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学校名称: 英国博尔顿大学 The University of Bolton





  Bolton Achievers Scholarship 2017/18


  The Bolton Achievers Scholarship (BAS) is a full tuition fee waiver for higher education degree courses at the University of Bolton of £9,000 per year (or the published fee in the intake year). BAS is available to students who commence their course of study at the University of Bolton’s new school – UTC Bolton in September 2015.

  BAS is available to students entering UTC Bolton in Year 10 in September 2015 and completing the whole four years (Years 10, 11, 12 and 13) at UTC Bolton and then progressing to a degree course at the University of Bolton in September 2019. For the remainder of this document this group will be referred to as Year 10 BAS.

  BAS is also available to students entering UTC Bolton in Year 12 in September 2015 and completing the whole two years at the UTC (Years 12 and 13) then progressing to a degree course at the University of Bolton in September 2017. For the remainder of this document this group will be referred to as Year 12 BAS.

  Restriction: BAS will only be offered to students who achieve ABB grade profile (128 UCAS points at A2).

  博尔顿成就者奖学金属于全额学费减免奖学金,适用于博尔顿大学高等教育学位课程。博尔顿成就者奖学金每年金额为9000英镑,或为入学年公布的学费。博尔顿成就者奖学金提供给在2015年9月开始学习博尔顿大学新学院(UTC 博尔顿)课程的学生。

  博尔顿成就者奖学金提供给2015年9月入学UTC 博尔顿第10年课程、并且完成学院四年全部课程、在2019年9月入学博尔顿大学学位课程的学生。

  博尔顿成就者奖学金也提供给2015年9月入学UTC 博尔顿第12年课程、并且完成学院两年(第12年和第13年)全部课程、在2017年9月入学博尔顿大学学位课程的学生。

  资格限制:博尔顿成就者奖学金将只提供给拿到ABB (大学入学申请办事处A2级128个点)的学生。


  BAS is worth up to a maximum of £9,000 per year or the full published tuition fee in the intake year. For Year 10 BAS, this is paid as a fee waiver in each academic year of the studies up to a maximum duration of the course (normally three academic years but could be four for M.Eng/M.Pharm type of programmes). Thus BAS offers scholarships worth at least £27,000 for three year degree courses and £36,000 for four year degree courses.

  BAS aims to attract the most talented students to the University of Bolton’s undergraduate degree courses in September 2019. BAS entitlement will be reviewed each academic year using the Terms and Conditions set out at the end of this document.

  For Year 12 BAS, this is paid as a fee waiver for the last two years of the course and paid in each academic year of the studies, to the most talented students joining the University of Bolton undergraduate degree courses in September 2017. BAS entitlement will be reviewed each academic year using the Terms and Conditions set out at the end of this document.

  There is no need to apply for BAS. Students will be automatically assessed via their UCAS application and results, however the applicant must select the University of Bolton as their first choice through UCAS by the decline by default date in month of May of the year of intake (eligible applicants will be reminded).

  BAS is offered to U.K. and E.U. residents only who are studying on their first full-time undergraduate degree. BAS will not be awarded to individuals in addition to other bursaries and scholarships available at the University of Bolton.








  BAS is only open to students who completed their GCSE and A Level/Diploma studies at UTC Bolton starting from September 2015. It is not a reoccurring scholarship for subsequent intakes into UTC Bolton.

  Students must achieve a minimum 128 UCAS points from a HEFCE approved qualification such as:

  A-levels (ABB+) from maximum of three subjects, achieved at the first sitting in the final exams within the academic year of application.

  BTEC NQF Qualifications (DDM) or equivalent from maximum of three subjects achieved at the first sitting in the final assessment within the academic year of application.

  A combination of A-levels and BTECs is acceptable.

  Applicants must also meet the general entry requirements for the University and the specific course to which they are applying. All qualifications must be verified by UCAS or by the University of Bolton.

  Students must have selected University of Bolton as first choice through UCAS by ‘Decline by Default’ (early May 2017 or May 2019).

  BAS Year 12 students must have commenced on the first year of an undergraduate degree course of study at the University of Bolton in Semester 1 of the 2017/18 academic year. BAS Year 10 students must have commenced on the first year of an undergraduate degree course of study at University of Bolton in Semester 1 of the 2019/20 academic year.

  The course must be delivered at the University of Bolton and not at a partner or franchise partner college.

  The Scholarship will be paid for first Higher Education (H.E.) courses only. If the applicant has previously commenced on a H.E. course of study, they will not be eligible to receive the scholarship.

  In order to qualify, all students must be eligible to receive student support under the current government Education (Student Support) Regulations.

  Students must be studying full time on a course with tuition fees of £9,000 or the equivalent tuition fee for full time undergraduate course in the intake year.


