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  前言:为什么要去波尔图?这个葡萄牙沿海城市一直是葡萄酒爱好者的地方,这个迷人的目的地为旅客提供了很多乐趣。花一天时间游览Avenida dos Aliados大街,然后参观这座城市着名的桥梁,如唐路易斯一世大铁桥。你必须坐下来喝杯葡萄酒和当地的海鲜。



  Porto has long been a hot destination for wine lovers — it's the go-to place to find the best of that sweet, tasty port wine. But this city by the sea has more to offer than vinho. Porto (or Oporto, as it's sometimes called) is an attractive European mini-metropolis on Portugal's northwestern coast where travelers can get their fill of culture and the outdoors. Travelers can visit the city's wealth of museums, admire its varied architecture and, of course, hit the beach.

  The city earns its nickname Cidade das Pontes, or "City of Bridges," from the six arches spanning the Rio Douro (Douro River), which runs along Porto's southern edge. Views of the Douro River are best enjoyed from the Dom Luís I Bridge, the most iconic of Porto's six structures. From here you can get a sense of Porto's unique charm, from its colorful UNESCO World Heritage historic district to the north to the neighboring town of Vila Nova de Gaia just south, where you'll find the region's infamous wineries. You could spend a long weekend or a week here strolling the city, discovering the contemporary art in the Serralves Foundation complex and appreciating the history behind Porto's old churches like the Sé and Igreja de São Francisco. No matter what you choose to see and do in this captivating city, you'll leave with an appreciation of Porto's diverse offerings, some great photos and, hopefully, a bottle or two of its best wine.


  这座城市从跨越里约热内卢杜罗河(杜罗河)的六座拱门上获得了它的绰号Cidade das Pontes,或者说“城市之桥” ,它沿着波尔图的南部边缘延伸。杜罗河的景色最适合从波尔图六大建筑物中最具代表性的唐路易斯一世大铁桥欣赏。从这里,您可以感受到波尔图独特的魅力,从联合国教科文组织世界遗产历史悠久的着名地区到北部,再到南部邻近的加亚新城小镇,您将发现该地区臭名昭着的酿酒厂。你可以在这里漫步一个长周末或一周的时间,漫步城市,发现Serralves基金会建筑群中的当代艺术,欣赏波尔图“Sé和Igreja deSãoFrancisco。无论您选择在这个迷人的城市中看到什么,做什么,您都会欣赏到波尔图多样的产品,一些精彩的照片,并希望获得一瓶或两瓶最好的葡萄酒。


  #1 in Best Wine Vacations


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  #15 in Best Summer Vacations



  The charms of Porto are plentiful and this city's laid-back vibe gives travelers to Europe a much-needed respite from the faster-paced, museum packed cities nearby. In Porto, you can take in the arresting views of the Rio Douro from a stroll across the Dom Luís I Bridge, admire the beach landscape on the city's western coast and drink in the liveliness of the UNESCO World Heritage Ribeira District. Speaking of drinking, get ready to sip and saunter through Vila Nova de Gaia to taste the region's famed port at its finest wine lodges. Those looking to enrich their minds with a little history and culture will enjoy visits to the Porto Cathedral, the São Bento Railway Stationand the Stock Exchange Palace. Meanwhile, artsy types can see paintings, sculptures and more at the Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis or the Serralves Foundation's contemporary art museum. How we rank Things to Do.

