Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.
About 2,400 faculty members and more than 10,400 academic appointments in affiliated teaching hospitals
Harvard College: About 6,700
Graduate and professional students: About 15,250
Total: About 22,000
More than 371,000 living alumni, over 279,000 in the U.S., and over 59,000 in some 202 other countries.
48 Nobel Laureates, 32 heads of state, 48 Pulitzer Prize winners
Veritas (Latin for “truth”)
Real Estate Holdings
5,457 acres
Faculties, Schools, and an Institute
Harvard University is made up of 11 principal academic units – ten faculties and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study. The ten faculties oversee schools and divisions that offer courses and award academic degrees.
University Professors
The title of University Professor was created in 1935 to honor individuals whose groundbreaking work crosses the boundaries of multiple disciplines, allowing them to pursue research at any of Harvard’s Schools.
Harvard is the oldest institution of higher education in the United States, established in 1636 by vote of the Great and General Court of the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It was named after the College’s first benefactor, the young minister John Harvard of Charlestown, who upon his death in 1638 left his library and half his estate to the institution. A statue of John Harvard stands today in front of University Hall in Harvard Yard, and is perhaps the University’s best known landmark.
Year Description
1607 John Harvard, the College’s future namesake and first benefactor, was baptized at St. Saviour’s Church (now Southwark Cathedral), London.
1635 John Harvard received his M.A. from Cambridge University, England.
1636 First College in American colonies founded. The “Great and General Court of the Governor and Company of the Massachusetts Bay in New England” approves £400 for the establishment of “a schoale or colledge” later to be called “Harvard.”
1637 The Great and General Court orders the “colledge” established one year earlier to be located at Newetowne (renamed “Cambrige” in 1638).
Late 1637 or early 1638 The Overseers purchased the College’s first piece of real estate: a house and an acre of land from Goodman Peyntree. Located on the southern edge of “Cow-yard Row” and soon distinguished as the “College Yard,” this tract became the nucleus of present-day Harvard Yard and remains at the southern end of the Old Yard (the area west of Thayer, University, and Weld halls).
1638 John Harvard wills his library (400 books) and half his estate to the College.
1639 In recognition of John Harvard’s bequest, the Great and General Court orders “that the colledge agreed upon formerly to bee built at Cambridg shalbee called Harvard Colledge.”
1640 Reverend Henry Dunster is appointed first president of Harvard.
1642 First Harvard Commencement with nine graduates.
1649 The Town of Cambridge and President Henry Dunster give Harvard the “College Farm” at Billerica, Mass., which paid annual rent to the College until the farm was sold in 1775.
1650 Harvard granted Charter, still in effect today (with 2010 amendments).
1653 John Sassamon, a Massachuset Indian, became the first known Native American to study at Harvard (probably for a term or so). A disciple of Indian Bible translator John Eliot, Sassamon later became a scribe and interpreter to Wampanoag Chief Metacom (a.k.a. Metacomet, Pometacom, King Philip). In 1675, Sassamon was murdered as an English informant, touching off King Philip’s War, New England’s most devastating conflict between Natives and newcomers.
1692 Increase Mather awarded Harvard's first Doctor of Divinity degree.
1755 John Adams, future U.S. president, graduates.
1764 Original Harvard Hall burns, destroying some 5,000 volumes and all but one of John Harvard's books.
1775 Continental soldiers are quartered in Harvard buildings.
1776 Eight Harvard alumni sign the Declaration of Independence.
1780 The Massachusetts Constitution went into effect and officially recognized Harvard as a university. The first medical instruction given to Harvard students in 1781 and the founding of the Medical School in 1782 made it a university in fact as well as name.
1781 Oldest continuous chapter of Phi Beta Kappa formed at Harvard.
1782 Twenty-nine-year-old John Warren was appointed Professor of Anatomy and Surgery at the Medical School. During the previous year while head of the army hospital in Boston, he had given Harvard students their first formal medical instruction. Benjamin Waterhouse was named to a second Medical School professorship, in the “Theory and Practice of Physic.”
1783 With high ceremony, Harvard Medical School officially opened as the “Medical Institution of Harvard University.” Its first home was the ever-versatile Holden Chapel.
