Letter One 12/22
Professor Lam,
Hi, I am ×××, who want to apply the research program in the university in Hong Kong. I am trying to write the research proposal, and the thesis is focus on the transfer structure. I search the paper in ASCE and find your paper "Seismic Performance of a Transfer Plate Structure".
In this paper, you use the substructure technique to test the specimen. As a novice in the pseudodynamic test, I have a question about how to choose the substructure. I have read a paper talking about the interaction between the transfer structure and the shear wall. The paper demonstrate that there is 5% difference in the stress of beam between taking 4 and 5 floors shear wall above the transfer beam. So the author assume that take 4 floors of shear wall above the transfer structure is precise enough. But in your paper, there is only one floor of upper wall. So I want to know how to choose the substructure.
Best wish.
Letter Two 12/23
Professor Lam,
Hi, I am ×××. I have write the research proposal on seismic performance of transfer box girder. Can you review it and give me some suggestion to improvement? Especially on the experiment part. I am not familiar with those technique, and I am trying to study them by reading some papers. Thanks. And my resume and transcription is also in the attachment.
Best wish.
Letter Three 12/23
Professor Kuang,
Hi, I am ×××. I try to apply the research program in the university in Hong Kong. The thesis is focus on the transfer structure. I search the paper in ASCE and find some of your paper talk about the interaction between shear wall and transfer structure. So I reckon that you can give me some guide on writing the research proposal.
My research proposal on seismic performance of transfer box girder. Can you review it and give me some suggestion to improvement? Especially on the experiment part. I am not familiar with those technique now, and I am trying to study them by reading some papers. Thanks.
And my resume and transcription is also in the attachment.
Best wish.
1 Professor之前不加Dear,虽然不敢直接“加罪”说你不礼貌,但绝对是很别扭的开头。“此其一”
2 论坛上不要写自己真实姓名(这个是论坛守则,和套磁倒没有关系,已经帮你编辑掉)
3 语气完全不对。你的语气,只适合两种情况:a)教授是你小弟,大佬看不懂小弟的文章直接喊过来问话。。没见过开头用“hi“的。
4 你说你申请理工和科大,套磁信正文写的是university in Hong Kong,而不是具体某所大学。给人第一印象就是,你是群套的,这是大忌,“此其三”
5 缺少必要的自我介绍和研究背景,让教授摸不着头脑,“此其四”
6 当然也有可能是你背景太差,直接被秒杀
这些教授基本game over了,赶紧改套磁信吧,不然真抢救不过来了