Now that the February LSAT has come and gone, many prospective applicants who haven’t taken the LSAT are beginning their preparation for the next test date, held this year on Monday, June 8. In this week’s post, we’ll discuss 16-week template preparation plans for three types of LSAT students.Before we get into the specifics for the three types of LSAT students we discuss below, there are two general thoughts on LSAT preparation applicable to all students.First, the backbone of any thorough LSAT preparation is to take full, timed practice tests. Although it is important to do targeted practice to address specific issues, full practice tests serve as a valuable diagnostic tool in addition to getting the student used to 35-minute sections and the sustained focus required to do well on all four scored sections. I advise my clients that they are likely not fully prepared until they have taken at least 30 full, timed practice tests.Second, the LSAT is not a test that rewards last-minute intense studying. We generally recommend that our clients spend at least three months (and in most cases, more than that) consistently studying for the LSAT, ideally devoting 10-15 hours per week. It is much better to do 150 hours of LSAT prep over 12 to 15 weeks than it is to try to cram 150 hours into the three weeks leading up to the test.
问题一: LSAT 考试究竟是什么?
• Substance: The LSAT was specifically designed to test the aptitude of applicants interested in studying law.According to the Law School Admission Council's website, "The LSAT is designed to measure skills that are considered essential for success in law school: the reading and comprehension of complex texts with accuracy and insight; the organization and management of information and the ability to draw reasonable inferences from it; the ability to think critically; and the analysis and evaluation of the reasoning and arguments of others."Analyzing, comparing and critically evaluating arguments is fundamental to the study and practice of law. As a law student, you will be asked to spot legal issues from a set of hypothetical facts and discuss the various legal consequences. You may also need to make policy arguments about the merits of certain laws and regulations.To excel on law school exams, you will need to have strong skills in analyzing, comparing, critically evaluating and drawing conclusions about arguments. Sound familiar? Those are the very skills the LSAT requires you to master.
Endurance and speed: The LSAT is also a test of endurance and speed. Composed of five multiple-choice sections, each 35-minutes long, and a 35-minute unscored writing sample, the LSAT is three-and-a-half hours of testing.At Harvard Law School, where I studied, in-class exams typically last between two and four hours, while eight hours are allotted for take-home exams. Note that bar exams last two days.You will need to become comfortable sustaining rigorous analysis and logical reasoning as a law student. The LSAT can help you build that critical thinking endurance.If the LSAT is a marathon in terms of endurance, it is also a sprint in terms of speed. You will have about one minute to answer each question if you divide your time equally between question types. That means you need to work efficiently and analyze problems quickly.Lawyers need to work hard and be good at thinking on their feet. This skill is not only applicable in dramatic courtroom scenes but also in depositions and negotiations, as well as when reviewing contracts and conducting due diligence. Clients charged by billable hours also appreciate efficiency.
• Long-term study: Unlike the GRE, the LSAT does not test your knowledge of external subjects. In other words, you do not have to study math and vocabulary words to do well.While you do not need to have external knowledge to pass the exam, most test-takers would benefit from long-term study. The LSAT is not a test you can cram for. The reason for extended study is because the analytical and logical reasoning skills, as well as the format of the questions, are unfamiliar to the majority of test-takers.The Pre-Law Advising Office at the University of Massachusetts—Amherst suggests applicants develop a study plan of "at least 4-6 hours a week for at least three to four months prior to the test date."Guess what else requires long-term study? That's right – law school exams and the bar exam.Doing well in law school requires diligence and months of study leading up to finals. In many respects, your three years in law school are preparation for the bar. On top of that, you will have to commit to months of bar prep after graduation.The GRE also prepares students in many of the same respects. That is why schools like Harvard and the American Bar Association have accepted it as an alternative to the LSAT.Nonetheless, the LSAT is likely to remain a key criteria of law school applications for many years to come. Embracing the ways the exam will prepare you for a career in law may alleviate some test anxieties.