1787 John Quincy Adams, future U.S. president, graduates.
1607 约翰·哈佛,哈佛学院的创始人兼第一位捐赠人在伦敦St. Saviour’s Church(现在的萨瑟克座堂) 受洗。
1635 约翰·哈佛拿到英国剑桥大学的文学硕士学位。
1636 美洲殖民地第一个学院成立。新英格兰萨诸塞海湾殖民地议会同意拨款400英镑,成立学校或学院,即后来的哈佛学院。
1737 殖民地议会决定提前一年在新镇(1638年改名为“剑桥”)建立学院。在1637年下半年或1683年上半年, Overseers 买下来学院的第一份地产:一栋房子和Goodman Peyntree的一英亩土地。这份位于Cow-yard Row南端、不久成为“学院园”的地产成了存在至今的哈佛园的核心,并保持了其在“旧园”南端的位置,即在Thayer, University和 Weld halls西区南端的位置。
1638 约翰·哈佛去世,将含有400本书的图书馆和一半遗产捐赠给哈佛学院。
1639 为感谢以及纪念约翰·哈佛牧师在创立初期对学院的慷慨捐助,马萨诸塞海湾殖民地议会通过决议,将学校更名为“哈佛学院”。
1640 牧师亨利邓斯特被任命为哈佛学院第一任校长。
1642 哈佛首届毕业典礼。9名毕业生。
1649 剑桥城和校长亨利邓斯特在马萨诸塞州的比勒利卡为哈佛提供了校办农场。农场每年给学院支付一定租金,直到1775年被出售。
1950 哈佛获准成立法人机构,迄今有效(2010年经过修改)。
1653 马萨诸塞州印第安人约翰•西斯蒙成为首位有记录的在哈佛学习的美洲原住民(学习了一个或两个学期)。约翰•西斯蒙还是印第安圣经的信徒,后来成了万帕诺亚格人菲利普国王的抄写员和阐释者。1675年,西斯蒙最为英国告密者被杀,引发了新英格兰地区土著人和移民之间的最惨烈的冲突菲利普王战争。
1692 英克里斯·马瑟获得哈佛首个神学博士学位。
1755 后来的美国总统约翰·亚当斯毕业。
1764 哈佛礼堂起火,损坏了5000册图书和约翰哈佛的几乎所有书籍(只留下一本)。
1775 陆军战士驻扎哈佛。
1776 八位哈佛校友签署了《独立宣言》。
1780 马萨诸塞州宪法生效,正式将哈佛认可为大学。第一个医疗机构在1781年向哈佛学生开放,成立于1782年的医学院使得哈佛成为一所名副其实的大学。
1781 最早的持续经营的美国优等生荣誉组织在哈佛成立。
1782 年仅29岁的约翰沃伦被任命为医学院解剖与外科教授。前一年,在约翰沃伦担任波士顿军事医医院院长期间,约翰沃伦为哈佛学生提供了第一个正式的医疗机构。本杰明沃特豪斯成为医学院第二位教授(物理学理论与实践领域)。
1783 哈佛医学院正式以“哈佛大学医疗机构”名义开放,位于 人杰地灵的Holden Chapel。
1787 后来的美国总统约翰·昆西·亚当斯毕业。
1791 A writer in the Boston press accused Harvard of poisoning students’ minds with Edward Gibbon’s monumental History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire (1776-88). President Joseph Willard replied that far from even considering Gibbon, the College used a text by French historian Abbé Millot. Nathaniel Ames, who left Harvard around 1812, recalled Millot’s as “the most utterly worthless and contemptible work of that kind or any other extant.”
1810 John Thornton Kirkland begins 18-year presidency.
1815 University Hall is completed.
1816 The Divinity School is established.
1817 Harvard Law School is established (first reference to law school is Dane hall, 1832 in Harvard.edu list).
1829 Josiah Quincy begins his 16-year presidency.
1832 Dane Hall, the Law School’s first new building, was formally dedicated in Harvard Yard and served for more than half a century thereafter.
1836 Harvard Bicentennial.
1836 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow appointed professor.