  博尔顿成就者奖学金只向2015年9月入学博尔顿大学并且完成 GCSE 和A Level/ 文凭学习的学生开放。不向在往后学年入学博尔顿大学的学生开放。


  (1)三科A-level (成绩达到ABB+)——必须在申请的年份一次性通过期末考试;





  第12年学生必须已经开始博尔顿大学第一学年本科学位课程学习,即2017/18 学年第一学期学习。第10年学生必须已经开始博尔顿大学第一学年本科学位课程学习,即2019/20 学年第一学期学习。




  学生必须正在学习全日制课程,学费必须为9,000 英镑,或学习入学年同等学费全日制本科课程。

  The following categories of students are not eligible to receive the BAS:

  Students who apply by advanced/direct entry.

  Students studying a Foundation Degree/HND.

  Students undertaking a postgraduate initial teacher training course.

  Students undertaking a postgraduate qualification.

  Students “topping-up” from a Foundation Degree, HND or equivalent course.

  Students transferring from another institution.

  Students whose tuition fees are paid or part-paid through a sponsorship arrangement, for example by an employer.

  Students undertaking industrial or work experience on a full time “sandwich” basis will not be eligible to receive the bursary during their “sandwich” period.

  Students studying abroad will not be eligible to receive the bursary during their period of study abroad.




  Payments will be made as a fee waiver by University of Bolton’s Student Data Management after the student applies and succeeds in obtaining a tuition fee loan from the Student Loans Company. BAS will be reviewed at each academic year of study for the relevant student and adjustments made based on the Terms and Conditions given below.



  Terms and conditions

  Students must maintain a 60% average in each academic year of their course for continued payment in the following academic year

  Payments will be terminated if the student withdraws, transfers to another institution, fails their programme of study, or interrupts or suspends their studies.

  Payments are subject to continuing and satisfactory attendance on the course.

  Please note all information given on this summary is provisional and subject to change.






  Bolton Sports Bursary 2017/18

  2017/18 博尔顿体育奖学金

  With a specific focus on preparation for employment as a sport professional, you will join a highly productive and performance-oriented team with a strong industrial background.



  The Bolton Sport Bursary is worth up to a maximum of £3,000 in total, and is not household income assessed. The bursary is paid as a £1,000 cash payment in each academic year of your studies up to a maximum of three academic years to the most talented students joining University of Bolton undergraduate degree courses in September 2017. The bursary may be offered to U.K. and E.U. residents only who are studying on their first full-time undergraduate degree. The bursary may be awarded in addition to other bursaries and scholarships available at the university.




  The bursary is to be awarded to athletes competing at International, National, County, and/or Professional Club Level competitions and is awarded as a bursary.

  The bursary will be paid for first HE Level courses only.

  Students must achieve a minimum 96 UCAS points from a HEFCE approved qualification such as:

  A-level (CCC) from maximum of three subjects, achieved at the first sitting in the final exams within the year of application

  The Bolton Sport Bursary is a cash award which is available to students who commence their course of study at University of Bolton in September 2017, having previously achieved 96 UCAS points at A2 level (CCC) or BTEC (MMM).

  BTEC NQF Qualifications (MMM) or equivalent from maximum of three subjects achieved at the first sitting in the final assessment within the year of application

  A combination of A-levels and BTECs is acceptable

  Applicants must also meet the general entry requirements for the University and the specific course to which they are applying. All qualifications must be verified by UCAS or by the University

  All students must have commenced on the first year of an undergraduate degree course of study at University of Bolton in Semester 1 of the 2017/18 academic year. The course must be delivered at the University of Bolton and not at a partner or franchise partner college.

  The Scholarship will be paid for first Higher Education (H.E.) courses only. If you have previously commenced on a H.E. course of study you will not be eligible to receive the bursary.

  In order to qualify, all students must be eligible to receive student support under the current government Education (Student Support) Regulations.

  Students must be studying full time on a course with tuition fees of £9,000 (for academic year 2017/18).





  (1)三科A-level (成绩达到CCC))——必须在申请的年份一次性通过期末考试;

  (2)博尔顿体育奖学金以现金形式发放,提供给2017年9月开始学习博尔顿大学课程并且先前已拿到大学入学申请办事处 A2 级(CCC)96个点或商务技术教育委员会证书的学生;




  所有学生必须已经开始博尔顿大学第一学年本科学位课程学习,即2017/18 学年第一学期学习。开课地点必须是在博尔顿大学,不能在伙伴大学或特许伙伴学院。



  学生必须正在学习2017/18学年全日制课程,学费必须为9,000 英镑。

  The following categories of students are not eligible to receive the Bolton Sports Bursary:

  Students on NHS funded courses

  Students studying BSc Honours Nursing (Adult)

  Students who apply by advanced/direct entry

  Students studying a Foundation Degree/HND

  Students undertaking a postgraduate initial teacher training course.