  波尔图的魅力是充足的,而这座城市悠闲的氛围让游客们可以从快节奏的博物馆里得到急需的休息。在波尔图,你可以从多姆·路易斯的漫步中欣赏到里约热内卢Douro的迷人景色,欣赏这座城市西海岸的海滩景观,并陶醉于联合国教科文组织世界遗产里贝拉区的活力。说到喝酒,你可以品尝一下Vila Nova de Gaia葡萄酒,品尝该地区著名的葡萄酒产区。那些想用一点历史和文化来丰富自己思想的人,将会去参观波尔图大教堂、圣本托火车站和证券交易所。与此同时,艺术类型可以看到绘画、雕塑,更多的是在索尔斯国家博物馆或基金会当代艺术博物馆的当代艺术博物馆。我们是如何排列事物的。



  This iconic arching iron bridge straddles the Douro River, connecting Porto to Vila Nova de Gaia. Though Porto is known for having quite a few bridges, the Dom Luís I Bridge is especially renowned because it was designed by a student of Gustave Eiffel, the mastermind behind the Eiffel Tower in Paris. Plus, at the time of its completion in 1886, this bridge was the longest iron arch in the world. The bridge accommodates cars on its lower level and Porto's metro on its upper level; pedestrians can walk along the bridge on both levels. Stroll along the upper deck of the bridge and you'll be rewarded with spectacular views of the edifices built into the hillside cliffs that line the river.Admiring the bridge's composition and the views it offers is something all visitors to Porto must do, according to recent travelers. "This bridge has got to be one of the most amazing pieces of architecture," swooned one TripAdvisor user. "Be sure to walk both top and bottom levels if you can, views are excellent!" A visit here would pair well with a stop at some of Porto's nearby wineries across the bridge in Vila Nova de Gaia. Another option would be to hop on a Douro River cruise or boat tour, which would allow you to see all six bridges in one go.

  You'll find the Dom Luís I Bridge's entry points on the southeastern edge of Porto and the northern edge of Vila Nova de Gaia. The nearest metro stops are São Bento in Porto and Jardim do Morro in Vila Nova de Gaia, both on the D (yellow) line.


  你会发现在路易斯一世大桥的入口点位于波尔图的东南边缘和路易斯一世大桥的北部边缘。最近的地铁车站是在波尔图的圣本图,在路易斯一世大桥的Jardim do Morro,都在D(黄色)线上。



  Perched on a hilltop standing watch over the city, the Porto Cathedral (known as the Sé) was originally built between the 12th and 13th centuries, and features a variety of architectural styles, including Romanesque, baroque and gothic. The fortress-like church is the largest in the city and one of Porto's oldest monuments; it's flanked by twin towers and has a rather plain stone facade. But inside the Sé you'll find a beautiful stained-glass rose window, a collection of centuries-old sculptures and a silver altarpiece that was once used as the bishop's study. Meanwhile, the cloister boasts cobalt and white ceramic tiles that depict different scenes from religious history. Most travelers say visiting the church and cloister is absolutely worth an hour or two, noting that the exterior is remarkable but the interior is exquisite.This particular attraction is also popular with visitors thanks to its vantage point. You can meander along the terrace outside the church and admire the views (and take photos) of Porto's terra cotta-colored rooftops below.The Sé is located on Terreiro da Sé in central Porto and can be reached most easily via the São Bento stop on Porto's D (yellow) metro line. The cathedral is open daily from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and from 2:30 to 7 p.m. from April through October, and closes at 6 p.m. between November and March. While you don't have to pay to walk around the cathedral, it costs €3 EUR (about $4 USD) to explore the cloister area.


  波尔图大教堂位于波尔图市中心的Terreiro daSé,通过Porto D(黄色)地铁线上的SãoBento站可轻松抵达。大虽然您不必付费在大教堂周围散步,但需要花费3欧元(约合4美元)来探索回廊区域。



  The Crystal Palace Gardens boast green shrubbery, winding walkways, bright flora and bubbling fountains. Bring your camera along because you'll find plenty of photo opportunities here: Everything from the flower varieties to the expansive views of the Douro River beckons for your attention. (And if you're lucky, you may even catch a glimpse of the peacocks that roam the gardens.) The park's name comes from the Crystal Palace that once stood here, though it was torn down in 1956 and replaced with a domed pavilion that houses a sporting arena and a multi-purpose events center. Recent visitors say the pavilion is not worth a visit, but the park should be experienced.The best way to get to the Crystal Palace Gardens is via metro to the Aliados stop on the D (yellow) line or the Carolina Michaelis stop, which services the A, B, C, E and F (blue, red, green, purple and orange) lines. You could also pick up the No. 200 bus toward Bolhão or No. 207 bus toward Campanha along Rua do Campo Alegre and get off at the Palacio stop; the 12M bus also services the Palacio stop on its way from Porto to Vila Nova de Gaia. The gardens are open daily until dark and are free to explore.

