Frequently Asked Questions
Can I apply to Oxford College as a transfer student?
No. Oxford College does not accept transfer students.
Does Emory offer interviews for transfer applicants?
Due to the large number of applicants, Emory does not offer interviews for transfer applicants.
I have been out of school for a while and no longer have contact with my professors. Who should write my letter of recommendation?
You may submit an employer recommendation if you have been out of college for at least one full year.
Can I apply to Emory with a GED or directly out of the military?
While Emory recognizes the completion of GED programs and service to our country, a minimum of 28 credit hours must have been completed or in progress before enrolling at Emory. The 28 hours of credit cannot include credit from AP, IB, or dual-enrollment classes.
students need to have completed or be in progress will need to complete 28 hours at an accredited college or university before they will be eligible to apply to Emory as a transfer student.
What if I already have a bachelor's degree?
Individuals already holding a bachelor's degree are not eligible for admission to Emory College as a transfer or visiting student. For graduate degree information, visit The Laney Graduate School.
You may also apply for "Special Standing" through The Laney Graduate School if you have a bachelor's degree and would simply like to take undergraduate courses.
Do Emory's transfer admission policies provide opportunities for non-traditional students?
Non-traditional students are frequently defined as a student outside the usual college age range of 18-22 years old. Emory University is a traditional residential university. We ask that non-traditional students consider this when applying. It is recommended that non-traditional students consider continuing education programs instead. More information can be found at Emory's Continuing Education Center.
Can I be a part-time student?
No, the transfer application is for students who plan to attend full-time.
I am interested in business. Where do I apply?
Students interested in the Goizueta Business School should consider the following when applying as a transfer student:
The Goizueta Business School does not directly accept transfer students.
Goizueta prefers students to do the majority of their business coursework in the program, so students with a number of business school classes from another institution are not good candidates for transfer.
You will be required to spend at least one academic year at Emory College of Arts and Sciences before being eligible to apply to the Goizueta Business School, and the admission to the program requires a strong academic performance and involvement at Emory, not just at your previous school.
The Goizueta Business School requires a minimum of four semesters of enrollment for all students graduating from their program.
Students who have an interest in business and have completed two years of college work are not good candidates for transfer to Emory, because at a minimum transfer students will spend an additional three full years (one at Emory and two at Goizueta) before graduating.
I am interested in nursing. Where do I apply?
Students interested in the School of Nursing (SON) should be aware of the following when applying as a transfer student:
Review the prerequisites for applying for a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. If you have completed these requirements by the time you would like to start at Emory, you should apply directly to the School of Nursing. If you have not completed these prerequisites, you should apply to Emory College of Arts and Sciences.
What housing options are available to transfer students?
All second-year students are required to live in University housing. Third-year students are not required to live on campus but are encouraged to apply. Please note that second- and third-year is a university designation, unrelated to academic credits; typically it is based on the year of high school graduation, with the goal to keep you with your academic and social peers. The determination of your year is made by the Office of Residence Life and Housing and should be considered final. If you are unsure of your status, please contact housing@emory.edu for confirmation before making alternate housing plans.
How do I know what credits will transfer?
After you have been admitted, professional staff in the Office of Undergraduate Admission and in the Emory College Office of Education determines what courses will transfer and the number of credits awarded for each course.
When will I receive my credit evaluation?
Credit evaluations will be processed within four to five weeks after your offer of admission.
Will Emory University take all of my college coursework if I am accepted?
Before or during the application process, our staff is not able to advise on what classes Emory will or will not be able to accept. There are no specific courses required to apply as a transfer student.
After you have been accepted, we will review your official transcripts with the required accompanying descriptions of courses from your institution's course catalog only after you have been accepted. If the class description is similar to what we offer at Emory, that course will count towards Emory graduation credit. We will award a maximum of 62 credit hours. To graduate from Emory you must obtain 124 total academic credits, 62 hours of which must be completed at Emory University. Students who transfer in the maximum of 62 credits hours will need to complete 128 total academic credits, 62 hours of which must be completed at Emory University. Emory does not grant academic credit for any form of online and/or distance education courses.
If admitted, can I defer my enrollment?
Emory University does not defer transfer admission; students who are admitted for a specific term must choose to enroll for that term or forfeit their admission. An admitted student who chooses not to enroll must wait a full academic year and submit a completely new application via the Common Application to be considered again for admission. For example, a student admitted for the spring term who chooses not to enroll can apply again via the Common Application for the following spring term or beyond, but not the nearest upcoming fall term.
If I am not offered admission as a spring term applicant, can I re-apply for the fall term?
A transfer applicant denied admission for the spring term cannot re-apply for the fall term of the same calendar year. The next term one would be eligible for would be the spring the next year.
If I am not offered admission, can I appeal my decision?
