The University of Alberta offers many scholarship opportunities to undergraduate and graduate students with outstanding academic potential. We offer more than CAD$22 million in undergraduate scholarships each year, and our graduate funding rates rank among the highest in Canada.
There are many funding opportunities for international graduate students at the University of Alberta! There are a number of funding opportunities available for incoming and continuing graduate students. Graduate students generally finance their education through awards, scholarships, prizes or employment.
UAlberta departments strive to offer competitive stipends to high-caliber candidates. Levels of funding will vary by department, so it’s best to identify your program of interest and contact the department.
You are encouraged to seek your own funding from external organizations, such as the Government of Canada.
Note: Processing times provided by Citizenship and Immigration Canada are estimates and cannot solely be depended on. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that enough time is given to allow for any unforeseen delays in VISA application processing. Scholarships are valid for students beginning in the Fall semester. If you do not receive your study permit in time to attend for Fall and plan to begin your studies in the winter semester, your scholarship offer is not automatically deferred. For more information please contact the Student Awards Office.
Award Name: AAEA Master's Scholarship
Nomination Deadline:01-Oct
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually to a full-time or part-time master's student in Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology who has completed a minimum of 12 credits of course work and who is majoring in agricultural economics, agri-food business management, or natural resources economics. Awarded on the basis of superior academic achievement (a grade point average of 3.5 or greater in the most recent academic year - 12 credits minimum), and demonstration of commitment, leadership, contribution, and initiative at the University, in the community, and in the agri-food industry. Preference will be given to students who graduated from an Alberta high school.
Application Process
Eligible students should submit a letter of application to the Graduate Program Committee, Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology by 1 October.
奖学金名称: AAEA 硕士奖学金
Award Name:AD O'Brien Graduate Scholarship in Public Finance
Nomination Deadline:01-Oct
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually to a full-time student in a graduate degree program in the Department of Economics whose specialization is in Public Finance.
Application Process
There is no application form; eligible students will be considered automatically by the Department of Economics.
奖学金名称:AD O'Brien 公共财政学研究生奖学金
Award Name:Aida Barbara Biamonte Graduate Scholarship in History
Nomination Deadline:
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded to students with superior academic achievement registered in a graduate degree program in History in the Department of History and Classics. Selection based on academic standing.
Application Process
There is no application form; eligible students will be considered automatically by the Department of History and Classics.
奖学金名称:Aida Barbara Biamonte 历史学研究生奖学金
Award Name:AIMCo Doctoral Award in Business
Nomination Deadline:
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually to two students specializing in finance who are registered full-time in year one to year five of a doctoral program at the Alberta School of Business and to two students specializing in finance who are registered full-time in year one to year five of a doctoral program at the Haskayne School of Business in Calgary. The recipients will be selected on the basis of satisfactory academic merit.
Application Process
Please contact your department for more detailed information and application process.
Award Name:AIMCo MBA Award
Nomination Deadline:01-Oct
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually to a student specializing in finance who is registered full-time in year one or year two of a MBA program at the Alberta School of Business and to a student specializing in finance who is registered full-time in year one or year two of a MBA program at the Haskayne School of Business in Calgary. The recipients will be selected on the basis of satisfactory academic merit.
Application Process
Please contact your department for more detailed information and application process.
Award Name:Al Brennan Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Forestry
Nomination Deadline:01-Oct
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually to a graduate student who is studying Wood Science, Forest Engineering, Forest Genetics, Growth and Yield, Forest Management, Forest Business Management, or Forest Economics in a MF, MSc, PhD, or MBA/MF program at the University of Alberta and whose research is relative to the forest industry in Alberta. A recipient may be nominated to hold the scholarship for a second year.
Application Process
There is no application form; eligible students will automatically be considered by Renewable Resources (odd-numbered years) and Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology (even-numbered years) in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life and Environmental Sciences. One nominated applicant will be forwarded to the Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research.
奖学金名称:Al Brennan林学研究生纪念奖学金
Award Name:Al Cook Graduate Scholarship in Rehabilitation Science
Nomination Deadline:
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded to a full-time student registered in the first year of the MSc Rehabilitation Science program in the Faculty of Rehabilitation Medicine at the University of Alberta. The recipient will be selected on the basis of superior academic standing (equivalent to a grade point average of 3.5 or greater on the University of Alberta grading scale).
Application Process
Please contact your department for more detailed information and application process.
奖学金名称:Al Cook 康复科学研究生奖学金
Award Name:Al Rashid Educational Foundation Scholarship
Nomination Deadline:01-Oct
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded to a student with superior academic achievement enrolled in any year of a Masters of Public Health who is a member of the University Muslim Students Association. Selection based on academic standing. Preference given to a student with demonstrated leadership in the field of public health, and involvement in community, volunteer, and/or extracurricular activities.
Application Process
Students are to submit their application to the School of Public Health. A complete application package consists of a letter of application by the student describing the student�s work, a transcript of the academic records, and the names of three references. Students to check with the School of Public Health for internal deadlines.
奖学金名称::Al Rashid 教育基金会奖学金
Award Name:Alan Wharmby Memorial Graduate Scholarship in Mechanical Engineering
Nomination Deadline:01-Oct
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually on the basis of superior academic achievement (equivalent to a MINIMUM grade point average of 3.5) to a full-time student registered in a graduate degree program in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, with preference given to those students who exhibit superior academic performance in their studies and research, balanced with active participation in extracurricular activities such as sports, photography, or registered charitable endeavours. The award may be renewed up to a maximum of one time.
Application Process
By submission to the Associate Chair (Graduate Studies) in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering please submit a current CV, graduate transcript, letter of support from your advisor (describing accomplishments in research as well as listing any papers published (or in preparation) during your current graduate program) together with a statement detailing how you balance active participation in extracurricular activities with your responsibilities in graduate work including research, course work and possibly a graduate teaching assistantship.
奖学金名称:Alan Wharmby 机械工程专业研究生纪念奖学金
Award Name:Alberta Canola Producers Graduate Award in Canola Production Research
Nomination Deadline:
Eligibility Criteria:Awarded annually to a student entering a full-time PhD program in the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences, and/or a newly appointed postdoctoral fellow registered with the Faculty of Agricultural, Life & Environmental Sciences, at the University of Alberta for research related to canola production. Applicants registered in doctoral programs normally are eligible to hold this award during the first year of their program. Applicants at the postdoctoral level may apply to hold this award at the beginning of their appointment. Selection will be based on a proven record of outstanding academic achievement and research interest in areas of study directly related to canola production. Preference will be given to projects which address the research in canola production. However, proposals in other areas of canola research will be considered if a suitable candidate is not found in the area canola production. The selection process will take into consideration the benefit to Alberta producers.
Application Process
Please contact your department for more detailed information and application process.