  晶宫花园拥有绿色的灌木丛,蜿蜒的人行道,明亮的植物和喷泉。带上你的相机,因为你会发现很多照片的机会:从花卉品种到杜罗河的广阔视野的一切招呼引起你的注意。(如果你幸运的话,你甚至可以看到在花园中漫步的孔雀)。这个公园的名字来自曾经站在这里的水晶宫,虽然它在1956年被拆除,取而代之的是一个圆顶亭设有运动场和多用途活动中心。最近的游客说这个亭子不值得一游,但是这个公园应该是有经验的。到达水晶宫花园的最佳方式是通过地铁前往D(黄色)线上的Aliados站或者为A,B,C,E和F(蓝色,红色,绿色,紫色)服务的Carolina Michaelis站和橙色)线。您还可以沿着Rua do Campo Alegre方向搭乘朝Bolhão或207号巴士前往Campanha的200路巴士,在Palacio站下车; 这条12米的巴士也在从波尔图前往加亚新城的路上提供服务。花园每天开放至天黑,可供探索。



  orto's main thoroughfare, Avenida dos Aliados, features a smattering of cafes, hotels, banks and boutiques all housed in architecturally impressive buildings. Located in the heart of Porto, just southeast of the famous Bolhão Market, this wide avenue is named to honor the Allies of World War I. Most of the buildings showcase intricate design in their cupolas and cornices. Points of interests include Porto's granite and marble town hall (which sits at the northern end of Avenida dos Aliados), General Humberto Delgado Square (marked by a few trees and situated in the center of the avenue) and Liberdade Square (which serves as the anchor to the avenue and is marked by a statue of King Pedro IV riding a horse). The central portion of the boulevard often hosts artists, street performers and festivals.The best way to enjoy Avenida dos Aliados is by strolling along the street to revel in its buzzing atmosphere, and pick a cozy spot to order some cafe (coffee). "The architecture that surrounds this plaza allows for some excellent photographs — go on a sunny day!" said one TripAdvisor user. "At the north end, small chairs … allow for some lounging and people-watching."Wandering around Avenida dos Aliados won't cost you a penny, and you can do so at any time of day. The area is most easily accessed via metro line D (yellow) to the Aliados stop.

  波尔图的主干道Aliados广场拥有众多的咖啡馆、酒店、银行和精品店,全部位于令人印象深刻的建筑物内。这个宽阔的大道位于着名的Bolhão市场东南部的波尔图市中心,以纪念第一次世界大战的盟友而命名。大多数建筑物的圆屋顶和檐口都展现出复杂的设计。兴趣点包括波尔图的花岗岩和大理石市政厅(位于Avenida dos Aliados北端),温贝托德尔加多将军广场(标有几棵树,位于大街中心)和自由广场(作为停泊在大街上,以佩德罗四世国王雕像骑马)。大道的中央部分经常举办艺术家,街头艺术家和节日。

  享受Avenida dos Aliados的最佳方式是沿着街道散步,陶醉在它的嗡嗡气氛,并选择一个舒适的地方点咖啡(咖啡)。“这个广场周围的建筑允许一些优秀的照片,一定要晴天去!” 一个TripAdvisor用户说道,在北端有很多的小椅子.可以让人闲逛和观看。”在Avenida dos Aliados周围徘徊不会花费你一分钱,你可以在一天中的任何时间这样做。该地区最容易通过地铁线路D(黄色)到达Aliados站点。



