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学校名称: 美国罗格斯大学新布伦瑞克分校(新布伦瑞克) Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey (New B








  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is a leading national research university and the state of New Jersey’s preeminent, comprehensive public institution of higher education. Established in 1766, the university is the eighth oldest higher education institution in the United States. Nearly 69,000 students and 22,000 full- and part-time faculty and staff learn, work, and serve the public at Rutgers locations across New Jersey and around the world.University Mission.As the premier comprehensive public research university in the state’s system of higher education, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, has the threefold mission of providing for the instructional needs of New Jersey’s citizens through its undergraduate, graduate, and continuing education programs;conducting the cutting-edge research that contributes to the medical, environmental, social, and cultural well-being of the state, as well as aiding the economy and the state’s businesses and industries; andperforming public service in support of the needs of the citizens of the state and its local, county, and state governments.Each component of the university’s mission reinforces and supports the other two.Rutgers is dedicated to teaching that meets the highest standards of excellence, to conducting research that breaks new ground, and to providing services, solutions, and clinical care that help individuals and the local, national, and global communities where they live.

  罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校是国家领先的研究型大学,也是新泽西州杰出的综合性高等教育机构。罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校大学成立于1766年,是美国第八大高等教育机构。在罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校,近69,000名学生和22,000名全日制和兼职教职员工学习、工作和服务于公众。大学使命:作为国家高等教育体系中首屈一指的综合性公立大学,新泽西州立大学的罗格斯大学拥有三重任务通过本科、研究生和继续教育课程来满足新泽西州公民的教学需求 ;开展有助于国家医疗,环境,社会,文化福祉的前沿研究,帮助经济和国家的企业和行业; 和履行公共服务,支持国家公民及其地方、县、州政府的需要。大学任务的每个组成部分加强和支持其他两个。罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校致力于符合最高标准的教学,开展新的研究工作,提供服务,解决方案和临床护理,帮助个人及其居住的地方,国家和全球社区。


  30 schools and colleges

  49,000+ undergraduates

  19,000+ graduate students

  150+ undergraduate majors

  200+ graduate programs

  Accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education

  8,000+ full- and part-time faculty

  14,000+ full- and part-time staff

  Nearly 300 research centers and institutes

  $658 million in annual research and development expenditures

  More than 486,000 alumni worldwide












  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is the nation’s eighth oldest institution of higher learning—one of only nine colonial colleges established before the American Revolution—and has a centuries-old tradition of rising to the challenges of each new generation.

  新泽西州立大学罗格斯堡是美国第八大高等教育机构 - 美国革命前成立的九个殖民地学院之一,拥有数百年历史的传统,迎接新一代的挑战。


  Chartered in 1766 as all-male Queen’s College in New Brunswick, New Jersey, the school, affiliated with the Dutch Reformed Church, was renamed Rutgers College in 1825 in honor of trustee and Revolutionary War veteran Colonel Henry Rutgers.In the mid-19th century, Congress established the nation’s land-grant colleges in response to the Industrial Revolution. In 1864, Rutgers prevailed over Princeton to become New Jersey’s land-grant institution, tasked with offering educational access to a wider range of students who would be the new workforce for America’s expanding businesses, factories, and farms.



  Access for women arrived in 1918, when the New Jersey College for Women (now Douglass Residential College) was founded. In 1945 and 1956, state legislative acts designated Rutgers as The State University of New Jersey, a public institution. The University of Newark (now Rutgers University–Newark) joined Rutgers in 1946, followed by the College of South Jersey (now Rutgers University–Camden) in 1950, which gave Rutgers a statewide presence.In 1989, Rutgers University–New Brunswick was invited to join the Association of American Universities, making Rutgers’ flagship one of the top 62 research universities in North America. In 2013, a state legislative act transferred to Rutgers much of the former University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, creating Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences and dramatically expanding Rutgers’ mission to include academic medicine and wide-ranging patient care. In the same year, Rutgers University–New Brunswick joined the Big Ten Academic Alliance, a consortium of 14 leading universities that includes all members of the Big Ten® Conference.Today, with more than 68,000 students, Rutgers is one of the most significant and diverse comprehensive research universities in the nation.

  1918年学校开始招收女生,当时新泽西妇女学院(现为道格拉斯住宅学院)成立。在1945年和1956年,国家立法行为指定罗格斯大学为新泽西州立大学,一个公共机构。纽瓦克大学(现罗格斯大学 - 纽瓦克)于1946年加入罗格斯大学,其后是1950年的南泽西学院(现罗格斯大学卡姆登),这使得罗格斯堡在全州范围内占有一席之地。1989年,罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校被邀请加入美国大学协会,使罗格斯克旗舰在北美排名前六的研究型大学之一。在2013年,国家立法行为转移到罗格斯大学前新泽西州医学和牙科大学,创建了罗格斯生物医学和健康科学,并大大扩展了罗格斯的使命,包括学术医学和广泛的病人护理。同年,罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校加入了十大学术联盟,这是一个由十大顶尖大学组成的联盟,其中包括大十大会议的所有成员。今天,有超过68,000名学生,罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校是全国最重要和最复杂的综合性研究型大学之一。



  Rutgers’ $658 million in annual research and development expenditures places us among the nation’s top 30 universities. Federally funded R&D at Rutgers exceeds federal R&D funding at all other New Jersey colleges and universities combined.

