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2018-01-10 21:33


【 liuxue86.com - 衣食住行 】


  原因: 纽约定期的同米兰,巴黎和伦敦等世界时尚之都进行互动,为游客提供无限的购物选择。你还可以第五大道的亨利·本德尔等零售巨头或者前往东村寻找一些古董。




  Cool, cosmopolitan, crowded, constantly evolving … the Big Apple blends big city splendor with small-town charm. Amid Gotham's iconic landmarks and towering skyscrapers, you'll experience a vibrant culture permeating each of the city's distinctive neighborhoods and boroughs. Follow trendsetters to the East Village and Brooklyn to check out indie boutiques, iconic bakeries and trendy coffee shops. Afterward, peruse the racks of the sleek shops lining Fifth Avenue, admire the cutting-edge art collections at the MoMa and the Met, catch a memorable show on Broadway or sit down for a meal at the latest "it" restaurant.As the most populous city in the U.S. – set at the forefront of food, fashion and the arts – NYC requires stamina. But don't let the Big Apple's frenetic sights and sounds intimidate you from soaking up its grandeur. Wander through the concrete jungle and you'll discover roaring taxis zipping down bustling blocks, fast-paced pedestrians strolling past on their way to marquee galleries and trendy cocktail bars, and Times Square's neon lights flickering at all hours. And yet, the city's twinkling lights and chaotic corners also invite you to embrace every New York minute, explore every enclave and create your own urban adventure. There are endless ways to spend your time in the city that never sleeps, but before you leave, stop and look around – what's here today will be transformed into something bigger and better tomorrow.




  #1 in Best Places to Visit in New York State


  #1 in Best Nightlife Scenes in the USA


  #1 in Best Shopping Destinations in the USA


  #1 in Best Foodie Cities in the USA


  #1 in Best Places to Visit in the USA


  #1 in Best Summer Vacations


  #1 in Best Weekend Getaways


  #1 in Best Historic Destinations in the USA


  #1 in Best Spring Vacations


  #5 in Best Christmas Vacations


  #6 in Best Family Summer Vacations


  #6 in World's Best Places to Visit


  #9 in Best Luxury Destinations in the USA


  #9 in Best Winter Family Vacations


  #15 in Best Honeymoon Destinations in the USA





  This part-park, part-museum, part-concert hall swallows central Manhattan, and many of the city's most notable attractions are situated next to it or within its limits (the Guggenheim, the Metropolitan Museum of Art and the American Museum of Natural History, to name a few). But travelers insist that you shouldn't just pass through Central Park on your way to another place. This 843-acre green space is a favorite of New Yorkers and tourists; you can come here to exercise, dine, go to the zoo and more.“Central Park is fantastic year-round, and is a must-see for anyone coming to New York," says Josephine Danielson, head concierge at the Four Seasons Hotel New York. "People may not realize Central Park has several hidden treasures. If you’re looking for something different, I tell guests to visit the Conservatory Garden."Almost everyone has a positive impression of the park, but no one has quite the same experience or recommends that you do quite the same thing. There's an almost impossible amount of sights to see here (hidden treasures, indeed), including 20 playgrounds, 48 fountains, monuments or sculptures and 36 bridges. Here's a shortlist:








  沃尔曼纪念溜冰场: 这个下东城景点尤其受到年轻家庭的青睐。在冬天,这就成为了溜冰场; 到了夏天,这里就是维多利亚花园游乐园。

  在曼哈顿市中心以北的中心地带,您会发现中央公园; 从第59街延伸到第110街,与第八和第五大道接壤。中央公园每天上午6点至凌晨1点免费参观和接待游客。如同大城市的任何户外景点,您最好在白天或傍晚时分参观。现场有洗手间,公园内有五个游客中心。查看公园官方网站的地图,所有可用活动的信息和特别活动。



  The National September 11 Memorial & Museum serves as the primary tribute to the nearly 3,000 victims of the 2001 terrorist attacks, as well as the six lost in the 1993 bombing. The Memorial's twin reflecting pools and manmade waterfalls rest as eerie footprints where the World Trade Center's Twin Towers once stood. The 1-acre pools are enclosed in bronze panels on which the names of every victim are inscribed. The museum spans across 110,000 square feet and relays the narrative of the attacks through a series of multimedia displays, real-time recordings, authentic artifacts and an interactive table.Recent visitors cited the overall atmosphere of the National September 11 Memorial & Museum as sobering but moving. "After 9/11 the whole city changed, the mentality changed," says Shawn Harris, head concierge at the WestHouse Hotel New York. "What was knocked down, we rebuilt, and it's a monument to our strength. It's gorgeous inside even though a little somber." Many travelers say they were impressed with the site as a whole, noting its respectful and informational displays.