1837 Ralph Waldo Emerson '21 delivers Phi Beta Kappa oration.
1839 Harvard Observatory is founded.
1845 Rutherford B. Hayes, future U.S. president, graduates from the Law School.
1846 John Collins Warren, Medical School professor, conducts first public demonstration of ether as surgical anesthetic.
1848 Louis Agassiz appointed professor of zoology and geography.
1849 Dr. George Parkman disappeared at the Medical School in one of the most famous murder cases in Harvard history. Earlier, Parkman had lent money to colleague Dr. John White Webster. To secure the loan, Webster gave Parkman a mortgage on his personal property, including a valuable collection of minerals. When Parkman learned that Webster had backed another loan with the same collection, he began relentlessly pursuing Webster to collect the debt. A week after the disappearance, a suspicious janitor broke through a brick vault below Webster’s lab and found human body parts, which the authorities soon discovered all around the lab. Found guilty of first-degree murder, Webster belatedly confessed and appealed for clemency, but was hanged on Aug. 30, 1850. Parkman’s widow led a fund drive to support Webster’s wife and children.
1852 Harvard wins first intercollegiate sports event, a boat race against Yale on Lake Winnipesaukee.
1854 Henry David Thoreau '37 publishes Walden.
1855 Holworthy Hall gets first gas lights in the Yard.
1791 波士顿出版社的一位作家指控哈佛教授爱德华吉本的里程碑式的作品《罗马帝国衰亡史》(1776-1788),毒害了学生。时任校长的约瑟夫威拉德回应说学校没有用爱德华吉本做教材,相反,用的是法国历史学家Abbé Millot的作品。Nathaniel Ames在1812年左右离开哈佛,在回忆Abbé Millot的作品的时候,他说它是“史学领域或任何其他现存领域的最无价值和可鄙的作品。”
1810 约翰桑顿·柯克兰担任校长,开始了长达十八年的领导。
1815 大学礼堂建成。
1816 神学院建成。
1817 法学院建成。
1829 约西亚·昆西担任校长,开始了长达十六年的领导。
1832 法学院的第一栋新建筑Dane Hall正式在哈佛园建成,此后开放了50多年。
1836 哈佛两百周年纪念。
1837 拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生在优等生荣誉组织演讲。
1839 哈佛天文台建成。
1845 拉瑟福德·伯查德·海斯,后来的美国总统,从法学院毕业。
1846 医学院教授约翰柯林斯沃伦首次公开证明了麻醉剂。
1848 路易斯·阿加西斯成为动物学和地理学教授。
1849 乔治帕克曼博士在医学院失踪,成为哈佛史上最著名的谋杀事件之一。早些时候,帕克曼给同事约翰怀特韦伯斯特博士借了一笔钱。为了还款,韦伯斯特以个人财产做抵押(包括收集的一些珍贵的矿物)。当帕克曼发现韦伯斯特以同样的收藏抵押了其他债务的时候,他开始无休止地让韦伯斯特还债。在失踪一个星期之后,一名可疑的清洁工打开了韦伯斯特实验室下方的一个砖拱地下室,发现了残肢。很快,当局在实验室四周也发现了残肢。 被发现为一级谋杀罪之后,韦伯斯特连续功罪和请求宽厚,但是于1850年8月30日被绞死。帕克曼的妻子为支持韦伯斯特妻子和孩子的生活,筹集了一笔资金。
1852 在与耶鲁大学在温尼珀索基湖的首届校际划船比赛中,哈佛胜出。
1854 亨利大卫索罗出版《瓦尔登湖》。
1855 Holworthy Hall在哈佛园点燃第一个煤气灯。
About faculty
Harvard is known for global leadership in education, and the Harvard faculty is composed of men and women who are world-class scholars. Faculty members are passionate and curious individuals who continue their own research while teaching at Harvard. They come from across the country and all over the world, bringing with them a diverse wealth of knowledge.
Almost all Harvard College courses are designed, taught and overseen by Harvard faculty, and virtually all FAS faculty are required to teach as part of their duties. The faculty is highly accessible, and Harvard College class sizes are on average below 40, with over half the courses being offered each semester enrolling 10 or fewer students. This allows for a closer student-professor relationship and contributes to the sense of community on campus. Professors also make themselves available to students outside of the classroom, even beyond office hours, such as meeting in the dining hall or before or after class. The faculty at Harvard make a point of connecting with their students to create a fulfilling academic experience.
About research
The range of research activities at Harvard is broad and deep. Harvard scholars conduct research in almost every field, and seek to expand human knowledge through analysis, innovation, and insight.
