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  The University of Groningen is a research university with a global outlook, deeply rooted in Groningen, City of Talent. Quality has had top priority for four hundred years, and with success: the University is currently in or around the top 100 on several influential ranking lists.We collaborate with a number of renowned, foreign universities, including Uppsala, Göttingen and Ghent. The University of Groningen is very popular with its 27,000 students and 5500 staff members from home and abroad. Talent is nurtured, enabling the University to bridge the gap between science and society.We are committed to actively collaborating with our social partners, with a special focus on the research themes Healthy Ageing, Energy and Sustainable Society.Establishing branch campuses. Working on innovative education and research. Contributing to sustainable economic and societal processes, services and business activities. Stimulating entrepreneurship.These are some strategies the University of Groningen wants to work on for the next five years. All on the basis of commitment and shared responsibility.



  History of the University

  The University of Groningen has a long academic tradition extending back to 1614, which makes Groningen the oldest university in the Netherlands after Leiden. Many very talented people in a variety of disciplines have studied or worked at the university during the 400 years of its existence, including two Nobel Prize winners, the first female University student in the Netherlands and the first female lecturer, the first Dutch astronaut and the first president of the European Bank. They share their academic roots with more than 100,000 other people who have attended the University of Groningen as students, lecturers or research workers.A fast growth,The young University of Groningen was already an outstanding example of an international community in the seventeenth century. Almost half of the students and lecturers came from outside the Netherlands – the first Rector Magnificus, Ubbo Emmius, was German, for instance – but at the same time there was already a close relationship between the university and the city and the surrounding region. The founding of the university – at that time still a college of higher education – was an initiative taken by the Regional Assembly of the city of Groningen and the Ommelanden, or surrounding region. There were four faculties – Theology, Law, Medicine and Philosophy. The first 75 years of its existence were very fruitful for the university with about 100 students enrolling every year.The development of the university came to a standstill at the end of the seventeenth and during the eighteenth century because of theological differences of opinion, a difficult relationship with the Regional Assembly and political problems that included the siege of the city by ‘Bommen Berend’ in 1672. On average two to three hundred students were registered with the university at any one time during this period. Petrus Camper, though, was a shining academic example during the second half of the eighteenth century and was famous far beyond the city limits as an anatomist, a fighter against rinderpest and the founder of the first outpatient’s clinic for surgical medicine.From National College of Higher Education to University,Opportunities and threats followed on each other’s heels during the nineteenth century. In 1815, at the same time as Leiden and Utrecht, the university gained recognition as a national college of higher education, but this was followed by discussions about closure. The situation improved markedly when a new main university building, the Academiegebouw, was constructed in 1850, a building that was largely financed by the people of Groningen. This made the fire that completely destroyed this building in 1906 even more poignant.In the meantime, the Higher Education Act of 1876 had radically improved the position of the university, which was renamed the Rijksuniversiteit Groningen (RUG). Teaching now took place in Dutch as well as in Latin and the University was given a research as well as an educational duty. This laid the foundations for the present research university.The University of Groningen developed apace during the first decades of the twentieth century. The number of faculties and courses grew steadily while the number of students showed an explosive growth. When the university celebrated its first 300 years in 1914 there were 611 registeredstudents; this had already grown to 1000 by 1924. After a drop back during the Depression, and in particular during the Second World War, the number of students grew rapidly from 1945 to reach 20,000 in 1994. At the present time there are about 28,000 students registered at the University of Groningen with the number of foreign students again growing steadily, and following the tradition set by the first Rector Magnificus, the number of German students and researchers has grown strongly in recent years.An eternal edict, University of Groningen,More extensive information about the history of the university and the history of the student city Groningen is available on the website of the University Museum.On the website of the University Museum you can also find a list of prominent professors, including the first rector Ubbo Emmius and Noble Prize laureate Frits Zernike.The Bernouilliborg, the Kapteyn Astronomical Institute, the Offerhauszaal, the Van Swinderen Huys – all these are named after former UG rectors. Want to know who else was rector of the University between Ubbo Emmius and Elmer Sterken? Take a look at the overview of all former UG rectors .If you are curious to know more about the the origins of the university coat of arms, follow the link for a detailed description.Unifocus videomagazine on the University history.Ubbo Emmius (1547-1625), first Rector Magnificus of the Groningen Academy and professor in Greek and History, contributed significantly to the establishment of the University (which was called the Academy).Jean Barbeyrac (1674-1744), professor of public and private law, contributed greatly to the translation, organization, and criticism of writing on natural law in the 17th and 18th centuries.Petrus Camper (1722-1789), doctor during the Enlightenment, contributed significantly to the improvement of Dutch healthcare.Petrus Driessen (1753-1828), professor of chemistry, initiated chemistry as an independent science in the Netherlands.Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn (1851-1922), professor of astronomy, conducted ground-breaking research to chart the Milky Way.Aletta Jacobs (1854-1929), the most famous Dutch representative of the first feminist wave, first female student and first female who gained a PhD and became a doctor.Gerard Heymans (1857-1930), professor of philosophy and 'zielkunde', initiator of psychology in the Netherlands.Leendert Daniel Eerland (1897-1977), professor of surgery, ensured that Groningen specialized and increased its knowledge in medicine and promoted the wide-reaching integration of diagnosis and treatment.Anda Kerkhoven (1919-1945), University of Groningen student and member of the resistance in the Second World War.The symbol of the imperial university, about the university during French rule.

