Emory University, a top-ranked private institution recognized internationally for its outstanding liberal arts colleges, graduate and professional schools, and one of the world's leading health care systems, is located on a beautiful campus in Atlanta, Georgia's historic Druid Hills neighborhood. Whatever your interest in Emory, we would welcome your visit to campus.Emory maintains an uncommon balance for an institution of its standing: our scholars and experts generate more than $574 million in research funding annually while also maintaining a traditional emphasis on teaching. The University is enriched by collaboration among its schools, centers, and partners as well as by the legacy and energy of Atlanta.
Emory College Class of 1908
The Methodist Episcopal Church founded Emory College in 1836 in the small Georgia town of Oxford. The founders named the town for the school's prestigious British cousin, and named the school for a bishop who dreamed of an American education that molded character as well as the mind.The little school struggled for decades, and finally began to prosper in the late 1800s. By 1914, the Methodist Church was looking to create a university in the South, and Emory College was looking to expand.
Asa Candler, founder of The Coca-Cola Company, wrote the "million-dollar letter" to offer seed money, and he sweetened the deal by donating land in Atlanta. Emory University received a DeKalb County charter to build at its present location in 1915. The soft drink company president's brother was Emory alumnus and former president, Methodist Bishop Warren Candler, who returned to serve as its first chancellor on the new campus.The Atlanta-based Coca-Cola Company has given rise to family fortunes for the Candlers, the Woodruffs, the Goizuetas and others who have been extraordinarily generous to Emory. The philanthropy of these and other donors has enabled Emory's growth and empowered its ambition to become one of the nation's leading universities. It's unofficially considered poor school spirit to drink other soda brands on campus.
The Official Spirit of Emory
The task of safeguarding the official Spirit of Emory rests on the slender frame of a biology lab skeleton named Dooley. He first emerged as a campus presence in 1899. The endeavor to answer the enduring question, "Who is Dooley?" is ongoing.Several secret societies have emerged over the years. DVS is the oldest, founded on the Oxford campus in 1902. New members of these groups appear to be chosen based on how likely they are to make contributions to campus life, both as students and alumni.In a city known for growth and change, Emory carefully cultivates a creative blend of old and new on campus. And all students, professors and staff members become part of the university's uniquely wonderful heritage.
Asa Candler是可口可乐公司的创始人,他写了著名百万美元的信著名来提供种子资金,他在亚特兰大捐赠了土地,从而增加了这笔交易的价值。埃默里大学在1915年收到了一份DeKalb县的宪章。软饮料公司总裁的兄弟是埃默里大学的校友和前总统Methodist Bishop Warren Candler,他在新校园里担任了第一任校长。这家总部位于亚特兰大的可口可乐公司已经为糖果公司、伍德夫家族、Goizuetas以及其他对埃默里大学格外慷慨的人带来了家族财富。这些捐赠者和其他捐赠者的慈善事业使埃默里大学的成长得以实现并使其成为美国顶尖大学之一的雄心壮志得以实现。在校园里喝其他汽水品牌的人被非正式地认为是一种不良的学校精神。
Emory is one of the nation's leading research universities, building on an uncommon combination of campus-based resources and global partnerships.Our students pursue doctoral research in more than 40 specialties. The Woodruff Health Sciences Center brings together the research based at the university's schools of medicine, nursing and public health and at Yerkes National Primate Research Center with the expertise of Emory Healthcare. Our library system integrates the resources of the Robert W. Woodruff Library with several specialty collections on campus.We support our researchers in the advancement of public scholarship, accelerating the application of discoveries and communicating their significance. In doing so, we better advance Emory's mission "to create, preserve, teach, and apply knowledge in the service of humanity."
埃默里是全美领先的研究型大学之一,建立在校园资源和全球合作伙伴关系的不寻常的组合之上。我们的学生在40多个专业进行博士研究。该伍德拉夫健康科学中心汇集了在基础医学、护理和公共卫生的大学的学校和研究耶基斯国家灵长类动物研究中心与专业知识埃默里保健。我们的图书馆系统将Robert W. Woodruff图书馆的资源与校园的几个专业系列进行了整合。我们支持我们的研究人员推进公共奖学金,加快发现的应用和交流意义。在这样做的过程中,我们更好地推动了埃默里的使命即创造、保存、教授和应用知识为人类服务。
Emory's students, faculty and staff create a welcoming and enterprising community. We enjoy a host of colorful traditions that range from Wonderful Wednesdays and Dooley's Week to Classroom on the Quad and Emory Cares International Service Day. And we always have room for new ideas -- two students with a vision of making a difference started Volunteer Emory.The Emory Eagles compete within NCAA Division III in 18 sports. Arts at Emory hosts hundreds of programs that bring together thousands of students, faculty, guest artists and visitors annually. The university designates more than half of the campus as protected green space and engages the community through a range of sustainability initiatives.Diverse events fill the university's online calendar. The activities of hundreds of student groups keep life on campus lively. And students can enjoy residential campus life while also having ready access to Atlanta's resources.