  格罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校的6.85亿美元年度研发支出使我们成为全美30强大学之一。罗格斯堡联邦资助的研发部门超过了所有其他新泽西州高等院校的联邦研发资金。罗格斯研究作为新泽西州首屈一指的公立学术研究强国,罗格斯创造了知识,促进了经济进步,改善了我们国家和地区的生活。向前,这是我们的时代:医疗保健访问的质量、学前教育的质量、癌症预防、可行的清洁能源或者是年龄的问题。宇宙的起源。爱的生物化学。早期人类的生命。 研究人员在罗格斯大学。新不伦瑞克省正在追求答案并推动边界。他们的研究结果在学术界引起了轰动,并对社区和世界各地的社区产生了影响。顶尖教师及其团队的追求将我们视为研究型大学,将我们提升到探险家,开拓者,发现者,游戏规则的领域。


  Research with Impact.In clinics and centers, in labs and libraries, in the field and across the globe, our faculty and students create knowledge, advance economic progress, improve lives, and enrich our humanity.Research at Rutgers University–New BrunswickResearch at Rutgers Biomedical and Health Sciences.Clinical Research Organization.Research at Rutgers University–Newark.Research at Rutgers University–Camden.Faculty and Staff Experts.Research Centers.Cancer Institute of New Jersey Research.Office of Research Analytics.Office of Research and Economic Development.Office.of.Research.Commercialization.New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station Research.New Jersey Small Business Development Centers.Rutgers University Foundation Office of Corporate and Foundation Relations.



  Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, is entrenched in a culture of research, innovation, and invention that is a hallmark of the American academic experience.A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES.Of the thousands of institutions of higher learning in North America, only 62 are members of the Association of American Universities (AAU). This selective group of leading research universities is recognized for the quality and scope of its research and educational programs. Rutgers is the only public New Jersey university in the AAU (fellow Garden State school Princeton is also a member).A MEMBER OF THE BIG TEN ACADEMIC ALLIANCE.Rutgers University is a member of the Big Ten Academic Alliance, a consortium of first-tier research universities, such as the University of Wisconsin–Madison and University of Michigan, that shares knowledge and best practices and pools resources and buying power to strengthen higher education and support research endeavors. Alliance universities conduct $8.4 billion in funded research each year.A LAND-GRANT INSTITUTION/Rutgers is one of the nation’s 75 land-grant institutions, in the company of other land-grants such as Cornell, MIT, Ohio State, and Penn State. The Morrill Act of 1862 designated these institutions to serve the states and their citizens by disseminating practical knowledge developed at key institutions of higher learning. From an early emphasis on agriculture and the mechanical arts, the land-grant mission of Rutgers, like that of fellow institutions, has expanded to include a broad range of teaching, research, and service activities.



  授权机构:罗格斯堡是全国75 个授权机构之一,在康奈尔、麻省理工学院、俄亥俄州和宾州州等其他土地补助金公司。1862年的莫里尔法指出,这些机构通过传播在重点高等院校开发的实践知识为国家和公民服务。从早期强调农业和机械艺术的角度来看,罗格斯堡的授权使命,像同类机构一样,已经扩大到包括广泛的教学,研究和服务活动。


  Research Heft at Rutgers:Rutgers contains the state’s most extensive network of laboratories, research facilities, and health service centers and is one of only 62 universities in the Association of American Universities, a group comprising North America’s leading research universities.

  Just how big is our reach?36 of our faculty are members of the National Academy of Sciences, the National Academy of Engineering, and the Institute of Medicine, America’s top experts on critical national issues.$612 million in research and sponsored programs were logged at Rutgers University in fiscal year 2015.175-plus centers and institutes at Rutgers University–New Brunswick target a range of issues.

  罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校的研究人员:罗格斯堡拥有国家最广泛的实验室,研究设施和卫生服务中心网络是美国大学协会唯一的62所大学之一,由北美领先的研究型大学组成我们的覆盖面有多大?我们的教职工36 人他们分别是是美国国家科学院院士、美国国家工程院院士、美国医学研究所、美国关键国家问题专家。2015年财政年度,罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校取得6.12亿美元的研究和赞助计划。罗格斯大学新布朗斯维克分校的175多个中心和研究所针对一系列问题。


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