


传说在4000多年前远古的 尧舜盛世之时,尧天子在位时勤政于民为百姓办了很多好事,很受广大百姓爱戴,但因其子无才不太成器,他没把“天子”的皇位传给自己的儿子,而是传给了品德才能兼备的 舜。尧对舜说:“你今后一定要把帝位传交好,待我死后也可安心瞑目了。”后来舜把帝位传给了治洪水有功的禹,禹亦像舜那样亲民爱民为百姓做了很多好事,都十分受人爱戴。后来人们把尧死后,舜帝祭祀天地和先帝尧的那一天,当作一年的开始之日,把正月初一称为“元旦”,或“元正”,这就是古代的元旦。
历代皇朝都在元旦举行庆贺典仪祈祀等活动,如祭诸神祭先祖,写门对挂春联,书写福字、舞龙灯,民间也逐渐形成祭神佛、祭祖先、贴春联、放鞭炮、守岁、吃团圆饭以及众多的“社火”等娱乐欢庆活动。晋代诗人辛兰曾有《 元正》诗:“元正启令节,嘉庆肇自兹。咸奏万年觞,小大同悦熙。”记述元旦庆贺情景。
元旦,据说起于 三皇五帝之一的 颛顼,距今已有4000多年的历史。 “元旦”一词最早出现于《 晋书》:“颛帝以孟夏正月为元,其实正朔元旦之春。 ”
南北朝时,南朝文史学家 萧子云的《 介雅》诗中有“四季新元旦,万寿初春朝”的记载。宋代吴自牧《 梦粱录》中有关于:“正月朔日,谓之元旦,俗呼为新年。一岁节序,此为之首。”的记载。
汉代 崔瑗《三子钗铭》中叫“元正”、晋代 庾阐《扬都赋》一赋中称作“ 元辰”、 北齐时的《元会大享歌皇夏辞》一辞中呼为“ 元春”、 唐德宗- 李适《元日退朝观军仗归营》一诗中谓之“ 元朔”。
中国元旦历来指的是 夏历(农历、阴历)正月初一。正月初一的计算方法,在汉武帝时期以前也是很不统一的。因此,历代的元旦月、日也并不一致。 夏朝的夏历以孟喜月( 元月)为正月,商朝的殷历以腊月(十二月)为正月,周朝的周历以冬月(十一月)为正月。 秦始皇统一中国后,又以阳春月(十月)为正月,即十月初一为元旦。
从 汉武帝起,规定孟喜月(元月)为正月,把孟喜月的第一天(夏历的正月初一)称为元旦,一直沿用到清朝末年。
公元1911年,孙中山领导的 辛亥革命推翻了满清的统治,建立了中华民国。各省都督代表在南京开会决定使用公历,把农历的1月1日叫做“春节”,把公历的1月1日称为“元旦”,不过当时并没有正式公布。
为了“行夏正,所以顺农时,从西历,所以便统计”,民国元年决定使用公历(实际使用是1912年),并规定 阳历1月1日为“新年”,但并不称为“元旦”。
1949年9月27日,第一届 中国人民政治协商会议,在决定建立中华人民共和国的同时,也决定采用世界通用的公元纪年法,即我们所说的阳历。元旦,指西元纪年的岁首第一天。
为区别农历和阳历两个新年,又鉴于农历二十四节气中的 “立春”恰在农历新年的前后,因此便把农历一月一日改称为“春节”,阳历1月1日定为新年的开始――“元旦”,并列入法定假日,成为全国人民的节日。
专家:“元旦”一词系中国“土产” 已经沿用4000多年。
元旦 New Year's Day
New Year's Day is the first day of the lunar calendar. it is the day when the earth has circled the sun for one round and is beginning another circling. it represents a new beginning when people send off the old days and welcome the new ones. as the first day of the year, yuandan has been considered to be the most important festival since the ancient times.
1.kaisui(beginning of the year): according to the chinese traditional custom, starting from haishi(9p.m. to 11p.m.)of the last evening of the twelfth lunar month, each family must prepare offering s to deities at the altar. at the same time, they too prepare food for the new year day: the whole family will then stay awake together to attend to the year(called shou sui). after haishi, zishi(11p.m. to 1a.m.)will come, and this is the arrival of new year(yuandan). at this moment, people begin the celebration with fireworks. vegetarian and sweet foods will then be placed are the altar for offerings, and incense be burned to welcome the deities. in the ancient times, it was believed that haishi connected the two years and thus was called kaisui.
At the same night, some families will follow the instruction in tongshu and place preparing altar in the direction of the "fortune deity" during the "fortune time" to receive the deity. if the direction of the "fortune deity" is at the "ill position", people will choose to receive "happy deity" or "noble deity" instead.
2. There is an apparent difference in the custom of food taking on yuandan between the chinese in the northern and southern regions. the northern chinese has the habit of taking jiao zi(dumpling made of flour with vegetable and meat wrapped inside). some people may put a sweet or a coin inside jiao zi, hoping to have a sweet year after tasting the sweet and a wealthy year after tasting the coin. on the other hand, the southern chinese have the taboo for killing on yuandan. therefore, they do not take meat in tee morning of yuandan, so as to avoid bloodshed or mutual slaughter. in order to evade misfortune, they have the first meal of this day without meat. instead, they take vegetarian food for the sake of virtue.
3. What is special during the new year is that parents or elders will distribute red packets(ang pao or ya sui qian)to the children. people in the ancient times were more particular in giving away the red packets: the distribution took place on the eve of new year so that the kids could suppress the past year and enter the new year. ya sui has the meaning of overcoming the unpredictable future. representing the wishes for the healthy psychological growth of the children, ya sui qian symbolises the elders' hope to see their children overcome all the unpredictable elements brought by the "year".
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