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  英语(论坛)中不定式、动名词、主语从句在作主语时主语往往显得很长,使整个句子看上去有点头重脚轻,这样就借助“it”来作形式上的主语,而把真正的主语移到句子后边去,使全句结构上前后平衡。 “it”并无实际意义。It之后的谓语部分,可以是be+形容词,be+名词(词组),或be+过去分词等。


  例句1:If you are part of the group which you are addressing, you will be in a position to know the experiences and problems which are common to all of you and it’ll be appropriate for you to make a passing remark about the inedible canteen food or the chairman’s notorious bad taste in ties. (2002 Text1)

  【结构分析】本句包含由and连接两个并列分句。第一个分句主干为you will be in a position,不定式to know the experiences and problems 做定语,修饰position,其中which引导定语从句,修饰the experiences and problems。第二个分句为it’ll be appropriate for you to …,其中it作形式主语,真正的主语为不定式to make a passing remark about…。


  例句2:Just as on smoking,voices now come from many quarters insisting that the science about global warming is incomplete, that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure。(2005 Text2)

  【结构分析】本句的主干是voices come from…,现在分词短语insisting…作voice的后置定语,insiste后接两个 that引导的宾语从句,分别为that the science about global warming is incomplete和that it’s OK to keep pouring fumes into the air until we know for sure,第二个that从句中,it是形式主语,真正的主语由不定式短语充当,until we know for sure为时间状语从句。



  主语从句做句子真正主语,其结构组成一般是“形式主语it +谓语+ 关系连词+从句”。

  例句1:Further more,it is obvious that the strength of a country’s economy is directly bound up with the efficiency of its agriculture and industry, and that this in turn rests upon the efforts of scientists and technologists of all kinds. (2000-72)

  【结构分析】本句主干为it is obvious that…,其中it是形式主语,真正的主语为and连接的两个that引导的名词性从句that the strength of a country’s economy is…和that this in turn rests…。第一个主语从句中,代词its指代 country’s;第二个主语从句中,this指代 efficiency of its agriculture and industry。


  例句2:It’s not obvious how the capacity to visualize objects and to figure out numerical patterns suits one to answer questions that have eluded some of the best poets and philosophers。(2007Text2)

  【结构分析】本句中It为形式主语,真正主语是其后how引导的主语从句,how the capacity suits one to answer questions,两个不定式结构to…作capacity的后置定语, questions后面的that引导定语从句,关系代词that在从句中作主语。



  这类句子常见结构为It's +n.(名词或名词短语)/adj.(形容词)+ doing sth.。

  1)下列形容词后常用动名词作真正主语:nice, good, useless, hard, foolish, enjoyable, worthwhile等。例如:

  It is nice talking to you. 跟你交谈真是愉快。

  2)下列名词或名词短语作表语时常用动名词作真正主语:use, good, fun, a waste of, job, task等。例如:

  It's a waste of time doing this. 这样做是浪费时间的。

  It's no good /use doing that. 那样做没好处(没用)。



  例句1:The explanation for insensitivity to smell seems to be that the brain finds it inefficient to keep all smell receptors working all the time but can create new receptors if necessary。(2005完形)

  【结构分析】本句的主干为主系表结构The explanation…seems to be…,表语部分由that引导的表语从句充当。在此从句中,使用了find it +adj.+to do 结构,it是形式宾语,真正的宾语由不定式短语充当。but并列了the brain后的两个谓语finds it inefficient to keep…和 can create new receptors if necessary。







  The purpose of non-REM sleep is even more __43__. Thenew experiments, such as those described for the first time at a recent meetingof the Society for Sleep Research in Minneapolis, suggest fascinatingexplanations __45__ of non-REM sleep. (95)

  43. A. subtle B. obvious C. mysterious D. doubtful

  45. A. in the light B. by virtue C. with the exceptionD. for the purpose

  分析:只要细心寻找即可发现,文章开头说的“the purpose ofnon-REM sleep”和结尾的“_of non-REM sleep。”遥相呼应。所以45填D。而在后文的fascinating就指示43应填与其同义的词,故43题选C,因为两者都表示“神秘的、为之着迷"的意思



  首先,词汇的辨析和固定搭配占到完型出题量的60% -70%左右,是最重的部分。所以,考前词汇的准备对于完型显得尤为重要。但最为有效地复习词汇的关键是要掌握完型对词汇考查的特点:完型考查的都是考研大纲所要求的词汇,在这些词汇中重点用来考完型的不过1500-1600个左右。

  Successful safety programs may _45_greatly in theemphasis placed on certain aspects of the program。

  A alter B differ C shift D distinguish


  表示列举的连词:first, second, third…;firstly,secondly, thirdly…; first, next, then…; in the first place, in the secondplace…; for one thing, for another thing…;to begin with, to conclude…

  表示原因的连词:because, since, as, now that…

  表示结果的连词:so, therefore, thus, hence,accordingly, consequently, as a result

  表示让步和转折的连词:however, nevertheless,nonetheless, still, though, yet, in spite of, at any rate, in any case,whoever, whatever