The Admission Committee thoroughly and holistically reviews every applicant. Thus, all decisions are final and cannot be appealed. Due to the high volume of applicants, we are also unable to discuss why a student is (or is not) admitted to the university.
What happens after my application is complete?
Once all required application information is received, the admission committee will begin review of transfer applications for the appropriate term. In selecting transfer students, the admission committee considers all of the following criteria: a student's college GPA and program of study, high school record, recommendations, essay responses, and extracurricular activities. We also consider what each student may bring to the Emory University community, and why he or she would like to transfer here.
已经持有学士学位的个人不符合入读埃默里学院作为转学或访问学生的资格。对于研究生学位信息,请访问兰尼研究生院。如果您有本科学位,并且只想参加本科课程,您也可以通过兰尼研究生院申请“特殊职位” 。
8.我对商学院感兴趣 我在哪里申请?
9.我对护理感兴趣 我在哪里申请?
所有二年级学生都必须住在大学住房。三年级学生不需要住在校园,但鼓励申请。请注意,二年级和三年级是与学分不相关的大学名称; 通常是基于高中毕业的一年,目标是让您与学术和社会同仁保持联系。你们今年的决定是由住房和住房办公室决定的,应该算是最终决定。如果您不确定自己的身份,请联系housing@emory.edu进行确认,然后再制定备用房屋计划。
埃默里大学不推迟转学入学; 获得特定术语的学生必须选择注册该学期或丧失入学资格。选择不注册的入学学生必须等待一个完整的学年,并通过共同申请提交一个全新的申请,再次考虑入学。例如,一名选择不入读的春季学生的学生可以通过以下春季或以后的普通申请再次申请,但不能即将到来。
What are my chances of being admitted?
We are unable to comment on an individual student’s chances for admission to the university or provide specific advice on what it takes to be admitted. There are not required levels that applicants must obtain in terms of standardized tests scores or grade point average to be considered for admission. We encourage you to review our admission profile data for a sense of our competitiveness.It is important to note the evaluation of applications by the Admission Committee is comprehensive and holistic. Although an outstanding academic record is important, we select students based on many attributes and are especially interested in those we believe will contribute to, as well as benefit from, our communities. Each application is reviewed individually, and the Admission Committee considers each applicant as an individual. To that end, students are selected on the basis of many attributes—academic record, extracurricular achievements, demonstrated leadership and community contribution, personal essays, and letters of recommendation. Admissions decisions are comprehensive and there is no magical formula for deciding the perfect Emory University student.
Is demonstrated interest a factor in the admission selection process? Is one's chances for admission increased if they visit campus?
Demonstrated interest is no longer a factor in the application review process, and a visit to campus will have no impact on the evaluation of a student's application. The evaluation of one's admissibility is based on the various components of a student's application for admission. Further information about our thoughts on demonstrated interest can be found in this Inside Emory Admission blog post.
How does legacy admission work?
We value the legacy connections of applicants and encourage students to detail their university ties accurately on their application. In the admission process, legacy status is for applicants whose immediate relatives have graduated or are currently enrolled in an academic division of Emory University. This includes grandparents, parents, and siblings. Additional family connections (such as uncles, aunts, or cousins) will be tracked but do not constitute legacy status. The Admission staff works closely with the Emory Alumni Association (EAA) to document legacy applicants through the admission process. A legacy connection is considered as part of a student's application, but it is in no way a guarantee of admission in the highly selective pool of applicants.
How do I get an application fee waiver?
If paying the $75 application fee to Emory University is a financial hardship, we are happy to waive the fee. All fee waiver requests are processed online through the Common Application or Coalition Application. Please follow the instructions on the Common Application or Coalition Application platforms to request a fee waiver. We are unable to process fee waiver requests submitted directly by the applicant via email.
What is the mailing address for application materials?
Emory University encourages students to submit all application materials online through the Common Application or Coalition Application, including required school documents. However, if application materials need to be mailed please send them to:
Office of Undergraduate Admission
Emory University
3263-001-1AA (omit line for UPS, FedEx)
1390 Oxford Road NE
Atlanta, Georgia 30322-1016
Please ensure application materials include the applicant's full name exactly as it appears on their application, date of birth, and application ID number.
Does Emory University require a mid-year report from first-year applicants?
Yes, all Early Decision II and Regular Decision applicants are required to have their high school guidance counselor submit the mid-year report and updated senior year transcript by January 25 (Early Decision II) or February 15 (Regular Decision). We do not accept mid-year reports or transcripts submitted by the applicant directly. Early Decision I applicants are encouraged to request their counselor submit first quarter grades as soon as they become available.
After submitting my application, is there a way to check if it is complete?
