship will remain active throughout your course; however you will be expected to maintain certain objectives which will be evaluated at the end of each academic year. A review will be conducted at the end of each academic year, the outcome of the review will determine the continuation of scholarship funding into the next academic year.
Eligibility criteria
Students must be in the process of applying to study at The University of Bradford. Current students will not be accepted; however current students progressing to a postgraduate degree can apply.
Students must be of regional, national or international standard in their sport and/or show strong evidence of future outstanding potential.
Student must have the necessary academic background to successfully gain a place on a course at The University of Bradford.
Students transferring from another University to study at Bradford can apply for the scholarship.
Students must adhere to the conditions of the award.
Eligible countries
Students from all countries, who meet the criteria, are eligible.
How to apply
If you feel you meet the above criteria, please fill in the application form
Completed applications should be sent to: sports-scholarships@bradford.ac.uk by the advertised closing date.
There are two rounds of applications:
First application round – closing date Friday 7 April 2017
Second application round – closing date Friday 30 June 2017
Your application will be carefully assessed by a panel consisting of sport and academic staff. Applicants will be contacted as soon as possible once a decision has been made. Applicants who applied for the first round should hear by the end of May 2017. Applicants for the second round should hear by the end of July 2017. Any relevant course fees will be deducted automatically at enrolment. All other benefits of the scheme will commence in September following enrolment on your course.
Closing date: 30 June 2017.
1. Nature of the Award and Eligibility
1.1. Your Sports Scholarship Award is awarded for one University academic year (2017/18). There is an annual review of all awards and continuing entitlement to an Sport Scholarship Award is conditional upon your satisfactory academic progress, sporting achievement and standards of conduct. It is the University’s intention to provide scholarships for three years to successful recipients.
1.2. You must satisfy the normal University entrance requirements for admission to the relevant degree course, as well as the sporting, training and competitive criteria of the Sports Scholarship Award set out in these conditions.
1.3. Should you require it to study in the United Kingdom, you must hold a valid visa and you must comply with the United Kingdom’s Immigration Rules for the duration of your Sports Scholarship Award.
1.4. Your Sports Scholarship Award is not transferable to another institution.
2. Progress Assessment
2.1. The Sports Assistant and the Sports Scholarship Committee will assess your sporting performance and academic progress throughout the period of your Sports Scholarship Award, including the requirements specified in Conditions 2 and 3 above.
2.2. Provided you have demonstrated acceptable sporting performance and academic progress, the Sports Scholarship Committee may decide at its discretion to continue your Sports Scholarship Award for a further Year. Each continuation of your Sports Scholarship Award will be subject to these Conditions of Award, or such other conditions as the University may notify you of. The Sports Scholarship Committee may continue your Sports Scholarship Award up to a maximum of three Years.
2.3. You must inform the Sport Assistant promptly of any change in your circumstances or status which affect or may affect your ability to comply with these Conditions of Award or hold your Sports Scholarship Award.
Alumni Discount Scheme
About the discount
All alumni of the University of Bradford, regardless of when they have graduated, will receive a 15% discount on their tuition fees if they achieved a 2:2 or above in their undergraduate degree.
Please note that the 15% discount will be deducted after any scholarship or discount has been applied to your fees.
Eligibility criteria
The discount is available for:
self-funded students only
all students progressing onto a Master's or a PhD programme from an undergraduate degree
students progressing from a taught Master's onto a PhD programme
alumni wishing to study a second undergraduate or postgraduate degree (full Master's or PhD only)
students who have studied here as part of an exchange, e.g. Erasmus
students who have completed an undergraduate programme at one of our partner institutions and then wish to continue their studies at postgraduate level here at Bradford; or students studying a premium fee programme by distance learning.
However, students may only claim one discount or bursary from the University towards their study, e.g. students may not receive a Postgraduate Bursary and the fee discount. The exception is that International students may receive the Country Specific Scholarship for World Bank Countries or the International Academic Excellence Scholarships (not the half-fee scholarship) and the Alumni Discount.
Students studying part-time will be entitled to the discount but must be enrolled for at least 60 credits each year.
Eligible countries
Students from all countries, who meet the criteria, are eligible.
(5)已经以交换生身份在布拉德福德大学学习过的学生,比如已经参加 Erasmus项目学习;
(6)已经完成 布拉德福德大学伙伴机构本科课程学习、并且有意在布拉德福德大学学习研究生学位的学生,或者学习远程教育优先费用课程的学生。