Research is supported by more than $800 million of sponsored research funds each year, and it is carried out both in the departments of the Schools and the Radcliffe Institute for Advanced Study, and at more than 100 research centers, on campus and around the world. Researchers include faculty members, visiting scholars, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate and undergraduate students, and they collaborate with colleagues across the University, at affiliated institutions, and at other research institutions.
Library Collection
The Harvard Library—the largest academic library in the world—includes 20.4 million volumes, 180,000 serial titles, an estimated 400 million manuscript items, 10 million photographs, 124 million archived web pages, and 5.4 terabytes of born-digital archives and manuscripts. Access to this rich collection is provided by nearly 800 library staff members who operate more than 70 separate library units.
Harvard’s museums are stewards of more than 28 million works of art, artifacts, specimens, materials, and instruments. With deep roots in scholarship and teaching, these internationally renowned collections are fundamental to the development and continuation of many disciplines. These unparalleled institutions rank alongside some of the greatest museums in the world and they are open to the public. They welcome more than 650,000 local, national, and international visitors each year.
The House System
The housing system at Harvard is designed to create a full collegiate experience for all four years of undergraduate education. As freshmen, students live in one of the dormitories in Harvard Yard, a prime location, and eat in the historic and picturesque Annenberg dining hall.
After their first year at Harvard, students are placed into one of the 12 houses on campus and continue to live there for the remainder of their residential life at Harvard. Over ninety-seven percent of Harvard undergrads choose to live on campus for all four years, creating a strong campus community and undergraduate experience.
Each house has a resident master and a staff of tutors, and includes a dining hall, common areas, and recreational and cultural spaces that help give them each a distinct character. Many even field their own intramural sports teams or theater ensembles. The houses themselves also have unique histories and traditions that bring the students together and help to foster the close and long-lasting ties amongst the residents of each house.
The Faculty of Arts and Sciences and Harvard College announced plans to launch the systemwide effort to renew the University’s 12 undergraduate Houses. The announcement provides the first details about this ambitious initiative, unveiling the first full House to be renewed, the location of “swing” housing, and the pacing for the rest of the project.
Nobel Laureates
Oliver Hart--Economics, 2016
Martin Karplus--Chemistry, 2013
Alvin Roth--Economics, 2012
Jack Szostak--Physiology and medicine, 2009
Al Gore--Nobel Peace Prize, 2007
Eric S. Maskin, '72, Ph.D. '76--Economics, 2007
Thomas C. Schelling--Economics 2005
Roy J. Glauber--Physics, 2005
Linda B. Buck--Physiology or Medicine, 2004
Riccardo Giacconi--Physics, 2002
A. Michael Spence, Ph.D. ’72--Economics, 2001
Amartya Sen--Economics, 1998
Pulitzer Prize Winners
Recipient | Year prize awarded | Category |
Matthew Desmond | 2017 | Nonfiction |
Stephen Greenblatt | 2012 | Nonfiction |
Caroline Elkins | 2006 | Nonfiction |
Geraldine Brooks | 2006 | Fiction |
Samantha Power | 2003 | Nonfiction |
Jorie Graham* | 1996 | Poetry |
Bert Hölldobler | 1991 | Nonfiction |
Edward O. Wilson | 1991 | Nonfiction |
Laurel Thatcher Ulrich* | 1991 | History |
David Donald | 1988 | Biography |
Bernard Bailyn | 1987 | History |
Thomas K. McCraw | 1985 | History |
Bernard Rands* | 1984 | Music |
Paul E. Starr | 1984 | Nonfiction |
Edward O. Wilson | 1979 | Nonfiction |
Walter Jackson Bate | 1978 | Biography |
Alfred Chandler Jr. | 1978 | History |
John E. Mack | 1977 | Biography |
Donald Martino* | 1974 | Music |
Robert Coles | 1973 | Nonfiction |
Mario Davidosky* | 1971 | Music |
Bernard Bailyn | 1968 | History |
George F. Kennan | 1968 | Biography |
Leon Kirchner | 1967 | Music |
Bernard Malamud | 1967 | Fiction |
Perry Miller*** | 1966 | History |
Howard Mumford Jones | 1965 | Nonfiction |
Walter Jackson Bate | 1964 | Biography |
David Donald* | 1961 | Biography |
Walter Piston | 1961 | Music |
Samuel Eliot Morison** | 1960 | Biography |
Archibald MacLeish | 1959 | Drama |
Archibald MacLeish | 1953 | Poetry |
Oscar Handlin | 1952 | History |
Walter Piston | 1948 | Music |
Arthur M. Schlesinger Jr. | 1946 | History |
Robert Frost | 1943 | Poetry |
Samuel Eliot Morison | 1943 | Biography |
Paul Herman Buck | 1938 | History |
Ralph Barton Perry | 1936 | Biography |
Robert Hillyer | 1934 | Poetry |
Archibald MacLeish* | 1933 | Poetry |
Frederick J. Turner | 1933 | History |
Edward Channing | 1926 | History |
Harvey Cushing | 1926 | Biography |
Mark A. DeWolfe Howe | 1925 | Biography |
Charles McIlwain | 1924 | History |
Henry Adams | 1919 | Biography |
* Prize awarded before appointment to the faculty.