  “9·11”国家纪念博物馆是对2001年恐怖袭击事件中近3000名受害者以及1993年爆炸事件中丧生的六名受害者的首要悼念。纪念馆的双反射水池和人造瀑布是世界贸易中心双子塔曾经站立的令人毛骨悚然的足迹。这个1英亩的游泳池被封闭在青铜板上,每个受害者的名字都刻在上面。博物馆跨越110,000平方英尺,通过一系列多媒体展示,实时录音,真实的人造物品和互动式表格来传达攻击的叙述。最近的访客引用了“9·11”国家纪念博物馆的整体气氛,令人动容。“9·11之后,整个城市发生了变化,心态也发生了变化,” 纽约西屋饭店(WestHouse Hotel)的首席门童肖恩 ·哈里斯(Shawn Harris)说 。“什么东西被撞倒了,我们重建了,这是我们力量的纪念碑,尽管有点忧郁,但它里面的华丽。许多旅客说,他们对整个网站印象深刻,注意到它的尊重和信息显示。国家9月11日纪念馆和博物馆可通过Fulton Street地铁站,由A,C,J,Z,2,3,4或5线服务。入场纪念是免费的。参观博物馆的费用为成人24美元,大学生,老年人和退伍军人18美元,7至17岁的孩子15美元.2001和1993年袭击遇难者家属以及911救援和恢复工作者,可免费入场。每逢星期二下午5时至8时,所有游客免费入场。纪念馆每天从上午7:30至晚上9:00欢迎游客; 博物馆每天上午9点至晚上8点开放,延长至周五和周六晚上9点。最后一次进入是关闭前两小时。有关最新的信息,请查看官方的“911国家纪念馆” 网站。



  Some out-of-towners spend their entire New York trip at one show or another on the Broadway circuit. And if you like plays and musicals, this is where you should be: "The Great White Way" represents the heart and soul of American theater. Considering that nearby Times Square is a dizzying maze of sights and sounds with no real starting point, some visitors suggest you can see all you need to of that neighborhood just by trundling back and forth between shows.Travelers agree that attending a Broadway performance is a must on any visit to the Big Apple. Most were impressed with the beautiful marquees, the cozy theaters and the exceptional talent on stage. "Broadway is so much a part of the fabric of NYC. It’s synonymous: New York and Broadway," says Chris Heywood, senior vice president of global communications for NYC & Company, the city's tourism organization. "And there’s something for everybody, it’s family-friendly and there are shows for adults."

  有些外地人在百老汇的巡回演出中,在一场或另一场演出中度过整个纽约之旅。如果你喜欢戏剧和音乐剧,这就是你应该去的地方:“伟大的白色之路”代表了美国戏剧的核心和灵魂。考虑到附近的时代广场是一个令人眼花缭乱的迷宫,没有真正的起点,一些游客建议你可以通过在展览之间来回穿梭,看到你所需要的一切。旅行者们一致认为,参加百老汇演出是对大苹果公司的任何一次访问。最让人印象深刻的是那些漂亮的帐篷、舒适的剧院和舞台上的杰出人才。百老汇是纽约的一部分。纽约和百老汇是纽约和百老汇的代名词,”纽约市旅游组织NYC & Company全球传播高级副总裁克里斯•海伍德说。“这对每个人都有好处,它对家庭很友好,也有成人节目。”




  Visitors love the American Museum of Natural History off Central Park West. Whether you're exploring the interactive exhibits on the land, the sea or outer space; user reviews take on a common theme. This museum is incredible. Even the cafeteria and gift shop are worth your notice.There are approximately 32 million artifacts inside, spread across four city blocks, 25 buildings and through 45 exhibition halls, so don't even plan on seeing everything in one day. The Rose Center for Earth and Space is a particular favorite, but you should also plan on visiting the dinosaurs, the Hall of the Universe and the Butterfly Conservatory (on display from October through May). Local experts also say this museum is one of the best things to do as a family visiting New York City. "It’s an imaginative place, good for anyone of any age ... and it's educational and interactive," says Richard Tucker, head concierge at The Refinery Hotel. Local experts say the institution is one of the city's can't-miss museums.

