The New School's Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students welcomes applications from students of all ages and walks of life with the maturity to take charge of their education and complete a bachelor's degree in a stimulating, nontraditional academic environment. Students can go to school part-time or full-time, on-campus or online. This undergraduate program is designed for students with some prior college education, although that is not a prerequisite for admission. All applicants must have a high school diploma or qualified GED, TASC, or HiSET.
申请和财政援助截止日期Application and Financial Aid Deadlines
Fall Term Priority Deadline: June 1
Spring Term Priority Deadline: November 1
Summer Term Priority Deadline: April 1
We accept applications after the priority deadline on a rolling basis.
All applicants admissible to the program are considered for a merit scholarship award that is determined by the strength of their application.
U.S. Citizens or Eligible Non-U.S. Citizens: If you are a U.S. citizen or eligible noncitizen, we encourage you to complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), which can be found on the Web at www.fafsa.gov. The FAFSA is available each year on October 1. (The New School’s federal school code is 002780.) You do not need to wait for an admission decision to apply for federal aid; we recommend submitting by our FAFSA priority deadlines:
Fall: February 1
Spring: November 1
International students: International students admitted to the program must file theUndergraduate International Scholarship Application in order to be considered for institutional merit and/or need-based scholarships and grants.
申请截止日期 >>>2019年帕森斯设计学院各专业学费及生活费【完整版】
美国公民或符合条件的非美国公民:如果您是美国公民或符合条件的非公民,我们鼓励您完成免费联邦学生援助申请(FAFSA),网址为 www.fafsa.gov。FAFSA每年10月1日开放(帕森斯设计学院的联邦学校代码为002780)。您无需等待入学决定申请联邦援助; 我们建议按照FAFSA的优先时限提交:
1.申请说明Application Instructions
All applicants are required to apply online. Save your work frequently and print a copy for your records. You must complete all required fields and uploads prior to submission.Any additional supporting documents that need to be sent by mail must include an Application Materials Cover Sheet. All supporting materials must be received before your application can be reviewed.Students seeking nondegree coursework must contact the Office of Admission for instructions on completing the application.
2.申请要求一览Application Requirements at a Glance
Please see below for details on each of these application requirements.
Online Application
Application Fee
Official Transcripts
Two Essays
Interview (select applicants online)
Test Scores (select applicants only)
Letter of Recommendation (optional)
3.所需的申请材料Required Application Materials
Complete the online application.
A nonrefundable $50 application fee paid as part of the online application. The New School waives application fees for those who meet the eligibility guidelines listed in the Application Fee Waivers section of our How to Apply information.
All applicants must provide official high school and/or college transcripts. If you are currently in school, submit transcripts for all coursework taken to date. An application will not be considered complete until all official transcripts have been received and processed by The Office of Admission.Transfer Applicants: Transfer applicants who have completed more than 24 college credits (on a semester calendar) do not need to submit a high school transcript. All applicants are required to list all colleges previously attended on the application, and are required to submit official transcripts from every institution.Freshman Applicants: Freshman applicants must provide their high school transcript or qualified GED, TASC, or HiSET scores. Applicants who have attended multiple high schools may submit only the graduating school’s official transcript as long as all prior coursework is reflected on that transcript.
High School Equivalency: For GED, TASC, and HiSET, send official test score results by postal mail.
Homeschooling: Homeschool applicants who have completed fewer than 24 college credits must provide the equivalent of a high school transcript with course or subject titles, duration of study for each title, content of study for each title, and an assessment of performance or “grade.” Preferably, the courses completed at home are part of a curriculum developed and evaluated by a nationally recognized diploma-granting organization or agency. If not connected with such an organization, homeschool applicants must obtain and submit a GED, TASC, or HiSET as confirmation of completing a generally acceptable secondary school curriculum. If an official transcript from a state homeschool association or sponsoring public high school is not available, homeschool students must submit an equivalency or GED, TASC, or HiSET exam results. Individual homeschool transcripts with date of completion do not suffice as official proof of graduation.
