本科留学简洁申请书 篇1
Dear _,
An experienced electronic engineer trained in China's major cradle of technological talents, I am submitting this document in support of my application for acceptance into your graduate program. With more than eight years of higher learning and quality research behind me, I now stand ready to pursue advanced studies and scale grander heights in my career.
Presently, I work at a leading Beijing-based center of telecommunications research and development, jointly run by Canada's Northern Telecom Ltd., one of the world's foremost IT enterprises, and the Beijing University of Yanjiu, a major higher-learning institution in IT technologies in China. Engaged in cutting-edge research and development at this center, I have accumulated a lot of advanced knowledge and expertise in IT technologies in a relatively short time.
I obtained this coveted position at such a respected international establishment on the strength of my research experience at the North China Institute of Computing Technologies, the country's oldest research organization in computer science. Exercising my diligence and creativity, I specialized in automation research and development in this institute, which not only gave me the opportunity to make full use of what I had learned at the university but also spurred me to constantly improve myself. I taught myself Computer Control Technology, Contemporary Control Theory, Electrical control Technology and Process Control & Automation Device, among other subjects.
Because of my strong skills in both hardware and software, I was appointed in 1995 the leader of a team to design the computer control system “Distributed Control System (DCS)”. Under my effective leadership, the team completed design of the system structure, development of the modules, and programming of the software, and system debugging all in less than one year. A real-time computer control system, it can be combined with 2048 channels. For this project, I independently designed the kernels-CPU module, two other modules and the I/O interface software. The system is now a leading product in China's automation industry.
My research successes were built upon my solid undergraduate training at Tsinghua University, widely considered China's best engineering school. Between 1989 and 1994, I studied at Tsinghua as a major of electronic engineering, concentrating on basic courses as well as courses of my major. These courses solidly grounded me in theories of telecommunications and endowed me with all-round expertise in both software and hardware engineering. At the time of my graduation, my overall GPA ranked me among the top 10% of about 200 students in my grade.
Taking advantage of Tsinghua's emphasis on hands-on experience, I did a lot of lab work in my undergraduate studies. In my third year, I joined the university's Laboratory of Information Systems. In the lab I successfully designed the “2Mb/s PCM Digital Interface (32 frames)” used in the analogue PBX (Private Branch Exchange). In 1993, I independently designed a “Speech Signal Processing Card” used in the SUN SPARC station. This successful development of this card ended the situation in which the SUN SPARC station could not be used for speech processing and other multimedia applications. In the course of these projects, I became versed in hardware structure of the RISC computer, UNIX operating system and programming. All this laid a firm foundation for my career advancement.
My academic standing was so strong that I was offered acceptance into Tsinghua's graduate school without the normally mandatory admission exams. That was a privilege available to only the very best of each crop of graduating students. But I declined the offer, figuring that I should gain challenging research experience behind me, I think the time has come for me to not only undertake graduate studies but also undertake graduate studies in a quality program in the United States.
Ideally, I would like to enter into a Master's program that would lead me into Ph. D. studies later on. In such a program, I would like to focus my studies on one or a combination of the following areas: Control Systems, Communications Engineering, Digital Signal and Image Processing, or Microcomputer Applications. I will bring to the program a professional background significantly enrich my knowledge, enhance my expertise, and sharpen my research skills. If you accept me, you should find, some years down the road, that I will be a leading scientist in China's efforts to develop its IT industries.