  游客喜欢中央公园西的美国自然历史博物馆。无论您是探索陆地,海洋还是外太空的互动展品,用户评论采取共同的主题。这个博物馆是不可思议的。连自助餐厅和礼品店都值得你注意。里面大概有3200万件文物,分布在四个城市街区,25座建筑物和45个展厅,所以甚至不打算在一天之内看到所有的东西。地球和太空玫瑰中心是一个特别喜爱的地方,但你也应该计划参观恐龙,宇宙大厅和蝴蝶馆(从十月到五月展出)。当地的专家也说这个博物馆是作为一个访问纽约市家庭的最好的事情之一。“这是一个富有想象力的地方,对任何年龄的人都有好处,而且它具有教育性和互动性,” The Refinery Hotel的礼宾部门主管理查德·塔克说。当地专家说,这个机构是这个城市不容错过的博物馆之一。




  No museum in the United States is as celebrated as the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Spilling over with masterpieces from all over the world, including notable collections from Ancient Egypt and classical antiquity, "the Met" is an art experience unlike any other, and like much in New York, it's impossible to see all the museum has to offer in one day (or even two days, for that matter). If you've never been there, then you should definitely visit its permanent collections (the first floor's Greek and Roman art, Egyptian art and the second floor's Islamic art exhibits are especially popular with travelers). If you've already visited the Met a time or two, then plan your next trip around the semiannual exhibits by the Costume Institute, or head to The Met Cloisters, an offshoot museum that's dedicated to medieval Europe's art and architecture located in Fort Tyron ParkTravelers adore the Met, calling the facilites and artwork first-class. Many suggest consulting the museum's website to strategize what exhibits you'd like to see ahead of your visit to make the most of it.You can take the 4, 5 or 6 train to the 86th St. station; the museum is located at 1000 Fifth Ave., on the eastern perimeter of Central Park. You can visit the museum from 10 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. daily, with extended hours on Friday and Saturday until 9 p.m. (You can also patron the museum's Great Hall Balcony Bar or Petrie Court Café and Wine Bar for a quick cocktail.) Suggested admission to the Main Building and The Cloisters Museum and Gardens is $25 for adults, $17 for seniors and $12 for students; kids younger than 12 can enter for free with a paying adult. You can purchase tickets online or in person. Be sure to visit the art museum's website for additional information, including upcoming exhibits.

  美国的博物馆没有像大都会艺术博物馆那样有名。来自世界各地的杰作,包括来自古埃及和古典古代的著名收藏,“大都会”是一个不同于其他任何艺术,像纽约很多,不可能看到所有的博物馆必须提供一天(甚至两天)。如果你从来没有去过那里,那么你一定要去看看它的永久收藏(一楼的希腊和罗马艺术,埃及艺术和二楼的伊斯兰艺术展品尤其受到旅客的欢迎)。如果您已经参观了一两次,那么您可以计划您的下一次旅行,穿着服装学院的半年展品,或者前往The Met Cloisters,这是一个分支博物馆,游客很有可能会喜欢上The Met Cloisters博物馆,把设备和艺术品称为一流。许多人建议咨询博物馆的网站,制定你想在访问前看到什么样的展品,以充分利用它。您可以乘坐4,5或6列火车到第86站。博物馆位于中央公园东部的第五大道1000号。您可以在每天上午10点到下午5点半之间参观博物馆,周五和周六的延长时间直到晚上9点(您也可以在博物馆的大厅阳台酒吧或Petrie Court咖啡厅和红酒吧享用快速鸡尾酒)。主楼和修道院博物馆和花园的入场费为成人25美元,老年人17美元,学生12美元; 未满12岁的孩子可以免费进入。您可以在线或亲自购买门票。请务必访问美术馆的网站了解更多信息,包括即将到来的展品。


  #1 The Greenwich Hotel格林威治酒店

  #2 The Lowell Hotel New York纽约洛厄尔酒店

  #3 Crosby Street Hotel克罗斯比街酒店


  Visitors to New York City may get sticker shock when they start planning their trip, but it doesn’t have to be that way. There are many opportunities to enjoy the Big Apple while staying within a budget, especially if you’re traveling with a family.“One of the biggest misperceptions is that New York City is unaffordable,” says Chris Heywood, senior vice president of global communications at NYC & Company, the city’s tourism organization. Walking or taking the subway, sampling the city’s varied street food, visiting during off-peak periods and taking advantage of free days can add up to significant savings.

