horizon n.①地平线;②眼界,见识;③(思想等的)范Χ,限度;④(on the ~)即将发生
【真题例句】 According to the new school of scientists, technology is an overlooked force in expanding the horizons (③) of scientific knowledge.[1994年翻译]
【例句精译】 新学派科学家们认为,在拓展科学知识的范Χ方面技术是被忽视的力量。
【真题例句】 For many of us, the “cashless society” is not on the horizon (④) — it’s already here.[1994年阅读2]
【例句精译】 对于我们很多人来说,“无现金的社会”不是即将来临,而是已经到来。
Fair a.①公平的,合理的;②相当的,尚好的;③晴朗的;④金发的;n.集市,交易会,博览会
【真题例句】 To be fair (a.①), this observation is also frequently made of Canada and Canadians, and should best be considered North American.[1997年阅读2]
【例句精译】 平心而论,人们对加拿大人也有这样的评论,因而,应当认为这是北美的普遍现象。
【真题例句】 In the United States, multitudes of premiums for new devices were awarded at country fairs (n.) and at the industrial fairs in major cities.[1996年阅读4]
【例句精译】 在美国,奖励新发明的大量奖品在乡村集市和大城市的工业博览会上颁发。
spectacle n.①[pl.]眼镜;②场面,景观;③奇观,壮观
【真题例句】 Instead, we are treated to fine hypocritical spectacles (②), which now more than ever seem in ample supply:...[2000年阅读5]
【例句精译】 相反我们目睹了比以前任何时候都多的虚α景观; 续产出量。
【真题例句】 In the past year, however, software companies have developed tools that allow companies to “push” information directly out to consumers, transmitting marketing messages directly to targeted (vt.) customers.[1999年阅读2]
【例句精译】 然而,在去年,软件公司开发出新的技术使得商家可以把产品信息推到消费者的计算机屏幕上。 83thumb n.拇指;v.(~ through)翻阅
【真题例句】 It has long been known that a taxi firm called AAAA cars has a big advantage over Zodiac cars when customers thumb (v.) through their phone directories. Less well known is the advantage that Adam Abbott has in life over Zo? Zysman.[2004年阅读2]
【例句精译】 人们早已知道在客户翻查电话簿时,名叫AAAA的出租汽车公司要比Zodiac出租汽车公司有很大的优越性。至于在生活方面Adam Abbott较之Zo? Zysman的优越性就不那?为人所知了。
Target n.目标; 目的; (服务的) 对象; (射击的) 靶子; vt.瞄准; 把…作为攻击目标;
[例句]The village lies beside a main road, making it an easy target for bandits村子坐落在大路边上,很容易成为土匪袭击的对象。
[其他]第三人称单数:targets 复数:targets 现在分词:targetting过去式:targeted 过去分词:targeted
Sound n.声音,声响;v.①发声,响;②听起来;a.①健全的,完好的;②正当的,有根据的;③彻底的,充分的
【真题例句】 Instead of describing sounds (n.) we must make up words that imitate them; we must use many sizes of type and different colored inks on the same page, and shorten or lengthen words at will.[2000年阅读3]
【例句精译】 我们必须造出词语去模仿声音,而不应对其进行描述;我们必须在同一张纸上使用不同型号和不同颜色的墨水,任 5]
【例句精译】 实践(或称复习)就是建立并保持对某一任务或所学材料的记忆。
【真题例句】 However, the typical teenage lifestyle is already filled with so much competition that it would be (27:wise) to plan activities in which there are more winners than losers, (28:for example), publishing newsletters with many student-written book reviews (n.②), (29:displaying) student artwork, and sponsoring book discussion clubs.[2003年完形]
【例句精译】 然而,青少年的生活已经充满竞争,所以为他们安排赢家多于输家的各种活动是明智的。例如,出版由学生自己编写书评的新闻小册子,展出学生的艺术品和赞助成立读书俱乐部等等。
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