Yours sincerely,
美国大学有 400 多所,其中很大一部分是综合性大学,比如我们耳熟能详的哈佛、耶鲁等常青藤,加州大学伯克利分校这样的公立大学等。这些学校以科研和教学为主,在这样的学校里,国际奖项的获得者、杰出贡献者可能就是你的校友。这些学校科系设置齐全,师资力量强大,学生包括本科、硕士、博士。在这里你可以学你所学,发挥你的长处。
再有就是专门以教学为主的地区性大学,如加州州立大学系统。这些大学不参与综合性大学排名,只参与地区级排名。也有职业教育为主、门槛很低的社区大学。社区大学以门槛低、学费低、专业多样为特色,学生在这儿可以拿到大专学位,然后在转到综合性大学。尤其是在加州, 70% 的加州大学系统的学生是从社区大学转过去的。所以,只要我们想去美国上大学,总有一个学校适合你。
虽然综合性大学与文理学院的教育理念有所不同,但美国留学本科教育体制总体上差不多,只要同学们能够修完学分就可以申请毕业了。本科留学美国毕业需要几年取决于同学们修学分的速度。不过,同学们还需要明白一点,那就是一些美国本科学生在大一、大二的时候是不确定专业,只学习基础课程的。大三开始才修本专业的学分,一般也需要两年以上的时间才能修完本科毕业所需的学分。所以,一般来说,至少需要四年才能拿到美国留学本科毕业证。当然,和中国一样,美国大学的热门学校和热门专业一样需要竞争才能进,比如我们中国学生常说的金融、会计等商学院某些专业,还有计算机专业等,需要高的 GPA 才能进。同一个学院下,专业相对来说就比较好换。
本科留学美国只要你足够优秀,而且想在学业上进步,你是可以进入更好的学校的,这就是我们常说的转学。只要你大一,或者大二的成绩足够优秀,你就可以转到更好的学校。比较典型的例子就是美国总统奥巴马。他一开始读本科是在西方学院,大三转到了哥伦比亚大学,法学院则进入了哈佛大学。我们每年都会帮助很多学生从 100 名之外的学校转到顶尖,当然从国内高校也可以转学到美国大学。
美国大学招生需要看学生的硬性条件和软性材料两方面的成绩,而不像中国大学一考定终身,这样就给去美国读大学的孩子充足的准备时间,学生可以提前三到四年规划和准备。美国大学招生看重学生的高中各科成绩,而不是看总分,这就要求学生均衡发展,而不是偏科。去美国读大学虽然要求考托福和 SAT ,但允许孩子语言能力有一定的提高空间。此外,更重要的是,美国大学很看重学生学习之外的能力,如学生的领导力、毅力、社会责任感等。因为在提升这些能力的过程中,孩子们的各种能力都得到了提高。所以,能去美国读书的孩子一般都是智商和情商并重的学生。
美国SAT考试又称美国高考,是美国大学入学考试。美国SAT考试分成SAT逻辑考试 和SAT专项考试, SAT逻辑考试分成语文,数学,和作文三部分,满分为2400;其中数学部分(满分800分)内容相当于中国初中难度,大部分中国高中生只要经过一段时间的训练,都能够考取750分以上;一般情况下,美国前60名的学校在申请的时候都要求SATI,中国的高中生在接收一段时间的学习之后,总成绩大概在1600到2300之间。美国对美国SAT考试成绩要求较低的大概在1700左右。如果想申请30名之前的的学生,美国SAT考试成绩大概要达到以上。
GRE是美国研究生入学考试,与GMAT性质大致等同,GRE作为美国研究生学院的入学考试,适用于商科及法学以外的专业申请。GRE考试分两种,一是General Test,二是Subject Test。一般申请人考的都是general test,主要是考察学生的基本英语能力以及对英语各方面知识的深度和广度的掌握,包括写作、语文、数学三部分。GMAT 是 Graduate Management Admission Test 的缩写,GMAT中文名称为经企管理研究生入学考试。GMAT 考试不仅考查申请人的语言能力和数学能力,还要测试其头脑反应、逻辑思维和解决实际问题的能力。GMAT作为一种标准化考试,目前已被广泛地用于商学院的录取评估,是当前最为可靠的测试考生是否具备顺利完成工商管理硕士项目学习能力的测试系统。GMAT是帮助各商学院或工商管理硕士项目评估申请人是否具备在工商管理方面继续深造学习的资格的工具。除此之外,还有适用于法律考生的LSAT考试。GRE、GMAT、LSAT成绩有效期均为5年。
本科留学简洁申请书 篇2
▼▼更多申请书相关内容推荐(点击进入Dear _,In pursuing computer science I have been fascinated by technologies in general and computers in particular from the beginning. I possess a great thirst for knowledge and learning new disciplines and inspired by the subjects complexity and beauty. The intricacy of computing and its application in the world amazes me, such as the breaking of the enigma code for the victory of World War II, aiding the human genome project for scientific advances, algorithmic trading for increasing the efficiency of financial markets to sparking the digital revolution from the internet to wireless technologies. I also enjoy mathematics as it provides me with problem solving skills primarily calculus, trigonometry and its identities which for me is the pinnacle in mathematics.In my opinion every query has an explicit solution; we just need to construct ways of attaining them. Currently in college I have been introduced to programming and on other occasions I have programmed during my spare time. I program in Pascal and Visual Basic at college and tried games programming, my knowledge has developed by reading “V.B in 24 hours” by James Foxall, I found this very enjoyable yet challenging, introducing programming concepts. I have produced applications including a petrol pump simulation, a picture viewer amongst others. Additionally I have visited Land Rover in which I programmed robots to perform tasks such as movement of robots this increased my desire to study computing. I am deeply inspired by renowned figures in the industry such as Alan Turing, and his works such as the “Treatise of The Enigma” and the stored program concept with its historical birth. And John Atanasoff who created the first digital computer which has sparked my interest in a career within computing. I cherish Edsger Dijkstra comment