有三个潜在的Personal Statement话题组合:
Personal Statement Topic #1: 讲一个故事,来说明自己有多么在乎写作(writing)和法律(law),并且说一下自己是如何有责任心(responsible)——当然,这些看起来很乏味。
Personal Statement Topic #2: 讲一讲自己是如何集一个头脑灵活、善于分析(analytical)和体格健壮(athletic)、热爱运动(runner)于一身的——这应该听起来会更有趣,但好像还缺点意思 。
Personal Statement Topic #3: 讲述一个聪明(intelligent)有干劲(driven)的资深扑克玩家(poker)对金融(finance)充满兴趣的故事——我当时对这个主题很满意,很有趣很吸引人。
我们选定了 Topic #3的话题组合作为写作主题,知道了自己需要关注的重点内容,通过下面这个简单的练习,我们可以开始充实自己的想法。
I’m a (形容词 #1) and (形容词 #2) person who enjoys (热爱的事情 #1) and (热爱的事情 #2). I remember the first time I (选择自己热爱的一件事). I…(描述对于你所热爱的事情的相关经历). In college, (提出你曾经的不足). I’m excited about your program because (解释你所申请的项目对你来说意味着什么及你为什么适合这个项目).
I’m a driven and intelligent person who enjoys poker and finance. I remember when Chris Moneymaker won the World Series of Poker. I was randomly watching the tournament on TV and I was immediately intrigued by the game. In a few days, I was playing online poker and immediately found I had a knack for it. In just one year, I had built up a pretty nice bankroll and was traveling the world playing poker tournaments and making a living from the game. In college, I did the bare minimum to get by with decent grades. I never thought I would want to continue my education, but I’ve matured a lot since then and realize how short-sighted I was. I’m excited about your program because it will allow me to take my education seriously and I’ll be able to contribute my analytical skills.
当你写出来这样的草稿后,就会发现你的个人陈述基本框架已经成型,基于这个框架你可以相对轻松的扩展和完善你的Personal Statement。
如果你发现你也处在一个类似的状况,我想你需要谨慎的重新思考你未来的职业道路。我虽然最终根据自己的特点写了一篇不错的Personal Statement,但我实际并没有在其中提到我为什么希望成为一名律师的问题。很幸运的是,我进入了法学院,法学院也在我学习期间给予我很多有益的知识和经历,即使我最终没有从事相关职业,但这些经历和知识仍然是我宝贵的财富。