项目:软件工程硕士Master of Science (M.S.) in Software Engineering
卡耐基梅隆大学软件工程专业开设在电子计算机工程院系下面,只有硅谷校区开设。The Master of Science in Software Engineering (MS-SE) is a unique program offered exclusively at CMU’s Silicon Valley campus. It emphasizes a rigorous foundation in the principles of software engineering within the context of ECE’s top-ranked Computer Engineering program.
Foundations of Software Engineering
Software Architecture and Design
Software Validation, Verification, and Testing
Service-Oriented Computing
Mobile and Pervasive Computing
Connected Embedded Systems Architecture
Cloud Computing
Low-Power System-on-Chip Architecture
How to Write Fast Code
Numerical Methods for Engineering Design and Optimization
Statistical Discovery and Learning
Wireless Network Security
Mobile Hardware for Software Engineers
Mobile Security
Analytical Performance Modeling
Machine Learning
Requirements Analysis
Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Spring admission: October 1
Fall admission: December 15
academic transcript
Standardized test scores:
TOEFL( 阅读22分,听力22, 口语18, 写作22分)
statement of purpose
3 Letters of Recommendation
项目:计算机科学硕士M.S. in Computer Science (MSCS)
The MS program in Computer Science is not based on a fixed set of courses. Instead, students construct their own course of study, in consultation with their advisors, within broad guidelines. Thus, a student may choose an area in which to specialize (such as networking, machine learning, or algorithms) or choose not to specialize at all.
Most students will complete the program in three semesters. Students switching into Computer Science from another field may require an additional semester to fill in gaps in their undergraduate training.
The program consists entirely of coursework; there is generally no research component. The program is distinct from the PhD program in Computer Science: Master's students will not usually continue into the PhD program. MS graduates are welcome to apply to the PhD program, but will not receive preferential treatment.
Qualifying courses outside of CSD:
02-712 Computational Methods for Biological Modeling and Simulation
05-813 Human Factors
05-891 Designing Human-Centered Software
10-601 Machine Learning
10-702 Statistical Machine Learning
10-705 Intermediate Statistics
10-708 Probabilistic Graphical Models
10-725 Optimization
11-741 Information Retrieval
11-772 Analysis of Social Media
16-642 Manipulation, Mobility and Control
16-720 Computer Vision
16-811 Mathematical Foundations for Robotics
17-651 Models of Software Systems
17-654 Analysis of Software Artifacts
17-993 How to Write a Good Research Paper
18-730 Introduction to Computer Security
18-739 Foundations of Privacy and Security
18-741 Advanced Computer Architecture
18-742 Parallel Computer Architecture
18-756 Packet Switching and Computer Networks
18-847 Data Intensive Computation and Storage
21-701 Discrete Math
47-830 Integer Programming
47-834 Linear Programming
80-713 Category Theory
Systems course menu:
15-605 Operating Systems
15-611 Compiler Design
15-610 Engineering Distributed Systems
15-612 Operating System Practicum
15-615 Databases
15-618 Parallel Computer Architecture and Programming
15-640 Distributed Systems
15-641 Computer Networks
15-712 Advanced Operating Systems
15-740 Computer Architecture
15-744 Computer Networks
15-745 Optimizing Compilers
15-746 Advanced Storage Systems
15-821 Mobile and Pervasive Computing
15-826 Multimedia Databases and Data Mining
Theoretical foundations menu:
15-614 Bug Catching: Automated Program Verification and Testing
15-651 Algorithms
15-652 Foundations of Programming Languages
15-657 Constructive Logic
15-750 Graduate Algorithms
15-812 Programming Language Semantics
15-813 HOT Compilation
15-814 Type Systems for Programming Languages
15-817 Model Checking and Abstract Interpretation
15-853 Algorithms in the Real World
15-855 Complexity Theory
15-857 Performance Modeling
15-859 Randomized Algorithms
Artificial intelligence menu:
10-601 Machine Learning
10-725 Optimization
15-780 Graduate Artificial Intelligence
15-781 Machine Learning
15-887 Planning, Learning and Execution
16-720 Computer Vision
Early deadline, noon (12:00pm) EST December 3
Final deadline, noon (12:00pm) EST December 15
official transcripts, GPA3.0+
Standardized test scores:TOEFL(送分代码:4256)或雅思,需要提交GRE(代码2074)
申请费:$75 for one program and $50 for each additional program(12月3日之前); $125 for one program and $75 for each additional program(12月3日至15日)