  Students undertaking a postgraduate qualification.

  Students “topping-up” from a Foundation Degree, HND or equivalent course.

  Students transferring from another institution.

  Students whose tuition fees are paid or part-paid through a sponsorship arrangement, for example by an employer

  Students undertaking industrial or work experience on a full time “sandwich” basis will not be eligible to receive the bursary during their “sandwich” period

  Students studying abroad will not be eligible to receive the bursary during their period of study abroad



  How to apply

  You will need to supply any relevant evidence with your completed application form. Where the evidence is not provided or does not meet the stated requirements the application will not be considered. The information provided will be used solely for the purpose of assessing eligibility for a bursary.




  Payments will be made in two equal instalments of £500 each in each academic year, direct into the students’ bank account. The first instalment will be in February and the second instalment will be in May.



  Terms and conditions

  Students must maintain a 60% average in each academic year of their course for continued payment in the following academic year

  Payments will be terminated if the student withdraws, transfers to another institution, fails their programme of study, or interrupts or suspends their studies.

  Payments are subject to continuing and satisfactory attendance on the course.





  Additional terms and conditions

  Recipients of the Scholarship will be required to be ambassadors for the University and participate in promotional activities for the University.

  Please note all information given on this summary is provisional and subject to change.




  100 Year Anniversary of the Great War Award – 2017/18 academic year

  On the occasion of the hundred year anniversary of The Great War, the University of Bolton announced the introduction of an award to assist ex-service personnel to study at the University.

  The award reflects the 100 years since the beginning of the First World War in 1914.The University of Bolton, being an educational institution established in 1825 is proud to implement the idea and the value of bursaries and scholarships. Below, are the details of the Hundred Year Anniversary of the Great War award for the 2017/18 academic year.

  2017/18 博尔顿大学100周年伟大战役奖


  100周年伟大战役奖反映了1914年第一次世界大战开始以来的百年历史。作为一所教育机构,博尔顿大学建立于1825年,学校为奖学金理念和价值的实践感到自豪。以下是2017/18 博尔顿大学100周年伟大战役奖的详情。


  These awards are offered to ex-service personnel. Students who have completed a minimum of 3 years military service since their eighteenth birthday in the British Armed Forces may apply.


  The amount of the award payable is £500 per academic year. The award is payable in arrears (at the end of each academic year). A maximum of ten awards will be available in each academic year.





  Terms and conditions for eligibility

  In order for an individual to be eligible for the bursary, he/she must fulfil the following requirements:

  Applicants must have a minimum of three years military service post 18 years of age.

  Students must be enrolled on a full-time taught course at the University which is to commence in September 2017 or later. This includes Access and foundation programmes, undergraduate degrees and taught Masters programmes.

  Students in receipt of the Hundred Year Anniversary of the Great War award may be eligible to receive any other awards offered by the University providing they fulfil the award criteria.

  The course must be delivered at the University of Bolton and not at a partner or franchise partner college.

  This award is payable in arrears at the end of each academic year and students must have successfully completed their studies during the year on first attempt.

  The value of the award is £500 per academic year.

  The award will be paid for first full-time taught courses only or students progressing to a PG programme having completed an undergraduate degree. If you have previously studied a HE course of study in the past and wish to study at the same level again you will not be eligible.

  Applicants must also meet the general entry requirements for the University and the specific course to which they are applying. All qualifications must be verified by UCAS or by the University











  The following categories of students are not eligible to receive the Scholarship.

  Students on NHS funded courses

  Students undertaking industrial or work experience on a full time “sandwich” basis will not be eligible to receive the bursary during their “sandwich” period

  Students studying abroad will not be eligible to receive the bursary during their period of study abroad.

  To apply for the award please complete the application form and return this to Bursary and Scholarship Team.

  Applications accepted throughout the academic year until the deadline of 31st May 2018. Successful applicants will be contacted on or before 30thJune, 2018.

  Awards for the 17/18 academic year will be paid in July 2018.





  (2)17/18 学年的100周年伟大战役奖将在2018年7月发放。

  Terms and conditions

  The award of a bursary is entirely at the university's discretion and the university reserves the right to change the bursary from time to time. Bursary payments are subject to continuing and satisfactory attendance on the course of study, and will be terminated if the student withdraws, transfers to another institution, fails their programme of study, or interrupts or suspends their studies.









  想了解更多奖学金网的资讯,请访问: 奖学金






  • 54秒前江西李同学成功获取奖学金
  • 24分钟前广东陶同学成功获取奖学金
  • 14分钟前北京褚同学成功获取奖学金
  • 3秒前上海韩同学成功获取奖学金