that, “Computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes.” I appreciate that the computer science degree course will allow me to explore further in the subject, principally areas such as artificial intelligence, quantum computing, real-time systems the theories of computation including the complexity theory amongst others.I am highly interested by the theory of concurrency and quantum, advances in artificial intelligence and the open problems in computer science which I would like to pursue after graduation. I feel sincerely that my appetite for computer science has not yet been fulfilled and this course will meet my desires. I read regularly a broad spectrum of publications for example programming books on V.B and notably the Pc Weekly. This has increased my passion for computer science and noticeably has increased my knowledge of the subject. In my interest for the course I have came to know that the course of computer science is interesting and there is a huge variety of optional modules to select such as parallel algorithms, Neural Computing Etc. this will successfully allow me to specialise in a certain area.The computing course also integrates notions from maths, engineering and psychology which I find highly interesting. In studying computing I have realised computing is not just about a mouse, but each time I switch on a computer I visualise a computer in a different perspective i.e. the operating system, the various buses and the stored program concept add to the reality behind the complexities of the computer far beyond the graphical user interface to the concepts of computing.Distant from my studies I enjoy playing tennis, reading the observer on Sundays and enjoy Stephen Hawking's 'A Brief History of Time' from the curiosities of the black hole to the uncertainty principle. I like playing chess and participating in adventurous activities like hiking as I have been to the Scottish Highlands on numerous occasions in which I can get away from the bustle of the City to enjoy the beauty, serenity and tranquillity of the world. However in synopsis my academic pursuits are prioritised.Yours sincerely,5、申请材料:个人简历,护照首页扫描件,毕业证、签证申请表,健康证明等6、艺术类学生须提供个人作品。注意:乌克兰对留学生没有入学考试和语言要求。在乌克兰读完一年预科后只要通过预科语言考试即可申请升入大学。没有俄语基础的学生经过预科学习后一般都可通过该考试。4、健康证明和无爱滋病证明(公证在一起,带照片3张,到当地中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局〈防疫站〉体检)其结果大约需要10天。赴乌克兰留学的学生一般第一年先在大学预科学习10个月,除了打好语言基础,还学习一些乌克兰历史、计算机和数理化课程,数理化课程大都为我国中学已学内容,主要是为了适应俄语的表达。如果学生计划预科毕业后选读文科,那么就不必学数理化,而只需学习乌克兰文学、乌克兰地理等课程。如果是国内俄语专业的学生,具备一定的听说写能力,经审核可以直接进入大学本科就读。正常情况下,本科课程读4年,硕士研究生课程读1-2年,博士课程读3年。学生可根据自己的特长和爱好自由选择科系句子大全/,可以中途转校或转系。转校或转系后,也不必从头再读,只要把规定的课程补上即可。本科毕业后读研究生,一般不需要参加考试,只需本人申请、导师接受、系或校同意即可。2、语言要求:要有良好的英语水平,托福(TOEFL)成绩至少在500-550分之间;3、瑞典语水平:要能用瑞典语听课、做笔记、读参考书,通过由瑞典_主持的全国性瑞典文水平考试;要做到这一点,至少需在瑞典专门学习一年瑞典语;4、经济担保:本科学习时间延续较长,必须提供整个学习期间的经济担保,约30多的万克朗,才能拿到瑞典的入境签证和居留许可证。1、经瑞典驻华使馆领事处或公证处认证的高中以上盖有发证机关公章的毕业证书和成绩单;2、经权威机构翻译的上述文件的英文或法文、德文、瑞典文的翻译件;3、国际认证的英语水平考试成绩单;4、瑞典语水平证明;1、要确认中介机构是否得到国内有关部门的资格认定。2、要确认学校是否正规,国外正规的学校一般都有网址。3、在国内完成必要的本科学业,再出国学习。高中一毕业就出来会遇到好多意想不到的难题,像瑞典语就是一道关。大部分的学校,都是会为学生提供宿舍的选择的,而且中留学生又会有邮箱进行申请的资格,建议大家在拿到了录取的邮件之后,鞠志杰登陆进行申请表的填写,成功率很高。宿舍一般的规模会比较小,大家的生活基本需求可以满足,而且租金会相对便宜,基本一个月的水电租金开销会集中在3000元左右,是比较适合学生的选择,而且整体环境也较为安全。当然大家还可以选择一起进行合租,在选择室友上,一定要特别的小心和谨慎,因为这会直接影响大家在这里的日常生活,一般建议选择熟人,因为这样至少会有基础的了解,也更好沟通。合租的好处就是可以平摊所有的生活开销,大家的日常会有相对独立的生活,但是平时又能够互相帮助,适应新生活会更加有帮助,这种方式除了要承担房租外,还需要安排用水用电等开销,平摊大概3000-5000元之间。寄宿也是一种比较常见的方式,这样大家有机会进入到本地的家庭中,生活会有人进行引导,这会是适合生活的自理能力比较差的学生的选择,因为能够为大家安排好生活。提供寄宿服务的家庭,都是有机构进行统一的管理的,会审核资质,符合要求才可以接受留学生的申请,而且会受到比较严格的监管,如果有学生进行投诉,是会进行处罚的,租金在5000元左右。还可以选择自己单独租一个房间,一室一厅厨卫齐全的单间,虽然价格会稍贵,一个月加上租金需要4500-6500元之间,但是个人会有完全独立的空间,生活不会有人打扰。而且大家自由招待客人也不会有不方便的地方,还能够自己做饭节省餐饮费,也是比较热门的选择,不管哪一种方式都会有利有弊,大家根据自己的需求确认即可。本科留学简洁申请书 篇3