  去纽约的游客在开始计划旅行时可能会感到震惊,但这并不一定是这样。在预算之内,有很多机会去享受大苹果,特别是当你和家人一起旅行的时候。纽约市旅游组织NYC & Company的全球通信高级副总裁克里斯•海伍德表示:“最大的误解之一是,纽约市负担不起。”步行或乘地铁,品尝城市各式各样的街头小吃,在非高峰时段参观,利用免费的时间,可以节省大量的开支。

  The most popular times to visit New York City are during the winter holidays, spring and fall, Heywood explains. January to March is a slow period, the hiatus between the city’s post-holiday hangover and spring break. “This is a great time to check out hotel deals,” Heywood says, “and you can practically experience Christmas in New York if you visit during the first week of January. It’s like having the city to yourself.”Streets are often quiet and attractions are less crowded during the Jewish High Holidays, Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, which typically fall in late September or early October, Heywood adds.Also, rethink your weekend. Does it have to be Friday to Sunday? “I tell people: Make Sunday your new Saturday,” Heywood says. You don’t have to feed the parking meters on Sundays if you're driving a car, and some museums are free on Sundays, including The Frick Collection (visitors can pay an optional donation from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.), the New York Hall of Science (10 to 11 a.m.), the Queens Botanical Garden (from 9 to 11 a.m., except for festival days) and The Studio Museum in Harlem. Several of these attractions also have free hours at other times during the week. Check the museums' websites for more information and the latest hours.


  Pack comfortable walking shoes because New York City is a kaleidoscope of culturally diverse neighborhoods best enjoyed on foot. Also, take advantage of the city’s vast public transportation system, with subways and buses that will take you almost anywhere, from the Metropolitan Museum of Art on the Upper East Side to Coney Island in Brooklyn to John F. Kennedy International Airport. Single rides on the subway or local bus are $2.75 per person (an express bus will cost $6.50). However, if you're staying for a week and want to zip around town at your leisure, consider the New York City’s Mass Transit Authority’s 7-Day Unlimited Pass, which, for $31, allows you to take unlimited subway and local bus rides until midnight for seven consecutive days.


  New York City restaurants are notorious for their long waits and high prices, but biting the Big Apple doesn’t have to break the bank, says Josephine Danielson, head concierge at the Four Seasons Hotel New York. “The city has so many great markets and food halls where you can just walk around and try different things,” says Danielson, who recommends Chelsea Market, Gotham West Market, the Great Northern Food Hall at Grand Central Terminal and TurnStyle at Columbus Circle.Moreover, New York City’s quintessential foods, such as bagels, pizza and hot dogs, are not expensive. Delis are in many of the city’s neighborhoods and can be great for scoring an affordable sandwich. “Definitely try a pastrami or corned beef sandwich at Katz’s,” Danielson says. Katz’s Delicatessen, established in 1888 and located on East Houston Street, is a New York institution. A classic pastrami hot sandwich there is about $20. “There’s also Ess-a-Bagel, another favorite,” she adds. Located on Third Avenue near East 50th Street, Ess-a-Bagel offers a range of bagels and schmears. A standard plain bagel with cream cheese will cost just over $3.

  纽约四季酒店的礼宾部负责人Josephine Danielson说,纽约的餐馆因长时间的等待和高昂的价格而臭名昭著,但是咬大苹果并不一定要破坏银行。“这个城市有这么多伟大的市场和美食大厅,你可以四处走走,尝试不同的东西,”达尼埃尔森说,他推荐切尔西市场,高谭市西市场,大中央车站的北部美食大厅和哥伦布环岛的TurnStyle。此外,纽约市最典型的食物,如百吉饼、披萨和热狗也不贵。Delis在许多城市的社区里,可以很好地得到一个实惠的三明治。“一定要在卡茨餐厅吃熏牛肉或腌牛肉三明治,”丹尼森说。卡茨的熟食店建于1888年,位于东休斯顿街,是纽约的一家机构。经典的pastrami热三明治大约有20美元。她补充说:“还有另一种喜欢的东西- - -百吉饼。”在东50街附近的第三大道上,国际英语杂志提供了一系列的百吉饼和小甜饼。标准的普通百吉饼加奶油芝士只需要3美元多一点。


  The city’s public parks, including its famous Central Park, don’t cost a penny to enter and wander about. Take a stroll through Bryant Park in midtown Manhattan, or enjoy the artworks and views of the Manhattan skyline from the other side of the East River at Socrates Sculpture Park in Queens, which you can access by the N or W subway trains or the Q103 or Q104 buses.“People sometimes realize they’re spending most of their money on eating and drinking, when there are so many things to see here for free,” says Jennifer Picht, things to do editor at Time Out New York. “Visiting Central Park or the High Line park is free. Walking around [and] admiring Grand Central Terminal is free. Walking around Rockefeller Center is free. Walking across [the] Brooklyn Bridge is free. If you plan things out, you could spend a whole week not spending money on attractions.