长期研究:与GRE不同,LSAT考试不测试你对外部性的知识。换句话说,你不需要学习数学和词汇就能考出好成绩。虽然你不需要有外部知识来通过考试,但大多数考生都能从长期学习中获益。LSAT不是一项你可以临时抱佛脚的考试。延长研究的原因是由于分析和逻辑推理能力以及问题的形式,大多数考生都不熟悉。马萨诸塞大学阿默斯特分校法律咨询办公室建议申请人在考试日期前至少3到4个月的时间内制定一份“每周至少4 - 6小时”的学习计划。猜猜还有什么需要长期研究?那是法学院的考试和律师考试。在法学院学习需要勤奋和几个月的学习才能进入最终的考核。在许多方面,你在法学院的三年都是为法学博士做准备。最重要的是,你必须在毕业后坚持几个月的准备工作。GRE考试也为学生们准备了许多相同的方面。这就是为什么像哈佛和美国律师协会这样的学校已经接受了它作为LSAT的替代选择。尽管如此,LSAT考试很可能仍将是未来许多年法学院申请的一个关键标准。欣然接受考试将为你的职业生涯做准备,也许能减轻一些考试焦虑。
问题二:LSAT 考试该如何分配答题时间?
The aspect of timing is one of the key elements that distinguishes the LSAT from other standardized tests. Unlike the SAT, GMAT and GRE, the LSAT is designed to make students run out of time. Developing an effective time management strategy, therefore, is essential to maximizing your LSAT score.Before getting into section-by-section strategies, let's go through a couple of general principles that are applicable to all sections of the test. First, since every question is worth the same amount regardless of difficulty, answering the easiest questions first is the most time-efficient way to approach the test. Not only will easy questions take less time to answer, but you will also get them right more frequently. This means that easy questions will generate raw score points, which lead to scaled score points, much more quickly than hard questions.Second, unlike the SAT and many other standardized tests, there is no penalty for incorrect answers on the LSAT. You should therefore make sure to answer every single question, even if you can't spend much time on it. Spending even as little as 20 seconds often enables one to eliminate at least one answer choice and make a much higher-percentage guess on the remaining answer choices. This is 20 seconds well spent.
Now, here are strategies for the individual sections:
Logical Reasoning
There is one significant time management difference between the logical reasoning sections and the other two sections. Since each question in this section is independent and requires no knowledge of a previous question, you can dramatically rearrange the order of the test so that you answer the easiest questions first and the hardest questions last. In general, questions get more difficult the farther into the section you go.More specifically, ask yourself three questions to determine the level of difficulty of a question and therefore how much time to spend on it:
• Do I still have difficulty understanding the argument after reading it twice?
• Is this a question type I tend to have difficulty on?
• Can I eliminate fewer than two answer choices?
If you answers to at least three of these questions is "yes," then you should cut your losses by spending 15 or so more seconds to come up with an educated guess and then move on to the next question.You should also save for last questions that are inherently time-consuming. The two question types I recommend skipping until the end are similar reasoning and similar flaw questions. These questions require analyzing six arguments – the argument in the question prompt and each of the five answer choices – and therefore generally take much more time than others.
Logic Games
The logic games section contains four games, each of which has five to seven questions associated with it. Since jumping around from game to game is extremely difficult, it is impossible to use the logical reasoning strategy outlined above. Instead, you should rearrange the section by game as opposed to by question.I instruct students who don't consistently finish the logic games section in the 35 minutes allotted to spend approximately one minute at the beginning of the section determining the order in which to attack the games. To determine the most efficient order, look for game types that you are comfortable with and that do not contain any uncommon rules or characteristics. Avoid games that are unfamiliar to you or that you tend to find difficult.Just like in the logical reasoning section, you should avoid questions that are inherently time-consuming. There are two very uncommon question types that fall into this category: questions that ask you which answer choice makes the game "fully/completely determined," and questions that substitute a rule for another rule. These questions tend to come at the end of the third game in a section.
Reading Comprehension
Like the logic games, it is impossible to jump from passage to passage. Unlike the logic games, however, it is difficult to quickly determine which passages you will likely find easier than others. The reading comprehension section therefore requires yet another strategy, this one focused on reading the passage as efficiently as possible.To read most efficiently, focus on the big-picture information and the passage's structure and avoid internalizing the details. Although many questions ask you about what appear to be minutia hidden within the passage, you can often get the right answer for even these questions by having a solid knowledge of the main point of the passage.By knowing the structure of the passage, you can quickly locate the information you need to answer the question instead of trying to internalize every detail in the passage, most of which won't be tested.