本科留学简洁申请书 篇4
Dear _,
I am an ambitious, creative and enthusiastic individual. Since childhood I have enjoyed maths, as it is challenging and consists mostly of problem solving. Therefore, wanting to further my career in accounting. I am a sociable individual who gets on well with others. I am computer literate; therefore I am familiar with software's such as Excel and publisher, and I believe that this skill will help with my progress in accounting. I work well on my own and within a group, which makes me an ideal candidate for an accounting degree
During my years at school not only have I gained nine GCSE's at grade C's or above including a grade B in Maths, but I have also taken part in many sporting events. I have achieved three medals of which one is gold in Athletics and two silver in Basketball and Rounders. I have also accomplished a compact certificate representing my 100% punctuality and attendance and emphasising my enthusiasm in my work and education. I was also a prefect, this symbolizes that I am a reliable individual with great potential
I have had a wide range of work experience in many fields such as teaching, pharmacy and as a sales representative, which has helped me develop my communication skills. I am also enrolling on a part-time, three-month managers course with McDonalds to widen my work experience. This course will include Health and Safety, time management and dealing with costumer complaints. During my experiences I have realised that accounting is the field of work I wish to proceed in this is because of previous work placements which I have enjoyed but not to the extent that I would with accounting.
本科留学简洁申请书 篇5
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am with great pleasure to submit this personal statement in support of my application for continuing my university education in your esteemed university and wish you could give my application a positive and favorable assessment.
Currently, I am a junior student in International College of Hubei Normal University majoring in Accounting. Thus, I have obtained great knowledge about business for the past three years. Depending on that, I have determined to pursue a Bachelor degree at your distinguished university. There are there reasons leading to me choose business, the most important reason is that I am very interested in business. In my opinion, handling good business is the same as successful work of art. That’s an exciting thing. The second reason is that I have already learnt it for three years, so I want to broaden my knowledge about business which will benefit my future life. The third reason is that I want to become a successful business lady which is my dream all the time.
To be honesty, I am an average student but I have diligent and strong confident heart. I believe that a good attitude can change bad situation. So I am always keeping a positive attitude on my life. I never ever give up any chance of promoting my study. During my three years in Hubei Normal University,I never fail a class and always do my best for assignment. However,in my mind, social activity is as the same important as class study. In my spare time, I took part in student union and took charge of minister in arts department. Our well-organized activities attracted many students to practice themselves. Last summer, I joined the Work and Travel Programme to be a staff in an American company for three months. I made good use of that chance to improve my oral English and tasted western culture. I think I can understand and adapt to a foreign culture in a short period.