埃默里的学生,教师和员工创造了一个热情和进取的社区。我们享受许多丰富多彩的传统,从精彩的周三到 Classroom和Emory Cares国际服务日。而且,我们总是有新的想法空间 - 两位具有变革愿景的学生开始了志愿者的工作。在埃默里老鹰竞技场有18个运动项目。埃默里艺术学院举办数百个节目,每年汇集数以千计的学生,教师,嘉宾艺术家和游客。该大学将超过一半的校园指定为受保护的绿色空间,并通过一系列可持续发展计划吸引社区。不同的活动填补了大学的在线日历。数百名学生群体的活动让校园生活活跃起来。学生可以享受住宿校园生活,同时也可以利用亚特兰大的资源。(源自网络)埃默里大学位于亚特兰大的著名富人区Druid hills。整个校园保持着意大利风格的古典建筑。洋溢着地中海风情的意大利建筑古典精致,漫步其中仿佛让人置身美丽的南欧。所有建筑物采用昂贵的大理石建成,没有任何两栋相雷同。埃默里大学植有六百多种树木,好像隐藏在秀丽的植物园中,将其优雅的名门风采完美体现出来。埃默里大学(Emory University)校园留给人们最深刻的印象是它散发出的著名贵族著名气味。在其它美国大学校园,虽然校园也很漂亮,但很难可以感受到在埃默里大学校园的那种著名贵族著名气派。一进校园,就会被一种著名高雅著名的气场所笼罩。校园整洁,室内装修陈设讲究;接待人员身着笔挺的职业装,彬彬有礼。给你的感觉,仿佛走进了一座五星级的大酒店,而不是大学校园。座座校舍,以意大利风格的建筑为主,都用昂贵的大理石做外墙的装饰材料。校园内的参天大树,郁郁葱葱,森林覆盖面积高达60%。埃默里的大学校园一年四季都十分漂亮,校园内拥有一个国家级自然保护区,风景秀丽,气候宜人。在由全美最佳大学网评选出的全美最美五十所大学中,埃默里排名第六,是所有综合排名前三十的学校中排位最高的。(哈佛大学排名11,斯坦佛大学排名十九,耶鲁大学排名第二十四。)正因为校园优美,埃默里大学还被多部知名美剧及电影选为外景拍摄地。(如:《吸血鬼日记》(The Vampire Diaries),《哈拉上路》(Road Trip), 《美女上错身》 (drop dead diva),《行尸走肉》 (The Walking Dead))
Residence Life and Housing Operations maintains more than 20 residence halls. About three in four undergraduates, including all first- and second-year students, live in campus housing, fostering a sense of community and involvement in college life.
Emory Dining serves the community with two main locations in the middle of campus:The DUC-ling, which is Emory's interim dining facility during the anticipated construction of a new Campus Life Center.Cox Hall Food Court, which offers quick-service dining options.
Emory Dining为校园中的两个主要地点提供社区服务:DUC是埃默里大学新校区生活中心的预计施工期间的临时餐饮设施。Cox Hall美食广场,提供快速餐饮选择。校园内有十几个小型餐饮场所。
韩启德:中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会常委会副委员长,九三学社中央主席。 1985年至1987年艾默里大学药理系进修。
哈金:本名金雪飞,英文笔名Ha Jin,华裔美国作家。曾於艾默理大学教授诗歌和小说创作课程。现任教波士顿(Boston University)大学。
陈法拉:全美优秀学生, 香港无线电视演员,2005国际华裔小姐亚军
John Chidsey:汉堡王董事长兼首席执行。
Ivan Loveridge Bennett:美国医学界泰斗,前纽约大学校长兼医学院院长。
Marion L. Brittain:佐治亚理工大学(GIT)校长。
William Trigg Gannaway:前杜克大学校长。
Howard Lamar:前耶鲁大学校长,耶鲁本科生院院长。
Paul S. Amos II:Aflac集团董事长兼首席执行官
Nelson Adams:美国药协会前主席
Mitch Caplan:E-Trade前任首席执行官
罗伯特 伍德拉夫:可口可乐公司董事长兼首席执行官