Submitting Transcripts by Mail: Official transcripts should have an original signature or a raised university seal, and must be in a sealed envelope that has been signed or stamped by the issuing university’s registrar or records office. Applicants may send official transcripts they have received from their institution with an Application Materials Cover Sheet or request that institutions send transcripts directly to The New School. See “Mailing Address for Supplemental Materials” for the mailing address in the Additional Instructions and Information section below.
Electronic Transcripts (U.S./Domestic Institutions only): The New School accepts electronic transcripts only from our approved vendors. Electronic transcripts must be sent to the email address ugtranscripts@newschool.edu. The New School’s approved vendors, in order of preference, are
Parchment Exchange
SCRIP-SAFE International
National Student Clearinghouse
We do not accept electronic transcripts sent directly by a student or school offices. All international academic credentials must be submitted as indicated in the International Academic Credentials sections below.
International Academic Credentials: All transcripts not written in English must be accompanied by a certified English translation.
International Academic Credentials with Transfer Credits: Applicants who attended postsecondary institutions outside of the United States are required to have their transcript(s) evaluated by World Education Services or by another member of the National Association of Credit Evaluation Services (NACES). A course-by-course evaluation must be prepared for each transcript.
If using WES, visit www.wes.org for instructions and to begin the application process. The “Required Documents” section will explain what to send. If you request your report online, search for “The New School” when selecting our institution. WES will send your completed evaluation directly to The New School.
If using another NACES provider, follow instructions for that provider. Mailed evaluations and translations should be sent to the mailing address provided for supporting materials. Applicants forwarding these sealed documents should include an Application Materials Cover Sheet.
通过邮件提交成绩单:官方成绩单应具有原始签名或提出的大学章,并且必须在发行大学的注册处或记录办公室签署或加盖的密封信封中。申请人可以将他们从机构收到的正式成绩单发送给 申请材料封面 或要求机构直接将成绩单发送到帕森斯设计学院。请参阅下面的“附加说明和信息”部分中的邮寄地址“补充材料的邮寄地址”。
电子成绩单(仅限美国/国内机构):帕森斯设计学院只接受来自我们批准的供应商的电子成绩单。电子成绩单必须发送到电子邮件地址 ugtranscripts@newschool.edu。帕森斯设计学院的批准供应商,按照优先顺序的平台是
Parchment Exchange
具有转学学分的国际学术证书:申请人在美国以外的高等院校就读时,必须由世界教育服务组织(WES)或其他成员 全国信用评估服务协会。必须为每个成绩单准备一门课程评估。在没有评估的情况下,招生委员会将尽力作出决定。请注意:在某些情况下,如果没有评估就不能进行评估,委员会的决定将会延迟。
如果使用WES,请访问 www.wes.org获取指示并开始申请流程。“所需文件”部分将解释要发送的内容。如果您要求在线报告,请在选择我们的机构时搜索“新学校”。WES将把你完成的评估直接发送到新学校。
Essay 1: Personal Statement. In approximately 500 words, explain why you have decided to apply to The New School’s Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students. Briefly describe your academic and/or professional accomplishments and why you would like to continue your education now. Finally, please include anything else you think is relevant for the Admission Committee to know.
Essay 2: Educational Goals and Outcomes. In approximately 500 words, state your academic and professional goals and describe what outcomes you anticipate at the completion of your degree. Discuss in detail how studying at The New School will enable you to realize these goals. Finally, to help us understand how you would approach your education, review the Current Course Offerings, and choose 5 courses you would like to take within the Bachelor’s Program for Adults and Transfer Students. Discuss how these courses will provide a good foundation for you and how they support your academic and professional goals.
Applicants should upload the current version of their résumé or curriculum vitae into the online application.
A personal interview may be required. If the admission committee requires an interview, an admission counselor will contact you directly to schedule it.
