Business Specialist and Arts
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
This double degree combination offers you genuine breadth of choice, with more than 40 majors and minors across the arts, humanities and social sciences available to complement your studies in business.
The Business Specialist component will give you strong broad business knowledge, while also building your expertise from day one in either Accounting, Banking and Finance, Marketing or International Business. The Arts component will give you the opportunity to explore your passion, or develop key skills in a complementary area.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Commerce Specialist and Arts
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
This double degree combination offers you genuine breadth of choice, with more than 40 majors and minors across the arts, humanities and social sciences available to complement your studies in commerce.
The Commerce element will give you strong business knowledge, while building your expertise from day one in one of three key areas: Actuarial Science, Economics or Finance, while the Arts component will give you the opportunity to explore your passions, or develop key skills in a complementary area.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Arts and Applied Linguistics
Bachelor degree/Master degree
Arts at Monash is your comprehensive gateway to a wide range of fascinating and rewarding areas of study across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Pair this with a Master of Applied Linguistics and fast track your way to a higher qualification.
In your Bachelor of Arts degree you will choose from a select range of majors related to the destination Masters degree. You’ll also have the scope to choose from almost 40 different areas of study for your Minor and electives, including languages, social sciences, communications, politics, human rights, and international relations. While developing an informed, critical awareness of the fields you're most passionate about, you’ll lay the groundwork for a wealth of exciting careers.
As a high achieving student (75% average), in the third year of your degree you will start to transition into the Masters degree. The Master of Applied Linguistics broadens your knowledge of how language works in the context of globalisation, with opportunities for research and internships. Applied linguistics has become widely recognised for its ability to solve language-related problems at both the micro and macro levels.
nternational students - full fee
· For the first three years of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
· In the fourth year of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
Arts and Fine Art
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
Applying to start in 2018? Now, only applicants to the single degree of Fine Art need to prepare a folio and participate in an interview. Applicants to Visual Arts double degrees or Art History and Curating will be evaluated by their ATAR / IB score / credit average only. For more information, please contact the faculty.
This double degree course will immerse you in a range of conceptual and practical approaches to art making through workshops and classes to help develop your studio practice, while giving you a sound knowledge of the theories and practices that arts, social science and humanities professionals use every day.
Combining Visual Arts with your choice of 40 majors and minors from our arts course means you can discover subjects you never knew existed and you can tailor your studies to your academic or personal interests, while exploring different career options.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Commerce and Music
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
Who said creativity and commerce don't mix? Musicians usually have a good head for maths and numbers and logical thinking, so why not bring them together, with a double degree course in Commerce and Music.
With this combination you can follow your passion, and gain essential skills that will help you take your music career to the next level, or pursue the commercial aspects of music.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Education and Arts
Bachelor degree (honours)/Bachelor degree
Arts at Monash provides a comprehensive gateway to a wide range of fascinating areas of study across the arts, humanities and social sciences. Pair this with a degree in Education and you can share that fascination with the next generation of young people - inspiring and engaging young developing minds.
This double degree course will prepare you either for primary or secondary school teaching. Students specialising in secondary education will qualify as subject specialist teachers in two secondary teaching areas, while students specialising in primary education will be qualified to teach across the school curriculum but with particular expertise in one or two fields.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
荣誉学位 学士学位
Arts and Journalism
Bachelor degree/Master degree
Arts at Monash is your comprehensive gateway to a wide range of fascinating and rewarding areas of study across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Pair this with a Master of Journalism and fast track your way to a higher qualification.
In your Bachelor of Arts degree you will choose from a select range of majors related to the destination Masters degree. You’ll also have the scope to choose from almost 40 different areas of study for your Minor and electives, including languages, social sciences, communications, politics, human rights, and international relations. While developing an informed, critical awareness of the fields you're most passionate about, you’ll lay the groundwork for a wealth of exciting careers.
As a high achieving student (75% average), in the third year of your degree you will start to transition into the Masters degree. The journalist of the future will play a crucial role in society by scrutinising and holding to account those in power, shedding light on systemic failings, and finding the truth. If you want to enter this exciting and rapidly changing industry, or you're a media practitioner seeking to extend your expertise or refresh the intellectual basis of your practice, the Master of Journalism is a perfect choice.
You will work with award-winning journalists and academics with outstanding industry links, achieve expert skills in research and reporting in print, digital, radio and video, and explore the media's evolving role in society.
International students - full fee
· For the first three years of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
· In the fourth year of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
学士学位 硕士学位
rts and International Sustainable Tourism Management
Bachelor degree/Master degree
Arts at Monash is your comprehensive gateway to a wide range of fascinating and rewarding areas of study across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Pair this with a Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management and fast track your way to a higher qualification.
In your Bachelor of Arts degree you will choose from a select range of majors related to the destination Masters degree. You’ll also have the scope to choose from almost 40 different areas of study for your Minor and electives, including languages, social sciences, communications, politics, human rights, and international relations. While developing an informed, critical awareness of the fields you're most passionate about, you’ll lay the groundwork for a wealth of exciting careers.
As a high achieving student (75% average), in the third year of your degree you will start to transition into the Masters degree. The Master of International Sustainable Tourism Management meets the growing demand for specialists in tourism planning, marketing and industry management who not only have a broad and deep understanding of global business activity, but also a clear insight into the consequences of planning and policymaking on the environment, society, culture and the economy.