Student 1: A student with little or no experience with the LSAT and a history of difficulty with standardized tests.For this type of student, a comprehensive approach is best. This usually involves taking a comprehensive LSAT course in the early stages of preparation, then thoroughly reviewing the course content and practicing while simultaneously identifying and addressing major issues.
Weeks 1-4: Complete course work and all associated homework.
Weeks 5-8: In addition to your course work and homework, begin to take one to two practice tests per week.
Weeks 9-12: Continue taking practice tests, and add one additional practice test per week for a total of two to three tests per week. Analyze practice tests to identify major issues such as inference questions in arguments or ordering and sequencing logic games and thoroughly review associated course work and homework. Begin work with a tutor to help identify and address major issues.
Weeks 13-16: Take at least three practice tests per week. Continue to analyze practice tests to identify and address issues, but spend more time on extra practice questions and less time reviewing course materials to address those weaknesses.
1 - 4周:完成课程和所有相关的作业。
5- 8周:除了你的课程作业和作业外,每周开始做一到两次的练习测试。
9 - 12周:继续进行练习测试,每周增加一个额外的练习测试,每周进行两到三次测试。分析练习测试,以识别主要问题,如推理问题或排序和排序逻辑游戏,并彻底复习相关的课程作业和作业。与导师一起开始工作,帮助确定和解决重大问题。
13 - 16周:每周至少做三次练习。继续分析实践测试以确定和解决问题,但是要花更多的时间在额外的实践问题上,少花时间复习课程材料来解决这些问题。
Student 2: A student with little to no experience with LSAT but with a history of performing well on standardized tests.Many students who have performed well on standardized tests in the past – especially those testing verbal skills, such as the SAT, GRE and GMAT – will likely be able to work out parts of the LSAT on their own. After taking five to eight LSAT practice tests, see where you stand and whether you would benefit from a comprehensive review or a tailored approach to target only areas of weakness.
Weeks 1-4: Take five to eight practice tests total and assess your preparation needs.
Weeks 5-8: Take one to two practice tests per week and begin a tutoring or self-study program that addresses specific needs.
Weeks 9-12: Continue taking practice tests, but adding a practice test per week to total two to three tests per week. Continue to address specific areas of weakness by reviewing tests and doing targeted practice problems.
Weeks 13-16: Take at least three practice tests per week. Extra study time should be spent primarily reviewing practice tests.
1 - 4:周进行5到8次的练习测试,并评估你的准备需求。
5 - 8周:每周进行一到两次的练习测试,开始一个针对特定需求的辅导或自学计划。
9 - 12周:继续进行练习测试,但每周增加一次练习测试,每周2 - 3次。继续通过检查测试和做有针对性的实践问题来解决特定的薄弱环节。
13 - 16周:每周至少做三次练习。额外的学习时间应该主要用于复习练习测试。
Student 3: A student who is in the process of completing or has completed an LSAT prep course.For these students, the conceptual work should be mostly done. The goal for the remaining time before the test is reinforcement of key concepts and consistent practice.
Weeks 1-4: Review major concepts from your prep course and take one to two practice tests per week.
Weeks 5-8: Review minor concepts from your prep course and take one to two practice tests per week.
Weeks 9-12: Continue taking practice tests, adding a practice test per week to total two to three tests per week. Review practice tests thoroughly by reviewing every question you got wrong, every logical reasoning question that took more than two minutes to solve, and every logic game and passage that took more than 11 minutes to complete
Weeks 13-16: Take at least three practice tests per week. Review practice tests by reviewing every question you got wrong.
1 - 4周:复习你的预备课程的主要概念,每周进行一到两次的练习测试。
5- 8周:复习准备课程的小概念,每周进行一到两次的练习测试。
9 - 12周:继续进行练习测试,每周增加一次练习测试,每周2 - 3次。通过回顾你所犯的每一个问题,每一个需要花费超过两分钟时间来解决的逻辑推理问题,以及每一场耗时超过11分钟的逻辑游戏和段落,来彻底复习练习测试。
周13 - 16:每周至少做三次练习。复习练习测试你的每一个问题。