  格罗宁根大学有着悠久的学术传统,可以追溯到1614年,这使得格罗宁根大学成为荷兰最古老的大学。许多很有才华的人在其存在的400年在各种学科大学学习或工作过,其中包括两名诺贝尔奖获得者、荷兰第一位女大学生、荷兰第一位女讲师、荷兰第一个荷兰宇航员和欧洲银行的第一任总统。格罗宁根大学与10万多名学生、讲师或研究人员一起,分享了他们的学术根源,这些人都是格罗根根大学的学生。格罗根根大学是17世纪国际社会快速增长的大学的杰出代表。几乎一半的学生和讲师都来自荷兰之外——比如,格罗宁根大学第一个校长Ubbo Emmius就是德国人,但同时,大学和城市和周边地区已经有了密切的关系。这所大学的成立,当时仍是高等教育学院——是由格罗宁根市和奥马兰登市的地区议会或者是周边地区发起的。有四种课程——神学、法律、医学和哲学。在这所大学的前75年里,每年有100名学生入学,这对大学来说是非常有成果的。这所大学的发展在17世纪末和18世纪的时候停滞不前,因为神学上的分歧,与地区议会和政治问题的关系,包括1672年被Bommen Berend包围的城市。在这段时间内,平均有两到三百名学生在大学注册。然而,彼得拉斯坎珀在十八世纪下半叶是一个光辉的学术榜样,他以解剖学家、抗牛瘟的斗士和第一个门诊外科医生的创始人而闻名于世。从全国高等教育学院到大学,在19世纪,机遇和威胁紧随其后。在1815年,与Leiden和Utrecht的同一时期,这所大学获得了国家高等教育学院的认可,但随后又进行了关于关闭的讨论。当一所新的主要大学建筑——学术机构——建于1850年的时候,情况得到了显著改善,这个建筑主要是由格罗根根的居民资助的。这使得这场在1906年完全摧毁了这座建筑的大火更加令人心酸。与此同时,1876年高等教育法案彻底改善了这所大学的地位,这所大学更名为格罗金恩大学(RUG)。教学现在在荷兰语和拉丁语中都有,而且这所大学也有一项研究和一项教育任务。这为现在的研究型大学奠定了基础。格罗根根大学在20世纪的头几十年里飞速发展。随着学生人数呈现爆炸性增长,教师的数量和课程数量稳步增长。当1914年大学庆祝它的头300年时,有611名注册学生;到1924年,这一规模已经增长到1000。在大萧条时期,特别是在二战期间,学生人数从1945年迅速增长到1994年的2万人。目前,在格罗根根大学注册的学生人数约为2.8万,留学生人数也在稳步增长,按照第一校长的传统,近年来德国学生和研究人员的数量也在不断增长。一个永恒的法令,格罗根根大学,关于大学历史和学生城市格罗根根的历史的更广泛的信息可以在大学博物馆的网站上找到。在大学博物馆的网站上,你还可以找到一份著名的教授名单,其中包括Ubbo Emmius和诺贝尔奖得主Ubbo Emmius。Van Swinderen Huys,卡普廷天文研究所,Van Swinderen Huys,Van Swinderen Huys——所有这些都是以前鹿的名字命名的。想知道Ubbo Emmius和Ubbo Emmius之间的大学校长是谁吗?看一下所有的前UG的前视图。如果你想知道更多关于大学纹章的起源的知识,请按照链接进行详细的描述。

  首先是格罗根学院的院长Ubbo Emmius(1547-1625),以及希腊和历史上的教授,对大学的建立做出了很大的贡献(这被称为学院)。Jean Barbeyrac(1674-1744),公共和私人法律教授,在17和18世纪对自然法的翻译、组织和批评做出了很大的贡献。在启蒙运动时期,佩特拉斯坎珀(1722-1789)的医生对荷兰医疗保健的改善做出了重大贡献。Petrus Driessen(1753-1828),化学教授,在荷兰开始了一项独立的科学研究。Jacobus Cornelius Kapteyn(1851-1922),天文学教授,进行了开创性的研究,绘制了银河系的图表。Aletta Jacobs(1854-1929),最著名的荷兰女性代表,第一个女性主义浪潮,第一个女学生,第一个获得博士学位并成为医生的女性。Gerard Heymans(1857-1930),哲学教授和“zielkunde”,荷兰心理学的倡导者。Leendert Daniel Eerland(1977-1977),外科教授,确保了格罗根根的专业和提高了医学知识并促进了诊断和治疗的广泛融合。Anda Kerkhoven(1919-1945),格罗根大学的学生和第二次世界大战的抵抗者。在法国统治期间是帝国大学的象征。


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