SAT and ACT: The New School does not require submission of SAT or ACT scores for applications to be considered complete. Should you feel your SAT or ACT test scores are beneficial to your application, you may submit them for our consideration. Homeschool applicants must submit standardized test scores from either the SAT or ACT. Homeschool applicants may submit two standardized subject test results in lieu of the SAT. The institution code for these tests is 7335.
TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE: All applicants whose first language is not English must submit valid TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores. The minimum score required for TOEFL (IB) is 88, for IELTS is 6.5, and for PTE is 59. Our TOEFL institution code is 2572.
The New School does not require TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores for applicants:
Who have attended a secondary school for a minimum of three years where English is the primary language of instruction
Who have successfully completed two full semesters of non-ESL college-level expository writing
Who have earned a four-year degree from a U.S. college/university or from a university where English is the primary language of instruction (minimum of three years attendance)
Upon review of your application, the Office of Admission may require you to submit an English Language Proficiency test score.
Arrange for the testing service to send your test scores directly to The New School using the institution codes listed above. We accept scores from tests taken within the past two years. If your scores are older, you must retake the test.
For more information, visit TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE.
While a letter of recommendation is not required, applicants have the option to submit one if they wish. If submitting a letter of recommendation, the letter should come from an academic or professional reference who can attest to your potential for success in an undergraduate degree. Recommenders can submit recommendations online; instructions are included with the online application. If preferred, the recommendation form can instead be sent by mail in a signed, sealed envelope. To send by mail, download the PDF recommendation form found in the online application, complete the personal information, save the form, and forward it to the recommender for completion and submission. Applicants can also send signed and sealed recommendations to the Office of Admission using an Application Materials Cover Sheet.
推荐信:直接从高中申请的申请人必须提交共同申请学校报告,一份辅导员建议和一位老师的推荐。从其他学院或大学转学的学生必须向他们所学的教授申请一份推荐书。推荐人可以在线提交建议; 在线申请中包含说明。如果愿意的话,推荐表格可以通过邮寄方式发送到带签名的密封信封中。通过邮件发送,下载在线申请中的PDF推荐表格,填写个人信息,保存表格,并转发给推荐人完成并提交,带有申请材料封面。
Applicants to the Riggio Honors Program must provide samples of their writing to demonstrate that they have the writing skills and experience to excel in upper-level workshops and courses. The portfolio should include 10-15 pages of fiction/nonfiction or 10 pages of poetry. Portfolios will not be returned. The portfolio should be typewritten, double-spaced, and uploaded into the online application in the Riggio section provided.
作品集(仅限RIGGIO荣誉计划):申请 Riggio荣誉课程的学生必须提供他们写作的样本,以证明他们具有写作技巧和经验,可以在高层次的研讨会和课程中脱颖而出。作品集应包括10-15页的小说/非小说或10页的诗歌。作品集将不会被退回。作品集应打印,双倍行距,并上传到在提供的Riggio部分的在线申请。
4.附加信息和说明Additional Information and Instructions
In any given term, a student can apply to only one department or program within The New School. Applicants who file more than one application in a given semester will be required to withdraw one of the applications, and application fees will not be refunded.
All materials submitted in association with The New School application become the property of The New School and cannot be returned to you or transmitted to a third party.
Speak to an admission counselor about options for financing your education. The Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students has available several competitive scholarships, which are awarded annually on the basis of financial need and merit. All admitted students are automatically considered for certain scholarships and grants; others may require a separate application.
A maximum of 84 credits may transfer to the Adult Bachelor's Program. Credits earned from courses in disciplines/subjects that are taught at The New School with grades of C or better are eligible to transfer. Courses with grades of C- or lower are not eligible to transfer. Credits earned at regionally accredited institutions are eligible for transfer credit consideration. Credits earned at non-regionally accredited institutions will be considered for transfer on a case-by-case basis by the admission committee. Our admission counselors can provide a preliminary transfer credit evaluation before you formally apply for admission. Contact the Office of Admission to schedule a transfer credit review.