  表示对照的连词:on the contrary, in contrast, bycontrast, in comparison, by comparison, conversely

  表示补充的连词:also, further, furthermore,likewise, similarly, moreover, in addition, what’s more, too, either, neither,not…but…, not only…but also…

  表示时间顺序的连词:when, while, as, after,before, since, until, as soon as, once

  表示目的的连词:that, so that, in order that,lest, for fear that

  表示条件的连词:if, suppose (that), supposing(that), unless, in case, so (as) long as, so far as, on condition (that),provided (that), providing (that)


  Getting enough vitamins is essential to life, althoughthe body has no nutritional use for excess vitamins. Many people ____ believein being on the "safe side" and thus take extra vitamins. (96)

  A. nevertheless B. therefore C. moreover D. meanwhile


  They do not provide energy, __ do they construct orbuild any part of the body。

  A either B so C nor D never

  分析:本题考察有关倒装的语法知识,neither/nor 否定词+助动词, 表示:也不…


  101. The tall man installed a small wallet on the wall.

  101. 高个男子把一小钱包安放到墙上。

  102. Except dishonest ones, anyone who is honest can get honey, everyone thinks so.

  102. 除了不诚实的人外,任何诚实的人都能得到蜂蜜,人人都这么想。

  103. The exhausted man and the trustful guy thrust a knife into the rusty crust.

  103. 精疲力竭的男子和深信不疑的家伙将一把刀子刺向生锈的外壳。

  104. I finally find that the financial findings are binding.

  104. 我终于发现财经调查结果具有约束力。

  105. At the windy window, the widow finds a blind snake winding.

  105. 在当风的窗口,寡妇发现有条瞎眼蛇在游动。

  106. I refuse to accuse Fuse of diffusing confusion.

  106. 我拒绝控告导火索散播混乱。

  107. He had an amusing excuse for executing the executive.

  107. 对于处决决策人,他有一个可笑的理由。

  108. At the dawn on the lawn the yawning drowned man began to frown.

  108. 拂晓时在草坪上,打呵欠的溺水者开始皱眉头。

  109. Mr. Brown owns the brown towels in the downtown tower.

  109. 布朗先生拥有闹市区塔里的棕色毛巾。

  110. Lots of pilots plot to dot the rotten robot.


  111. In the hot hotel the devoted voter did not notice the noticeable notebook.

  111. 在炎热的旅馆里,热心的投票者没有注意到显而易见的笔记本。

  112. The notorious man's noted notation denotes a notable secret.

  112. 那个臭名昭著的男子的著名符号代表一个值得关注的秘密。

  113. Yes, yesterday was the my pay-day; I pay you the payment today.

  113. 是的,昨天是我的发薪日,我今天付给你报酬。

  114. Lay a layer of clay on the displayed layout before the relay race.

  114. 接力赛之前在展示的陈设上铺一层黏土。

  115. "The gay mayor maybe lay in the hay by the Baby bay," he says in dismay.

  115. 他沮丧地说:“快活的市长大概躺在婴儿湾边上的干草中。”

  116. The delayed player delegation stay on the playground.

  116. 被耽搁的运动员代表团停留在操场上。

  117. The X-rayed prayer preyed a gray tray.

  117. 照过X光的祈祷者捕获了一个灰色盘子。

  118. Anyway, the prayer swayed by me always goes away by subway.


  119. The chocolates on the plate stimulated my son to calculate.

  119. 盘子里的巧克力鼓励了儿子进行计算。

  120. One of my relatives, a late translator, translated a book relating to public relations.

  120. 我的一位亲戚,一个已故翻译,翻译了一本有关公共关系的书。

  121. He relates that he is isolated from his relatives.

  121. 他叙述说他与亲戚们隔离开了。

  122. The educator located the local location allocated to him.

  122. 教育家定出了分配给他的局部的位置。

  123. Comply with the compatible rule of complement when using compliments.

  123. 使用问候语时遵守补语的相容规则。

  124. The complicated indicator is dedicated to the delicate delicious machine.

  124. 这个复杂的指示器被奉献给精密而美妙的机器。

  125. Likewise, my bike gave a striking strike to the two men alike.

  125. 同样,我的自行车给那两个相象的人惊人的打击。

  126. The smoke choked the joking stroker at one stroke.

  126. 烟一下呛住了开玩笑的抚摩者。

  127. Somewhere somebody sometimes does something good.

  127. 在某处某人有时做某些好事。

  128. Wherever I go, nowhere I like; I dislike everywhere.

  128. 无论我到哪里,没有哪里为我喜欢,我讨厌每一个地方。

  129. Therefore, the atmosphere is merely a sphere.

  129. 因此大气层只不过是一个球体。

  130. The funny cunning runner uses his gum gun before sunrise or after sunset.

  130. 滑稽乖巧的赛跑者在日出之前或日落之后使用胶皮枪。

  131. The applause paused because of the cause caused by a cautious plausible clause.

  131. 掌声停了是因为一条谨慎的似乎有理的条款引起的原因。





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