I firmly believe that anyone could acquire success by their right way and fighting. This is one of the reasons why I want to go abroad. What’s more, I want to taste and accept some western education. I hope that I can learn more differences between Chinese and British university education and widen my horizon. Furthermore,as we know, UK is a very modern country. It owns the most advanced education system and top universities in the world. And graceful school environments deeply attract me. By the way, if I can learn in your university I would cherish and appreciate this chance. In the future, I also mean to apply Master’s Degree in UK. But after that, I will go back to my country and look for a job related to business.
I really want to own a colorful campus life in your school, further develop my overall capabilities including organizational ability, teamwork spirit etc. I believe I can adapt to a foreign life and acquire best degree. With all the above mentioned, in terms of my understanding of business and my enthusiasm for it, I hope that I can be up to the standard of the admission requirements in your university. I believe that my strong interest in this subject. last, my positive attitude and comprehensive ability will facilitate my successful completion of the proposed program. Thank you for your time!
本科留学简洁申请书 篇6
本科留学简洁申请书 篇7
Dear _,
I got my very first glimpse into law by watching my father, my hero, a Ph.D. of law and now the Chinese ambassador to Barbados. I have been inspired by his work as an international lawyer and a career diplomat while growing up. For many years, I have been preparing myself through academic and extra-curriculum activities, hoping that I can make a difference for the world. I believe pursuing the Master’s degree in Law at Cornell University will assist me in striving towards the goal.
With my dedication and my parent’s unconditional support, I successfully entered the …… University, one of the top law schools in China for legal education. I have explored a wide range of different law theories in the Civil Law field and had an opportunity to work on logical writing. It has been these years of study at …… University that has enlightened me and laid a solid foundation for my legal career.
In addition, I have also participated in various extra-curricular activities. As class monitor, the head of the Information Department in Student Committee, and the head of Research Department in our college, I am entrusted with many responsibilities. My leadership skills and organizational abilities have been greatly enhanced. Through various volunteer experiences, I have had more opportunities to help the under-privileged. All of these extracurricular activities are integral parts of a multiple legal education and have contributed to my professional growth.
Amid my strenuous study, I had an opportunity to participate in the American Legal System Study Program summer of my sophomore year and I was exposed to the great American culture. I engaged in an internship program at Michigan District Court, where I followed Judge ……. It was a great opportunity for me to see how the courts operate in the United States. The differences between the US and China legal systems provoked my curiosity. I was eager to explore how to ensure substantive justice in a case while following due process and how to apply precedents to different situations. I went on my second exchange study-abroad program to ……University fall of and participated in their LL.M. program. During this exchange study period, the issue of how to balance crime control and protection of human rights perplexed me. From then on, the thought of completing the LL.M. program in Cornell Law School, a school with unsurpassed legal education, has propelled me.
As a part of my degree, I interned at different legal departments. I was very fortunate to have an opportunity to intern at the Beijing office of ……. By involving myself in cases such as security offerings by Chinese corporate issuers and US security class actions against China-based companies listed on US stock exchanges, I became more aware of how a practicing lawyer gets involved in international trades. I researched on whether some foreign statutes are effective and I participated in legal work and preliminary drafting of research reports. It was the first time that I felt like I was making a contribution to society as lawyer. I sought for other internship opportunities to elevate my professionalism after my experience at ……. At Beijing …..People's Court, I learned the trial procedures in the Chinese court. Through drafting, imputing and proofreading legal documents, I have become more familiarized with the writing process and became more able to write with greater accuracy. The internship at Beijing …… Law Firm brought my overall abilities into full practice. From filing a marriage case, collecting evidences, putting it on trial to settling it, I participated in the whole process. With my sight set on more challenges, I would like to deepen my legal skills and be equipped for international experiences. To that end, pursuing an LL.M. at Cornell Law School seems to be the best option.
I believe that pursuing an LL.M. at Cornell University would provide me with the necessary foundation to understand the nuances and intricacies of different legal systems, and help me add an international perspective. I am most interested in taking courses at Cornell Law School such as International and Foreign Legal Research and International Law and Foreign Direct Investment, as well as being an active member of the Briggs Society of International Law. As one of the Ivy League universities, Cornell University combines outstanding, preeminent faculty with a diverse and talented student body. I would like to attend various special lectures and activities Cornell Law School offers to supplement the core curriculum. Completing the Cornell Law School’s LL.M. program will bring me to the next phase of my professional career.
Yours sincerely,