New Zealand fast facts
--Useful facts about New Zealand for international students.
What is a kiwi?
The kiwi, New Zealand's national bird, is a flightless bird with hair-like feathers and a long, slender beak that it uses to pull worms and insects out of the ground. Found only in New Zealand, kiwi are active at night in the wilderness areas of the country. New Zealanders often refer to themselves as Kiwis, and the term is also used as a short form for the famous kiwifruit. On the stock exchange, the New Zealand Dollar is referred to as “The Kiwi”.
几维鸟是新西兰的国鸟。几维鸟不能飞行,羽毛呈发状,有细长的喙,用于将蠕虫和昆虫从地里拖出。几维鸟只有在新西兰才看得到,夜间活跃,出没于郊野。新西兰人经常自比为几维鸟。kiwi一词也被用为kiwifruit(猕猴桃)的缩写形式。在证券交易所,新西兰货币用The Kiwi指代。
There are no snakes or dangerous wild animals in New Zealand, making it safe for visitors to enjoy outdoor activities.New Zealand has a wealth of native birdlife and some interesting marine life, including fur seals, dolphins and whales.
The north of New Zealand is subtropical, while the south is more temperate. The warmest months are January, February and March; the coldest are July, August and September.
Average daily temperature (High/Low)
- Nov) | Summer(Dec
- Feb) | Autumn(Mar
- May) | Winter(Jun
- Aug) |
18/11 (°C) | 24/12 (°C) | 20/13 (°C) | 15/9 (°C) |
65/52 (F) | 75/54 (F) | 68/55 (F) | 59/48
(F) |
春季(9—11月) | 夏季(12—2月) | 秋季(3—5月) | 冬季(6—8月) |
18/11 (°C) | 24/12 (°C) | 20/13 (°C) | 15/9 (°C) |
65/52 (F) | 75/54 (F) | 68/55 (F) | 59/48 (F) |
The weather in Auckland is generally pleasant, however it can be unpredictable. You’ll need to be prepared for whatever the day may bring. In summer, have a light jacket with you just in case. In winter the wind can be very cold, so include a warm, waterproof jacket in your wardrobe. If you walk a lot, it’s always a good idea to have a raincoat or umbrella handy.
The sun is surprisingly intense in New Zealand, so protect exposed skin with an effective sunscreen when you’re outside. Look for an SPF rating of 15 or above. Sunscreen probably isn’t necessary in June, July and August, unless you’re outside for the entire day.
Time difference
New Zealand is one of the first places in the world to see the new day, 12 hours ahead of GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).
In summer New Zealand uses 'daylight saving' - clocks are put forward one hour to GMT+13. Daylight saving begins on the first Sunday in October and ends around the last Saturday in March.
Drinking water
New Zealand cities and towns have excellent water supplies and in all cases tap water is fresh and safe to drink. Water taken directly from rivers and lakes should be boiled, chemically treated or filtered before drinking to avoid stomach upsets.
GST (Goods and Services Tax)
Goods and services tax (GST) is New Zealand's main type of tax apart from income tax. All goods and services are subject to a 15% goods and services tax (GST), which is usually included in the displayed price. If the GST is not included in the advertised price, then the vendor is obliged to advise you of this fact before you buy.
GST is charged on virtually all goods and services supplied in New Zealand, except for the rental of residential property, financial services such as mortgages, loans and investments, and the sale of a complete business as a ‘going concern’ to a new owner.
When a business buys goods or services from its suppliers, it can claim a credit for the GST that the suppliers charge on these purchases. However, end-user consumers can’t claim a deduction for GST in this way. The effect of this is that the final consumer of any product or service pays 15% GST on its cost. Visitors can’t claim this tax back, however when a supplier ships a major purchase to a visitor's home address outside New Zealand, the GST will not be charged.
New Zealand customs and communication
New Zealanders have a way of life that’s similar to most Western countries, but there are some special characteristics. The New Zealand government has a useful guide to help new migrants and visitors understand local customs.