Once a student's application is downloaded and processed, an email will be sent to the applicant with details on setting up their application portal. To check one's application status and the receipt of application materials, one will log on to apply.emory.edu/status. Please note that it can take up to four weeks for items submitted to be received, processed, and removed from an applicant's checklist.
When I applied, I only applied to Emory College (or Oxford College). Now I want my application to be considered for both colleges. What can I do?
Please send an email to admission@emory.edu requesting that your application be added for review for both colleges. No additional application materials or application fees are required. Please note your request to be considered for admission to both colleges needs to be submitted prior to the application deadline. One is not eligible to apply for the other college after receiving a deny decision.
How do I submit an update (or error correction) to an already submitted application?
Please send any application changes or updates as a saved PDF to admission@emory.edu. Ensure your email includes the applicant’s full name exactly as it appears on their application, date of birth, and application ID number.
Can I submit supplemental information, like a resume, with my application?
Yes, however this is not required. It is only encouraged if the applicant feels that the application does not adequately provide opportunity to detail their accomplishments. No additional forms need to be completed for supplemental submissions.
Please send any supplements as a saved PDF to admission@emory.edu. Ensure your email includes the applicant's full name exactly as it appears on their application, date of birth, and application ID number.
Does Emory University accept arts supplements? And if so, is there a recommended format for submission?
We value that many of our applicants are artistically talented and want to showcase those talents for the Admission Committee. Applicants should fully present their achievements on their application. The submission of arts supplements is by request only. It's important to note that a request for arts supplements (or lack thereof), is not an indication of a student's final admission decision.
Shortly after the application deadline, in conjunction with faculty from our arts departments, we will contact select applicants to request the submission of supplemental arts materials. For those applicants who receive an arts supplement request, please note the request is completely optional. Selected applicants are those that arts faculty are interested in learning more about to assist the Admission Committee in assessing ability and talent.
Does Emory University accept applications from home-schooled students?
Yes. In addition to meeting all admission requirements and submitting the required results from the SAT or ACT, we ask that a student who has been schooled at home submit results from three SAT II subject exams—one in mathematics and two of the student's choosing. Additionally, we require at least one letter of recommendation from someone other than a family member. We also encourage home-schooled students to submit a comprehensive explanation of their curriculum.
What is the gap year (deferral of admission) policy?
Some students opt for a gap year between high school and college. Students use this time to volunteer, travel, or work. We advise students considering the gap year option to apply to Emory during their senior year of high school. If accepted, the student would need to submit his/her enrollment deposit by the deadline. Students have until 6/1 to request a deferral of his/her admission.
In order to defer admission, the accepted student would need approval from our Dean of Admission. Students may not enroll full-time at another college or university during their deferral period. We will accept only two courses taken for college credit during the gap year. We require a detailed explanation of the student's proposed plan for the gap year as well as acknowledgement of gap year guidelines regarding college coursework. The explanation should come in the form of a letter addressed to the Dean of Admission.
Admission deferrals for gap years are granted for one year only. Students whose gap years are approved would enter Emory as freshmen the subsequent fall semester.
If I already have a Bachelor's degree, can I still apply to Emory University?
Emory College and Oxford College do not offer opportunities for students seeking to complete a second bachelor’s degree. The Office of Undergraduate Admission only works with those students wishing to obtain their first degree. The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing does have a Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) 2nd degree program. If you have completed a degree and wish to take undergraduate or graduate classes as a non-degree seeking student, contact the Laney Graduate School about such non-degree options.
重要的是注意入学委员会的申请评估是全面和全面的。虽然杰出的学术成绩很重要,但我们根据许多属性选择学生,对我们认为对社区有所贡献并受益的人尤其感兴趣。每个申请单独审查,入学委员会将每个申请人视为个人。为此,学生选择了许多属性 - 学历,课外成就,领导力和社区贡献,个人散文和推荐信等基础。入学决定是全面的,没有任何神奇的公式来决定完美的埃默里大学的学生。
Atlanta,Georgia 30322-1016,1390 Oxford Road NE,3263-001-1AA (省略UPS,FedEx), Emory University, 本科招生办公室
是的,我们接受。除了符合所有入学要求,并提交SAT或ACT的要求结果,我们要求在家内学习的学生提交三个SAT II考试题目 - 一个数学和两个学生选择的考试结果。此外,我们至少需要一个来自家庭成员以外的其他人的推荐信。我们也鼓励家庭学校的学生对他们的课程进行全面的解释。
埃默里学院和牛津大学没有为寻求完成第二学士学位的学生提供机会。本科招生办公室只适用于希望获得学士学位的学生。Nell Hodgson Woodruff护理学院确实拥有护理科学学士学位(BSN)二年级学位课程。如果您已经完成学位,并希望以非学位寻求学生的身份参加本科或研究生班,请联系Laney研究生院这样的非学位课程。