1. Essay
In his seminal article on design thinking in the Harvard Business Review, Brown (2008, p. 86) states ‘put simply, [design thinking] is a discipline that uses the designer’s sensibility and methods to match people’s needs with what is technologically feasible and what a viable business strategy can convert into customer value and market opportunity.’ Critically analyse, using relevant theory, how design thinking can add differentiation and competitive advantage to organisations using (fashion) retail industry examples of your choice.
Please write a 500 word essay on the above topic, and include a reference list.
2. Study proposal 学习计划要求与格式(不超过300字)
The proposal should include the following:
l A title
l Rationale (reason for interest in topic)
l Overall aim of research
l A brief outline of methodology
l References/bibliography
3. 如果你是设计背景,请提交一个六页的作品集,如果学生有相应的实习或者工作经历,也建议学生以图文并茂的形式展示在作品集中。
If you’re a designer, you may submit a digital portfolio containing six images. Ensure all work is carefully labelled.
You may include examples of:
· Fashion Apparel
· Accessory Design
· Illustration
· Styling
· Artefacts / window displays
- 虽然没有硬性要求必须提交作品集,但是学校建议有设计背景的学生递交一个非常简单的作品,突出你的优势。