  A visit to Porto wouldn't be complete without a stop to sample the city's most notable export — port wine. You'll find dozens of wine cellars scattered throughout Porto, and there's even a Port Wine Museum dedicated to teaching the history of the port wine trade and production development. But if you're more interested in imbibing, head to one (or several) of Porto's top wineries.Sogrape Vinhos owns Ferreria, Sandeman and Offley cellars, and all three northern Vila Nova de Gaia venues are within walking distance of one another. Start at Ferreira, the westernmost winery, which was built in 1751 and has long played an important role in Porto's winemaking history thanks to its family of notable winemakers. Head east along Avenida Ramos Pinto and you'll happen upon your next stop, Sandeman Porto Cellars. Sandeman is the most recognizable wine cellars in the region, situated along the picturesque banks of the Douro River and boasting massive white lettering spelling out the winery's name. This winery also features various paintings, photographs, antique bottles and other trinkets that outline the history of the Sandeman brand. South of Sandeman you'll find Offley Cellars; built in 1737, the Offley cellar is the eldest of those owned by the Sogrape Vinhos brand. A singular visit to tour and sample wines at one of the Sogrape Vinhos cellars costs anywhere from €3 to €35 EUR (about $4 to $50 USD) depending on what type of experience you seek. (Some packages include tastings with a wider variety of wines, some boast a more intimate experience and some include tapas samplings as well.) However, if you're hoping to do a wine tour and basic tasting at all three cellars, you can do so for €10 EUR (around $14 USD).

  如果没有停下来品尝这个城市最着名的出口葡萄酒,参观波尔图就不会完整。你会发现分散在波尔图各地的数十个酒窖,甚至还有一个港口葡萄酒博物馆致力于教授葡萄酒贸易和生产发展的历史。但是如果你对吸食更感兴趣,可以前往波尔图顶级葡萄酒厂的一个或几个地方。Sogrape Vinhos拥有Ferreria,Sandeman和Offley酒窖,而所有北加莱地区的三个赛场都在步行距离之内。从费利拉开始,这个最西边的酿酒厂建于1751年,由于其着名的酿酒师家族,在波尔图的葡萄酒酿造历史上一直扮演着重要的角色。沿着Avenida Ramos Pinto向东行驶,您将在您的下一站Sandeman Porto Cellars站下车。Sandeman是该地区最知名的酒窖,位于杜罗河风景如画的河岸,并以巨大的白色字体标明酿酒厂的名字。这个酒厂还设有各种绘画、照片、古董瓶和其他小饰品,概述了桑德曼品牌的历史。在Sandeman南部你会发现Offley酒窖 ; 建于1737年的Offley酒窖是Sogrape Vinhos品牌所拥有的最年长的酒窖。在Sogrape Vinhos酒窖中的一个单独的参观之旅和样品葡萄酒的成本从€3到€35 EUR(约$ 4到$ 50 USD),取决于你寻求什么类型的经验。(有些套餐包括各种葡萄酒的品尝,有些更贴心的体验,有些还包括西班牙小吃)。但是,如果您希望在所有三个酒窖品尝葡萄酒和基本品尝,您可以做所以€10欧元(约$ 14美元)。

  另一位颇受欢迎的港口酿酒师泰勒恰好位于Offley酒窖附近。泰勒的葡萄酒小屋位于奥夫利港南部的卢阿街Choupelo,教育游客了解葡萄酒历史和公司自己的生产已经跨越了四个世纪。泰勒之旅的费用为5欧元(约合7美元),包括三道葡萄酒的品尝。酒庄的营业时间有所不同,并有英语旅游。所有四个场馆位于加亚河畔维拉诺瓦的波尔图市中心对面的杜罗河; 所有四家酒厂最近的地铁站是D(黄色)线上的Jardim do Morro。



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