  这座城市的公园,包括著名的中央公园,不需要花一分钱就可以进去闲逛。你可以在曼哈顿市中心的布莱恩特公园漫步,或者欣赏从东河的另一边的曼哈顿天际线的艺术作品和景观,你可以乘坐N或W的地铁列车或Q103或Q104公共汽车。“人们有时意识到,他们把大部分钱花在吃喝上,当有那么多东西可以免费看的时候,”Jennifer Picht说,《纽约时报》的编辑。参观中央公园或高线公园是免费的。四处走动,欣赏壮观的中央车站是免费的。在洛克菲勒中心漫步是免费的。走过布鲁克林大桥是免费的。如果你计划好了,你可以花一整周的时间不把钱花在景点上。其他景点和旅游景点,如帝国大厦、无畏的海洋、航空航天博物馆、环线观光游轮和自由女神像,都要收费。NYC & Company出售一系列吸引人的通行证,允许游客在更少的开销和避免排队的情况下更多地覆盖地面。例如,纽约城市通行证包括几个主要的大苹果景点门票,成人116美元,6至17岁的儿童92美元,在第一次使用后9天内有效。许多博物馆也提供免费入场券,这取决于星期几。NYC & Company列出了博物馆的免费日。纽约公共图书馆一直是免费的,包括历史悠久的史蒂芬·a·施瓦茨曼大楼和著名的玫瑰主阅览室。一些城市的顶级博物馆在周五的特定时间内免费开放,包括现代艺术博物馆(从下午4点到晚上8点)和纽约水族馆(从夏季的下午4点到下午5点,以及其他时间的下午3点到3点30分)。儿童和成人可以在每个月的第一个星期五晚上从5点到8点免费参观儿童博物馆。每周六下午5:45到7:45。所罗门·r·古根海姆博物馆允许游客按自己的意愿付费。



  It's fitting that New York's most popular nickname includes a reference to food. Experts say that the city is jam-packed with delicious places to eat, from the high-end celebrity chef hot spots to cozy eateries. When you're in this cosmopolitan city, you'll have to sample some of its specialties. Most people associate NYC with pizza: New York-style pizza consists of hand-tossed thin crust, a light layer of tomato sauce, plenty of mozzarella cheese and an assortment of toppings.



  In the past, New York City has owned a reputation for being a rough and dangerous city, but now it's one of the safest large cities in the country. As a tourist, you're not likely to encounter any serious crimes, but you should still use common sense when exploring the city. In the evenings, stick to well-lit areas with other people and keep a close eye on valuables. To discourage pickpockets, keep your wallet in your front pocket and your purses zipped closed.Like other large cities, New York City is filled with its own group of eclectic personalities. Should someone out of the ordinary approach you, follow many New Yorkers' leads and simply walk away. Be particularly wary in places like Manhattan's Lower East Side and parts of boroughs Queens, Brooklyn and especially the Bronx. Central Park can also get seedy at night.Despite what people may think, the subway in New York City is safer now than it has ever been. That said, you should be particularly watchful of your belongings while riding, especially when the trains are packed and crowded. Stay near the ticket booths and get into cars with more people or with the conductor, who will normally stick his head out when the train stops. Consider taking a cab at night if you are alone.



  The best way to get around New York City is on foot as traffic is fairly heavy around-the-clock. That said, the subway system is a convenient option, too, and it extends throughout Manhattan and into the other New York boroughs. Buses are another affordable way to get around, but keep in mind they traverse streets clogged with weaving cars and cabs. Picking up a car isn't the best mode of transportation, as traffic is heavy. To get from the two main airports – LaGuardia (LGA) and John F. Kennedy International (JFK) – into the city, you'll likely want to take a taxi or ride-hailing service like Lyft or Uber. Many East Coast travelers tend to arrive in New York City on one of the bus services like BoltBus or Megabus. Amtrak is another popular way of getting into the city and trains roll into Penn Station daily.







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