帝国理工的商学院Taught Master's学生有1440人,整个帝国理工的商学院招生中国学生的基本要求可以说差不多,需要来自国内211.985的院校,平均分不低于85分.雅思要求是7.0,单项不能低于6.5.而且需要注意不能读语言班. 当然建议学生提供GMAT或者GRE成绩.那具体要求咱们可以接下来分析:
2.MSc Business Analytics
商业分析专业可以接受本科Business, Economics, Engineering, Computer Science, Mathematics, Statistics, Physics or a quantitative social science等领域的学生.这个专业非常注重学生的定量分析能力.
3. MSc Climate Change, Management and Finance
需要学生本科为相关背景, such as Science, Engineering, Economics or Mathematics.
4.MSc Economics and Strategy for Business
需要本科背景为Business-related discipline that includes introductory courses in Micro- and Macro-Economics, and at least basic knowledge of quantitative topics – in particular calculus, statistics and linear algebra.
5.MSc Finance
需要本科背景为好的定量学科, such as Mathematics, Engineering, Economics, Finance or Science.
6.MSc Finance and Accounting
需要本科背景为quantitative discipline such as Finance, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, Science or Business.
7.MSc Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Management
8.MSc International Health Management
这个专业需要本科背景在Medicine, Health Sciences, Social Sciences, Physical Sciences Engineering, Informatics or another relevant discipline.
9.MSc Investment and Wealth Management
需要本科背景为quantitative discipline such as Finance, Accounting, Economics, Mathematics, Engineering, Science or Business.