斯坦福大学(Stanford University)全名小利兰·斯坦福大学,坐落于美国加利福尼亚州斯坦福市,是一所享誉世界的顶尖私立研究型大学。斯坦福大学接受升学申请,也接受转学申请。在转学申请方面,斯坦福大学有哪些录取要求呢?请看出国留学网为你提供的介绍。
Eligibility & Transfer Credit
Transfer applicants may have taken a unique path to their undergraduate studies. Review these guidelines to determine your eligibility for transfer admission.
Students who have enrolled either full-time or as a degree-seeking student after graduating from high school must apply for transfer admission.
Students who are dual-enrolled in both high school and college programs should apply for freshman admission.
Students must have a high school diploma or the equivalent in order to enroll at Stanford.
Transfer coursework must be completed at an accredited degree-granting institution; coursework completed in vocational, technical, performance or professional programs is not considered.
Transfer students are required to complete at least two years of full-time enrollment at Stanford in order to attain a bachelor's degree from the university.
Students who have already earned a bachelor's degree are not eligible to apply for undergraduate admission, but they may contact the Graduate Admissions Office.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is reviewed and awarded by Stanford's Office of the University Registrar according to Faculty Senate policy. While Stanford has no articulation agreements with any college or institution, a course generally receives transfer credit if it meets the following conditions:
It is completed at an accredited institution
It is substantially similar to courses offered at Stanford
It is completed with a grade of C- or better
It does not duplicate, overlap or regress previous coursework
The transferability of specific courses is ultimately determined by the Registrar's Office once students are admitted. Transferability policy may change from year to year. Consult the Stanford Bulletin and the Office of the University Registrar for current information.
Required Testing
The ACT with Writing or the SAT with Essay is required for all students seeking admission to Stanford, including transfer students. Official scores from all test dates must be sent to Stanford directly from the ACT or the College Board (the reporting agency for the SAT) or both if the applicant has taken the ACT and the SAT. Applicants may not use the College Board's Score Choice feature or "hide" any scores with either testing agency.
Test Codes
SAT/PROFILE/TOEFLCode number: 4704ACT Code number:0434考试
Score reports must arrive by the appropriate application deadline. Refer to the application deadlines for the last acceptable SAT with Essay and ACT with Writing exam dates. We do not accept test substitutions. International students who are unable to take either test should review our guidelines for testing exemptions.
Stanford will accept scores from both the old SAT and the new SAT.
Stanford requires all three components of the new SAT: Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and Essay.
Applicants should self-report their highest scores to date in their application while their official test scores are being processed and sent to Stanford.
Applicants must submit all SAT scores and all ACT scores directly from the testing agencies. The only exceptions are tests taken for the purpose of talent programs in middle or junior high school (for example, Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth and Duke University's Talent Identification Program). These test scores do not have to be sent to Stanford.
Stanford recognizes that the ACT charges a fee for each score report. If you are applying with a fee waiver and the cost associated with the submission of all ACT scores presents a financial hardship, you may simply send one score report and self-report the remainder of your ACT scores in your application. All official scores will be required if you are offered admission.
If you took the SAT or ACT before the writing section was added, email transferadmission@stanford.edu.
Superscoring Test Results
For the SAT, we will focus on the highest individual Evidence-Based Reading and Writing, Math, and Essay scores from all test sittings. For SAT exams taken prior to March 2016, we will focus on the highest Critical Reading, Math and Writing scores.
We will superscore the results from the old and new SAT exams separately.
For the ACT, we will review all subscores and will focus on the highest Composite and the highest English and writing scores from all test sittings.
SAT Subject Tests
SAT Subject Tests are optional. Because SAT Subject Test scores can highlight your areas of strength, we welcome the self-reporting of these results in your application.
Late Test Scores
We recommend students take the required tests well in advance of the application deadline. It is unlikely that scores from tests taken after the deadline will arrive in time for review. We cannot delay the review of an application in anticipation of scores that will arrive after the deadline nor can we guarantee that late scores will be reviewed.
所有学生包括转学生想要入读斯坦福大学都需要参加包含写作内容的ACT 或者包含Essay的 SAT考试。如果申请人参加了ACT 和SAT考试,则官方成绩必须于截止时间之前直接从ACT或SAT的报告机构College Board 发到斯坦福大学。申请人可以不适用College Board 的分数选择或可以“隐瞒”任意考试机构的考试成绩。
College Reports & Transcripts
A college report, an official high school transcript (or equivalent), and official transcript(s) from every college/university attended are required.
Ask your high school to submit your official high school transcript (including your graduation date) or a certified copy of your final examination results.
Ask an official at your current institution to submit a college report.
Request official transcripts from every college/university from which you have earned credit.
A mid-term grade report is not required for transfer admission.
You must submit official high school and college transcripts. If you attended more than one high school, submit an official transcript from each school if the grades from the earlier school(s) do not appear on your final high school transcript. Official transcripts are required for any coursework taken at any college.
Give school personnel ample time to complete and send the forms prior to the March 15 application deadline. It is your responsibility to ensure that we receive official copies of all transcripts.
College Report
A college report offers your academic dean, advisor or other school administrator an opportunity to tell us about you and your academic strengths in relation to your peers, as well as information regarding your academic standing at the institution. The information gleaned from this document also sets your academic experience in context for us: how large was your entering class and what kinds of programs are offered at your current institution. This information is important to us as we assess your achievements within your college environment and within our transfer applicant pool.
The primary criterion for admission to Stanford is academic excellence. We seek evidence of your preparation and potential to succeed in your academic record. Your college transcript should reflect that you have taken a rigorous and balanced curriculum. There are no required courses for admission to Stanford. If you have attended college for more than one year, we expect that you have begun to focus in a potential major area of study.
If you are applying during your first year of college, your high school transcript will carry more weight in our review process. Conversely, if you are applying during your second year of college, or later, your college transcript will receive more attention.
Letters of Recommendation
Letters of recommendation from two academic instructors or professors are required.
At least one of the two letters must be from a college professor. In certain situations (e.g., first year of college or enrollment only in large lecture courses), a teaching assistant may be your only option.
If you have been out of college for several years, you may substitute one work reference in place of one faculty recommendation.
Optional Letter
You may submit no more than one optional letter of recommendation if there is another person who knows you well and will provide new insights about you. Ask your recommender to note your full legal name, school name and date of birth at the top of the letter. No form is required. Your recommender may upload the letter to your application or send by email to (credentials@stanford.edu), mail or fax: (650) 723-6050.
Please note that we are unable to confirm receipt of optional materials that are not required for admission. These materials are not tracked in our system.
Transfer Application
Stanford accepts either the Coalition Application or the Common Application. Both applications ask about information such as:
Family background
School information
Academic honors
Extracurricular activities, family responsibilities and work experience
Our holistic review allows us to consider each applicant's unique circumstances and educational background. We recognize that many of our transfer applicants have followed non-traditional routes to higher education, and we welcome the diverse perspectives these students bring to campus. Additionally, we understand that family, personal or financial circumstances may prevent students from participating in traditional extracurricular activities; use the application to explain your specific situation.