International students - full fee
· For the first three years of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
· In the fourth year of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
学士学位 硕士学位
Education and Commerce
Bachelor degree (honours)/Bachelor degree
If you are attracted to the idea of introducing young people to the big ideas in commerce, but also want the option of a professional career in commerce, this double degree course is for you.
It will prepare you for a rewarding career in primary or secondary schools. Students specialising in secondary education will qualify as specialist teachers of accounting, economics or management studies, while students specialising in primary education will be qualified to teach across the school curriculum but with an in-depth knowledge of commerce related fields.
Either way you will have a firm foundation in the business skills that are increasingly important in the school sector.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
Commerce and Information Technology
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
Commerce and information technology are inseparable in the modern world, and the need for more sophisticated technology is intense. People with the commercial skills to understand and implement technology are in high demand, and with these two degrees you will have these skills.
You could:
· combine Accounting and Software Development to create software programs for accountants
· mix Games Development and Marketing Science to understand the demands of selling a video game franchise
· pair Business Information Systems with Econometrics or Actuarial Science to develop expertise in the growing field of data analytics
· learn how to commercialise information technology services and products.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
Arts and Communications and Media Studies
Bachelor degree/Master degree
Arts at Monash is your comprehensive gateway to a wide range of fascinating and rewarding areas of study across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. Pair this with a Master of Communications and Media Studies and fast track your way to a higher qualification.
In your Bachelor of Arts degree you will choose from a select range of majors related to the destination Masters degree. You’ll also have the scope to choose from almost 40 different areas of study for your Minor and electives, including languages, social sciences, communications, politics, human rights, and international relations. While developing an informed, critical awareness of the fields you're most passionate about, you’ll lay the groundwork for a wealth of exciting careers.
As a high achieving student (75% average), in the third year of your degree you will start to transition into the Masters degree. The Master of Communications and Media Studies builds your understanding of the changing global contexts of media and communication practices. You will gain a critically informed understanding of key issues affecting the global communications industry focusing on the challenges posed by the emergence of digital media, globalisation and increasing levels of cross-cultural exchange. Industry engagement through guest speakers, internships, and opportunities for site visits in Australia and abroad will enhance your knowledge and professional competency.
International students - full fee
· For the first three years of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
· In the fourth year of study, the cost per 48 units (one year full time study) is A$30,700.
学士学位 硕士学位
Design and Information Technology
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
Applying to start in 2018? We’ve streamlined the application process for Design – you’ll no longer have to prepare a folio or participate in an interview. For more information, please contact the faculty.
Design and information technology are strongly complementary fields. Together, they provide a powerful combination of highly valuable skills and knowledge.
You might combine a specialisation in Communication Design with a Multimedia Development major in Information Technology adding to the strength and relevance of each. You might focus your Industrial Design on the creation of 'smart' products and sophisticated interactive tools, or the next generation of gaming devices or wearable technologies.
This combination of creativity and cutting edge technology will challenge you to link your lateral thinking and problem-solving skills. It will help you to create innovative products and compelling imagery using the latest technologies.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Science and Arts
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
Combining science with studies in arts, humanities or social sciences provides you with powerful communication and critical thinking skills coupled with a strong technological or scientific base.
This double degree course offers over 60 study areas to select from. It will prepare you for life after study with a truly unique set of skills and experience.
If you're uncertain about which areas of study you like best, our experienced course advisors will help you plan a course of study to keep your options open and your future secure.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Education and Information Technology
Bachelor degree (honours)/Bachelor degree
Information technology is pervasive today. We call children 'digital natives' and assume they have the necessary exposure to computing and to IT across the curriculum. However, do children need more if they are to grow up to be sophisticated and intelligent users and producers of emerging technologies? If you answered yes, then this double degree course is for you.
Schools and communities need teachers with the knowledge, skill and enthusiasm to challenge and extend young people in computing. Schools also need teachers who themselves can take advantage of the technology advances to improve teaching and learning in schools.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
Business and Information Technology
Bachelor degree/Bachelor degree
Businesses, big and small, rely on technology and information systems to operate successfully in a rapidly changing global market.
Combining Business and Information Technology gives you the skills to apply business principles and knowledge across the IT sector or to assist businesses to implement new technological advances. You have the opportunity to explore areas of interest or develop new ones; or combine your majors to develop key skills.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
本科学位 学士学位
Medical Science and Medicine
Bachelor degree/Master degree
The Monash School of Medicine is internationally recognised for providing a world-class educational experience by providing a comprehensive and interdisciplinary approach to medical training. We are the only Victorian university to offer a Direct Entry medical program for students completing year 12 as well as a Graduate Entry program leading to the same degree – Bachelor of Medical Science and Doctor of Medicine (MD)
Whichever pathway you take to Medicine at Monash, you will be challenged by a community where the discoveries of our world-renowned researchers are put into clinical practice. You will have access to the largest healthcare provider network in Australia, which includes the Monash Medical Centre and The Alfred, Melbourne's major casualty hospital.
International fee
Fees are per 48 credit points which represents a standard full-time course load for a year.
学士学位 硕士学位