The New School has specific transfer agreements with a number of affiliated institutions, for which a course-by-course evaluation is not required.
学分的转移:最多84学分可能转移到成人学士学位课程。在帕森斯设计学院授课的C级或更高等级学科/科目的学分可获得转学资格。C级或更低等级的课程没有资格转移。在地区认证机构获得的学分有资格获得转学学分。入学委员会将根据具体情况考虑在非地区认证机构获得的学分。我们的入学顾问可以在您正式申请入学前提供初步的转学学分评估。 联系入学办公室安排转学学分的评估。
It is possible to earn up to 12 undergraduate credits at The New School without applying for admission to a degree program. Visit Open Campus to see the range of courses available. You can register as a non-degree student for any course directly from the website. If you are subsequently admitted to an Adult Bachelor's Program, credits you earned as an Open Campus student may be carried into your undergraduate degree.
非学位注册;在帕森斯设计学院有可能获得12个本科学分,而不申请学位课程。您可以通过 Open Campus,查看可用课程的范围。您可以直接从网站注册为非学位课程的学生。如果您随后被录取成人学士学位课程,则您作为开放式校园学生获得的学分可能会被纳入您的本科学位。
On the online application, you'll have the opportunity to select your major of interest. Please note, however, that your major will only be officially established once you meet with your academic faculty advisor within your first semester of enrollment in the program. If you are not certain which major you’d like to pursue, please select ‘Liberal Arts.’ If admitted, a faculty advisor will support you in determining which major is the best option for you.
AP, IB, and A-Level Courses may be eligible to transfer to your degree in the Adult Bachelor’s Program. If you have taken any of these exams, please submit these official scores so that they may be considered for transfer credit. Exam scores must come directly from the examination board. Scores reported on high school or college transcripts are not considered official.
The New School welcomes applications from homeschool students. The Admission Committee does not require advanced preparation in every academic area, but applicants should demonstrate substantial work in English, history, social studies, foreign language, mathematics, and science. Please see the requirements for homeschool applicants under the“Transcript” section and the “Test Scores” section.
家庭学校教育申请人:帕森斯设计学院欢迎来自本国的学生的申请。招生委员会在每个学术领域都不需要先进的准备工作,但是申请者应该在英语、历史、社会学、外语、数学和科学方面展示实质性的工作。请参阅“成绩单”部分和 “考试成绩”部分,了解家庭学校教育申请人的要求。
The Application for Readmission should be completed by students who wish to return after an absence of four semesters (fall and spring). If you would like to apply for readmission, review the readmission deadlines and requirements in the Readmission section of our How to Apply information. If you have enrolled at another institution since you were enrolled at The New School, you should apply for admission as a transfer student according to the instructions outlined above.
重新入学申请人:重新申请入学只有在四个学期(秋季和春季)缺席后返回的学生才可以申请。如果您想申请重新入学,请查看我们如何申请信息的重新接纳部分的重新接纳期限和要求。如果您在新学校就读后入读其他机构,则应按照上述说明申请转学生入学。 APPLICATION STATUS
Applications become complete and ready for review once all required items have been received by the Office of Admission. You can check your application status online at theAdmission Hub.
Allow at least 14 days from the date you submitted your application for items to be matched and shown as received on the Hub. Applicants are responsible for following up with schools and recommenders to confirm that items have been sent.
The Office of Admission will periodically notify applicants by email if their file is missing any documents and again when their file is complete for review. These notifications are sent to the email address provided in the online application.
The New School's Bachelor's Program for Adults and Transfer Students
Office of Admission (NS 100)
79 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor
New York, NY 10003
补充材料的邮寄地址:纽约10003帕森斯设计学院的成人和转学生学士课程入学办公室(NS 100)