**Prize awarded after retirement from the faculty.
***Prize awarded posthumously.
获奖人 | 获奖年份 | 类别 |
马修·德斯蒙德 | 2017 | 非虚构类 |
史蒂芬格林布拉特 | 2012 | 非虚构类 |
卡洛琳埃尔金斯 | 2006 | 非虚构类 |
杰拉尔丁·布鲁克斯 | 2006 | 虚构类 |
萨曼莎·鲍尔 | 2003 | 非虚构类 |
乔丽·格雷厄姆* | 1996 | 诗歌 |
Bert Hölldobler | 1991 | 非虚构类 |
爱德华 O. 威尔森 | 1991 | 非虚构类 |
洛雷尔·撒切尔·乌利齐* | 1991 | 历史 |
大卫唐纳德 | 1988 | 自传 |
伯纳德·贝林 | 1987 | 历史 |
托马斯 K. 麦克劳 | 1985 | 历史 |
伯纳德兰特斯* | 1984 | 音乐 |
保罗 E. 斯塔尔 | 1984 | 非虚构类 |
爱德华 O. 威尔森 | 1979 | 非虚构类 |
华特·杰克森·贝特 | 1978 | 自传 |
阿尔佛雷德钱德勒 | 1978 | 历史 |
约翰 E. 马克 | 1977 | 自传 |
唐纳德马丁诺* | 1974 | 音乐 |
罗伯特·克勒斯 | 1973 | 非虚构类 |
马里奥大卫多斯科* | 1971 | 音乐 |
伯纳德·贝林 | 1968 | 历史 |
乔治·凯南 | 1968 | 自传 |
基什内尔 | 1967 | 音乐 |
伯纳德·马拉默德 | 1967 | 虚构 |
佩里米勒*** | 1966 | 历史 |
霍华德·玛姆福特· 琼斯 | 1965 | 非虚构类 |
华特·杰克森·贝特 | 1964 | 自传 |
戴维·唐纳德* | 1961 | 自传 |
瓦尔特·辟斯顿 | 1961 | 音乐 |
萨缪尔·艾略特·莫里森** | 1960 | 自传 |
阿奇博尔德·麦柯勒斯 | 1959 | 戏剧 |
阿奇博尔德·麦柯勒斯 | 1953 | 诗歌 |
奥斯卡·汉德林 | 1952 | 历史 |
瓦尔特·辟斯顿 | 1948 | 音乐 |
小阿瑟·施莱辛格 | 1946 | 历史 |
罗伯特·弗罗斯特 | 1943 | 诗歌 |
萨缪尔·艾略特·莫里森 | 1943 | 自传 |
保罗巴克 | 1938 | 历史 |
拉·巴·佩里 | 1936 | 自传 |
罗伯特希利尔 | 1934 | 诗歌 |
阿奇博尔德·麦柯勒斯* | 1933 | 诗歌 |
弗雷德里克·j·特纳 | 1933 | 历史 |
爱德华钱宁 | 1926 | 历史 |
库兴 | 1926 | 自传 |
马克·a·德·沃尔夫豪 | 1925 | 自传 |
查密斯麦基文 | 1924 | 历史 |
享利·亚当斯 | 1919 | 自传 |